Anatoliy Kolot
1 publications
0 books
A deficit of decent work as a current trend in the development of social and labor sphere in Ukraine
Knowledge and Performance Management Volume 1, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 5-18
Views: 1827 Downloads: 428 TO CITESustainable development of the national economy is impossible without the creation of conditions for safe, high-quality, efficient work. The relevance of the study is explained by the need of methodological substantiation and development of theoretical and applied instruments for ensuring decent work. The scientific and practical significance of the study is to distinguish the forms of manifestation, to establish the causes of decent work deficit within the new economy and to determine the vectors of its overcoming in Ukraine. The results of the study are focused on generalization of the modern trends in the development of social and labor sphere in Ukraine and improvement of the concept of decent work to be used in practice in order to achieve progress in the social and labor sphere. The subject of the study is theoretical and applied principles of the concept of decent work as a basis for the development of mechanisms and instruments to overcome the deficit of decent work. The methodological platform of the study is formed by the general scientific and special methods: theoretical generalization; abstract and logical synthesis; induction and deduction; classification and typology; comparative and structural analysis that would allow carrying out multidirectional research of the progress (regress) in the sphere of work on different levels. The methodological basis for achieving this goal is the systematic and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of socio-economic indicators of decent work deficit. The purpose of the study is a scientific and theoretical substantiation of the decent work deficit and determination of strategic guidelines for its overcoming in Ukraine. In the article the authors present their view on the institute of decent work. Forms of manifestation and causes of decent work deficit are presented. The content of the article shows the relationship of the deficit of decent work and the precariat phenomenon. The authors present their vision of the concept of decent work as a strategic development of social and labor sphere and a major road towards elimination of the deficit of decent work in Ukraine.
Market, state and business in coordinates of the new economy
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #3 pp. 76-97
Views: 1048 Downloads: 219 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe formation of the new economy, which is replacing the industrial economy and has a multi-vector dimension1, causes deep transformations in all spheres of social existence, leads to the emergence of new forms and methods for organizing interactions between institutions that function in the area of socio-economic development. The relevance of the study is caused by the necessity of theoretical and applied substantiation of the new subjective composition and network interaction of these institutions. The scientific and practical significance of the research is to substantiate the formation and development of modern institutions and to establish a new format for their interaction within the framework of the new economy. The results of the study are aimed at identifying the latest trends in the modernization of institutes’ functions in the triad “market – state – business”. The subject of the study is the theoretical and applied principles of the social phenomenon “market – state – business”. The methodological basis for achieving this goal is systematic and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of redistribution of roles among these institutions and the improvement of their interaction in the process of ensuring sustainable development. The purpose of the research is a scientific and theoretical substantiation of the new configuration of the social phenomenon “market – state – business”. The principal position of the authors is their belief that a new interpretation should be given if not to all, but to the majority of categories and concepts that reflect the phenomena and processes occurring in the chain “market – state – business”. There is a need for a new, unorthodox, unconventional understanding of most of the phenomena and processes associated with the functioning of the leading institutions of the economy and society. The article presents the authors’ view on the contemporary role of each of the mentioned institutions, their interaction in the process of ensuring sustainable development. Particular attention is paid to the substantiation of the transformation of functions of the state and business under the current conditions. The authors demonstrate that the contemporary role and place of the leading institutions, which have to ensure sustainable development, need a new understanding.
