Issue #2 (Volume 17 2021)
ReleasedJune 29, 2021
47 Authors
63 Tables
29 Figures
- advertisement perceptions
- agricultural exports
- anti-consumption
- app user engagement
- Arab advertisements
- automobile
- brand
- brand attitude
- brand engagement
- brand evangelism
- brand love
- brand placement
- business development
- cinema industry
- communication
- confidentiality
- consumer behavior
- consumer marketing
- continuous usage
- corn producers
- coronavirus
- crisis
- cultural variables
- customer
- digital healthcare service
- digital marketing
- direct marketing
- e-health literacy
- engagement
- expansion margin
- export quality
- factor analysis
- fuzzy multicriteria analysis
- generational cohort
- Germany
- green marketing
- health-related behavior
- Indonesia
- influencer marketing
- influencing factors
- information technology
- intermediary traders
- Islamic marketing
- law
- lead time
- lean inventory
- lift chart
- linear regression
- linguistic variables
- logical-linguistic model
- loyalty
- margin
- marketing channel
- marketing efficiency
- marketing strategy
- market segmentation
- millennials
- mobile CRM
- neuromarketing
- new product
- oppositional brand referrals
- OTT platforms
- pandemic
- personal data
- personal values
- positive brand referrals
- price margin
- product marketing
- prospective customer
- purchase intention
- quantity margin
- regulatory fit
- RFM model
- satisfaction
- situational analysis
- social impact
- social media marketing
- South Korea
- Special Region of Yogyakarta
- strategic supplier partnership
- structural equation model
- Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
- telecommunications
- term set
- TextRank algorithm
- Thailand
- Ukraine
- utilitarian benefit
- warm glow
- web series
Discovering the values of generation X and millennial consumers in Indonesia
Arief Helmi, Vita Sarasi
, Umi Kaltum
, Yogi Suherman
Millennials and Generation X (Gen-X) are the fastest-growing market segment in Indonesia. The study aims to discover the salient values of those generations and to investigate their value differences. Data were obtained via questionnaires from 200 respondents of each generation. The questionnaires measure the importance of the values of each generation, consisting of nine values from the List of Values established by Kahle (1986), namely Sense of belonging, Excitement, Being well respected, Fun and enjoyment, Security, Self-fulfillment, Self-respect, Warm relationships with others, and Sense of accomplishment. This study employed factor analysis to identify sets of values representing their underlying values. This method resulted in three inherent values of Gen X and two of Millenials. Gen X shows the importance of Achievement, Family enjoyment, and Social relationship. Meanwhile, the Millennials are conspicuous by the values of Social recognition and Self-pleasing. Companies that choose Gen X as their target market can use their above-mentioned values to be expressed in their marketing strategies. Meanwhile, those who choose Millennials may use the two inherent values of this generation. This study fills a research gap on the characters of the emerging young generation segments in the country that can be adopted to generate market segment characters in the country.
This work was funded by a research grant from the Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia. -
Analysis of cultural values of young Saudi citizens towards segmentation of commercial advertisements
Advertisement, being one of the most effective marketing tools, induces customers to purchase their products and encourages them to behave in a certain way. This study focused on the relationship between demographic and cultural values of young Saudi Arabians. Primary data was collected from a total of 284 respondents from the Riyadh region using an online survey. The survey questionnaire was adopted from previous relevant studies and modified according to the objectives of the understudy by considering the cultural values apparent to Saudi citizens. The corresponding sub-items were also designed on a 5-point Likert scale. Based on the theoretical aspects presented in the literature, the hypotheses were formulated to find the substantial contributions of the sample data. The correlation using SPSS revealed that gender and marital status had no relation to the segmentation of advertisements, whereas other vital cultural factors such as religion, language, manners and customs, social institutions, aesthetics, and traditions demonstrated a strong linkage with segmenting firms’ advertisements. The study revealed important implications for international product advertisers and market communicators. It also provided several directions for future researchers.
How to convert Millennial consumers to brand evangelists through social media micro-influencers
Innovative Marketing Volume 17, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 18-32
Views: 2375 Downloads: 1043 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯUndoubtedly, in the modern age of digitalization, Millennials, who are considered digital natives, have become a massive target market for salespersons. Changes in the way Millennials think accompanied by an explosion of social media have led to an increased focus on social media influencer marketing in the company sector. To help establish a new marketing paradigm that accounts for these changes, this research aims to conceptualize and investigate the process of building consumer-brand relationships with Millennial consumers through social media micro-influencers. Findings based on structural equation modeling revealed that four core characteristics of social media micro-influencers (i.e., authenticity, the meaning of the influencer, specific content, and secret sharing) were a significant antecedent of brand engagement and brand love, which, in turn, mediated the pathway from social media micro-influencer characteristics to brand evangelism. Understanding what social media micro-influencers mean to Millennials offers the promise of improving brand evangelism through more precise market analysis and market strategy. In the discussion, the paper introduces a three-stage building method towards brand evangelism through social media micro-influencer, including: (1) the stage of selecting influencers; (2) the stage of constructing intense emotional responses to the brand (brand engagement and brand love); and ultimately (3) the stage of becoming a brand evangelist. Lastly, limitations and future directions were discussed.
Brand placement in Web Series: Assessing consumer attitudes in India
Reports indicate that 49% of adults in India spend at least 2-3 hours consuming OTT media, rather than watching conventional television. With such changes in the way the general population is exposed to content, brands have also been adapting to the new patterns that this study investigates. This study was conducted to assess consumers’ attitudes and acceptance towards brand placement in the novel media format of web series based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This study, based on a survey of 278 individuals from Urban India settings, was conducted using a self-report questionnaire adapted from F Davis’s Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and User Acceptance of TAM questionnaire (1989). The study supports TAM and recognizes that the frequency of viewing Web Series directly relates to brand recall (R = 0.57, p < .001). Product/brand placement yields brand awareness for unknown or unpopular brands and provide evidence for higher engagement with the placement when the audiences have pre-existing positive attitudes towards the brand (t (277) = 27.11, p = .01). This study also confirms that TAM as a relevant model can be applied to understand how regularity and duration of viewing affect attitudes towards brands and their placement in Web Series. Brand placement in Web Series is perceived as useful and largely determines brand name recall. Thus, marketers should strategically consider using brand placement in Web Series as a part of their marketing communication plan, especially as this media with other related forms of advertisement are important for brands to keep up with the industry’s communication challenges.
The choice of a marketing channel to benefit corn producer’s welfare in Indonesia
This study aims to examine the marketing channel optionsavailable for corn producers in South Sulawesi, the production center in Indonesia, as well as impact of such a choice on their income level. The target group was corn producers and corn traders. The total sample comprised 150 people, consisting of 120 corn producers and 30 corn intermediary traders within South Sulawesi Province. The results showed that three marketing channels accessed by producers are zero-level, one-level, and two-level channels. The net profit margin obtained by intermediary traders per kg is different by types for each marketing channel due to different marketing activities leading to different costs spent. The most efficient marketing channel is the zero-level channel that conducts direct selling to breeders. It followed by the one-level channel (from farmers to collectors and consumers). Finally, the two-level channel (from producers to merchant traders) showed the lowest efficiency. It should be mentioned that the zero-level channel offers a slight price increase for producers compared to other channels. Its consumers only buy limited number of products so that it does not have a wide impact on producer’s welfare. The study also found high input costs spent to cultivate corn due to land rent, fertilizers, and pesticides.
The welfare of corn producers and marketing channel choice is part of an internal research grant project from Hasanuddin University. The research involves the regional government at village and sub-district level, and farmer groups in villages within the Province of South Sulawesi. -
Impact of the anti-consumption lifestyle on brand attitudes via green advertising: The moderating effect of message types
The purpose of this study is to examine how anti-consumption lifestyles affect the brand attitude through the benefits (utilitarian environmental and warm glow) of green advertising. It has been confirmed that the message types used in the advertising can influence the evaluation of brand attitudes, depending on whether the focus is on promotion or prevention. Respondents were gathered from 265 South Korean consumers. The survey data were regressed and the research hypothesis was verified using the Process Model. As a result, the anti-consumption lifestyle positively affects the brand attitude of green advertising through warm glow (βindirect = .073) and utilitarian environmental benefit (βindirect = .217). These results revealed that the anti-consumption lifestyle can influence brand attitude through warm glow and utilitarian environmental benefit. In particular, when the moderating effect of message types is verified, the warm glow can have a more positive effect on brand attitudes through a promotion-focused message (β = .1559, p = .05), and the utilitarian environmental benefit can have a more positive effect on brand attitudes through a prevention-focused message (β = –.226, p = .024). In conclusion, this study can provide insight into the lifestyle of target customers of eco-friendly advertisements and message types used in advertisements.
This work was supported by the Kyonggi University Research Grant 2019.
Inventory management and customers` satisfaction in the public health sector in Delta State, Nigeria: marketing analysis
Emmanuel Mitaire Tarurhor, Henry Osahon Osazevbaru doi:
Innovative Marketing Volume 17, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 69-78
Views: 1187 Downloads: 1134 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study investigates the effects of inventory management on customers` satisfaction with lead time as a moderator variable in government-owned hospitals in Delta State, Nigeria. It aims to contribute to the extant literature on inventory management and customer satisfaction in developing countries, focusing on Delta State in Nigeria. Two hundred and sixty-five (265) questionnaires were distributed, comprising one hundred and five to measure inventory management variables administered among Medical Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, and Medical Laboratory Scientist. Similarly, one hundred and sixty questionnaires designed to measure customer satisfaction were administered to Patients. The study adopts multiple regression and structural equation modeling to analyze the data. Also, studying the impact of inventory management on customers` satisfaction some marketing analysis approaches were used. The obtained results support the appropriateness of the model as lead time possesses the qualities of a moderator between strategic supplier partnership, lean inventory, and information technology that are proxies of inventory management and customer satisfaction. Besides, the results record a positive and statistically significant relationship between strategic supplier partnership, lean inventory, and customer satisfaction at a 5 percent level of significance, respectively.