Trust as an institute in the mirror of new challenges, imperatives and possibilities of socio-economic development
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 8, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 8-26
Views: 991 Downloads: 182 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯDynamic transformations of traditional horizontal and vertical links in the new, – network, – economy, increase the importance of trust as a fundamental principle of constructing effective socio-economic relations. The relevance of the study is contingent on the increase of the role, significance, functional load on social capital, which is based on the trust institute. The scientific and practical significance of the study lies in the identification of phenomena and processes that are a kind of “thrombi” on the path to the development of the institute of trust, and the substantiation of the modern scientific platform for the further development of a road map for building a trust society. The results of the study are aimed at substantiating the institute of trust in the system of factors of socio-economic development. The subject of the study is the theoretical and applied principles of the social phenomenon of trust in the conditions of the challenges and imperatives of the new economy. The methodological basis for achieving the set goal is a systematic approach in the research of trust as a system-forming dominant of social wealth. The purpose of the study is the scientific and theoretical substantiation of the construction of trust relations in the context of the possibilities of social and economic development. The carrier of relationships – a person, who is active, conscious, possesses knowledge, ethical norms, and motivational guidelines; is the bearer of socially significant moral and cultural values, is situated in the foreground of the concept of trust, which authors adhere to. On the basis of generalization of existing theoretical developments in the sphere of trust the modern scientific and practical angle of this phenomenon has been highlighted; the benefits that society receives from a high level of trust has been revealed; prerequisites of trust have been identified; the leading role of trust in formation and reproduction of social capital has been proven; the failure of the state in the development of the trust institute has been substantiated. Trust has been emphasized as a relationship of a bilateral reciprocal nature on the part of its counterparties. The authors argue that trust is a fundamental phenomenon, a process of both socio-economic relations and the functioning of public institutions and permeates the entire spectrum of horizontal and vertical connections that are formed in society.
Atomization of living space and diffusion of labor activity in the context of coronacrisis: manifestations, consequences and vectors of overcoming
Anatoliy Kolot, Oksana Herasymenko
, Yurii Marshavin
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 11, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 10-25
Views: 327 Downloads: 62 TO CITEThe symbiosis of new opportunities caused by the breakthrough technologies of the digital age (“big bang-1”) and new challenges and threats caused by sanitary and epidemiological requirements of the coronavirus pandemic (“big bang-2”) leads to a reduction in the living space of an economically active person. The ability to work remotely using information and communication systems (voluntary isolation), on the one hand, and quarantine restrictions (forced isolation), on the other, lead to atomization of a person. At the same time, the time boundaries between work and leisure are being erased, leisure acquires signs of precariousness, a convergence of work and leisure takes place. The relevance of this study is due to the need for a renewed awareness of what kind of format of labor activity will be there in the pandemic and post-pandemic era. Scientific and practical significance of the study is to determine restoration vectors of humancentered, socially acceptable living space of a man of labor, which will help overcome coronacrisis in the social and labor sphere. The main result of the study is the author’s mental model of metamorphoses of labor activity as a component of the new (ab)normality of pandemic and post-pandemic eras. The research subject is the theoretical and applied principles of atomization of the living space of economically active people and the diffusion of labor under the influence of new opportunities and constraints produced by the digital economy and the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. The methodological basis for achieving the set goal is a systematic approach that allows avoiding the fragmentary nature of research, one-sided judgments and conclusions in the study of the interrelated phenomena of living space atomization and labor activity diffusion. The aim of the study is to form scientific ideas about transformations taking place in the field of labor and leisure in the digital age under the influence of coronacrisis. It is proved that the coronacrisis gives rise to a new type of person – an atomized one, which is being increasingly exposed to «negative» individualism influence. The study outlines the contours of the mental model of the organization of work activity in the post-COVID period based on overcoming «negative» individualism, the emergence of a new philosophy of the time, and the formation of an updated concept of leisure culture. Also, the necessity of developing a consolidated multilevel model of social and labor relations in the new socio-economic reality and scientific and applied scenario of its implementation in the system of social and labor development of Ukrainian society is substantiated.
Digital transformation and new business models as determinants of formation of the economy of nontypical employment
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 10, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 33-54
Views: 912 Downloads: 496 TO CITEWith the development of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the formation of a new technological basis – “Industry 4.0” - a dynamic multi-vector transformation of the leading institutes of economy and society takes place, social and labor relations in general and employment in particular acquire new format and content. The quintessence of the article is a scientific-applied substantiation of the construct of nontypical employment economy, scientific argumentation and further development of previous researches of authors regarding determinants of gig-economy formation under the influence of economic and social development “digitalization” and emergence of new business models. that radically change all components of the world of work. New facets of the complex world of work and employment have been revealed and the increase of the newest knowledge in this field has been received under systematic research of a chain of changes: introduction of “Industry 4.0” breakthrough technologies → “digitalization” as a dominant vector of technological innovations → formation of new business models → changes in social division of labor and the content of labor processes → the emergence and intensive development of employment forms immanent to the new (digital) economy. It is substantiated that the main root cause, a kind of “trig- ger” for the emergence and reproduction of the chain of researched changes is digital transformation of the economy and society. The essence of today’s phenomena, which determine the development of the “gig economy”, is revealed. The argumentation of the spread of platform business models and their impact on the world of work and employment is given. A new theoretical construction of a chain of changes, the “output” of which is new forms and, a new platform for social and labor developmen t in general, has been suggested. The research focuses on finding answers to a number of questions posed to every conscious person. Among them are the following ones: Why can’t the modern economy “get along” with traditional (standard) forms of employment? Why does atypicality become not the exception but the norm? How do specific mechanisms and tools for transforming standard forms of employment into new ones, which are immanent to modern conditions of economic and social progress, behave in practice?
Transferable competencies of HR manager under global socio-economic changes
Anatoliy Kolot, Halyna Lopushniak
, Oksana Kravchuk
, Iryna Varis
, Ivan Ryabokon
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #1 pp. 322-341
Views: 1209 Downloads: 354 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯAccelerated digitalization, uncertainty, rapidly changing work environment, and the spread of remote employment due to quarantine restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have led to differentiated requirements for HR managers in different sectors of the economy and the need to get quickly adjusted to new working conditions. This implies an increased importance of transferable competencies for HR managers, especially in advancing their flexibility and expanding employment opportunities. That is why the study aims to develop a universal model of transferable competencies of HR managers based on the analysis of global and local trends in demand on the labor market. Furthermore, a methodological approach is used to assess these trends based on behavioral indicators in rapidly changing conditions. The paper used a comparative analysis of the international experience in forming HR competencies and trends in demand on the Ukrainian labor market. The findings highlight the current transferable competencies of HR managers. They included the abilities to communicate effectively, use digital technologies confidently, work in multitasking mode, manage people and projects, effective self-management, and work in a team. The developed model of transferable competencies of HR managers and methodical approach to their assessment based on behavioral indicators provide an opportunity to diagnose the level of their development for effective work of HR managers in a distant mode, opportunities for trans-professionalism, and career growth.
Global economic crisis of 2020 and a new paradigm of countercyclical management
Anatolii Poruchnyk, Anatoliy Kolot
, Pawel Mielcarek
, Yaroslava Stoliarchuk
, Denys Ilnytskyy
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #1 pp. 397-415
Views: 1867 Downloads: 667 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe new quality of globalization, which has emerged in the last decade and encompasses drastic changes in the economic, political and technological spheres, gives rise to a number of phenomena that violate the traditional logic of historical progress. One of them is the metamorphosis of the world economic cyclicity that emerged during the global 2020 economic crisis and led to a radical change in its nature, driving forces and regulatory mechanisms. The paper reveals the prerequisites for the crisis caused by traditional and emerging factors and proves its pandemic nature, which manifests itself, on one hand, in the synchronization of national business cycles, and on the other – in the integrative mutual influence of its political, institutional and environmental components. It has been proven that a particularly destructive role in the global regulatory mechanism was played by the “overlap” in space and time of the economic crisis and the health crisis provoked by the coronavirus pandemic. This requires an urgent systematic reform of global countercyclical management institutions based on a gestalt paradigm, which is qualitatively different in principles, goals and tools from the existing mechanisms for managing national economies and multinational enterprises. Scenario forecasts of the post-pandemic future of the world economy through overcoming the growing disintegration and deglobalization trends are outlined.
- business organizations
- cyclical nature
- decent work
- decent work deficit
- diffusion of labor activity
- ecology
- economy of nontypical employment
- functions of trust
- gig-economy
- global economic crisis
- globalization
- healthcare system
- HR competency model
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