In addition, lead time has a positive and statistically significant relationship with customer satisfaction. Impliedly, this study concludes that inventory management proxies and lead time drive customer satisfaction. Thus, the government is recommended to focus on the lead time to avert the dearth of basic inventories in the hospitals. -
Social impacts of the continuous usage of digital healthcare service: A case of South Korea
As untact communication is promoted in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, special attention is paid to remote medical examination and customized healthcare trends. General digital healthcare services among social community members positively affect individuals’ healthcare and reduce medical social services’ burden, contributing to the development of society. Accordingly, it is necessary to induce healthcare behaviors through the continuous usage of digital healthcare services among social community members and to examine significant social impact factors in this regard. This study empirically analyzes the impact of three social impact factors – social capital, social support, and social value – on the continuous usage of digital healthcare service with healthcare behaviors and e-health literacy as media. To this end, a survey was conducted among 363 individuals who had used digital healthcare services in Korea, and the statistical data were analyzed. Social capital and social value were found to affect healthcare behaviors, e-health literacy, and continuous usage intentions, but social support did not. Based on this result, it was confirmed that the factors regarded by digital healthcare service users as necessary were the values and perceptions shared in society and the group, information and active communication rather than direct public support.
Customer value and customer brand engagement: Their effects on brand loyalty in automobile business
Innovative Marketing Volume 17, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 90-101
Views: 1557 Downloads: 713 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study investigates the extent to which customer value affected brand loyalty among mid-sized automobile customers in Thailand. It`s focused on assessing whether customer brand engagement acted as an intervening variable in the relationship between customer value and brand loyalty. A questionnaire was distributed to a random sample of 380 current users of medium-sized passenger automobiles in Thailand; these participants were drawn from the list of automobile customers using a multistage sampling technique. The dealership customers were asked to complete an electronic survey using their cell phones. Structural equation modeling was applied to prove the theoretical model. All the model fit indices revealed that the model was reasonably consistent with the data. Results validated customer brand engagement composed of three dimensions using confirmatory factor analysis and its role as a mediator. The findings also provided novel insight into the interplay of the relevant variables and could be used as a guideline for managing automobile customers and promoting automobile marketing in the country.
Mobile apps in retail: Effect of push notification frequency on app user behavior
Atilla Wohllebe, Dirk-Siegfried Hübner
, Uwe Radtke
, Szilárd Podruzsik
Innovative Marketing Volume 17, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 102-111
Views: 2476 Downloads: 904 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯPush notifications are a core functionality of mobile apps and allow app publishers to interact with existing app users and send promotional content. Since every push notification can also interrupt or annoy app users, the frequency of push notifications is a critical success factor. This study investigates how different frequencies of push notifications affect the behavior of app users of mobile apps in retail. In an experiment with 17,500 app users, five different frequencies are tested over seven weeks, and the effects on real observed app user behavior are analyzed. The results show that as the frequency of the non-personalized push notifications increases, uninstalls increase, and the direct open rate of push notifications decreases. A significant influence on indirect opens cannot be proven. The results provide practitioners with important insights into the potential harm that a too high frequency of push notifications can cause. Furthermore, the results support the importance of relevant content tailored to the respective user.
Communication policy of cinema industry enterprises in the context of COVID-19 (on the example of cinema chains)
Svitlana Melnychenko, Anatolii Mazaraki
, Nadiia Vedmid
, Alla Okhrimenko
, Aliona Shtanova
Innovative Marketing Volume 17, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 112-124
Views: 1211 Downloads: 1160 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe global pandemic caused a crisis in the Ukrainian cinema industry. Some entities were closed, but the biggest market players were able to concentrate their efforts on interacting with visitors through social networks, public attention, frequent press mentions and discussions of influencers as synergies of communication policy tools.
The purpose of the paper is to make proposals for improving the communication policy of cinema chains under new challenges. Based on a system analysis and indices of activity in social media of ten key Ukrainian cinema chains during the COVID-19 period, the main trends of their behavior and vision of development were determined. Changes were detected in the product strategy. To increase the effectiveness of communication policy, a focus should be on enhanced communications with consumers, especially through the implementation of a content-plan for publications on Facebook and Instagram, including facts from the lives of actors or filmmaking process, uniting followers around the filming theme, interacting, etc. Based on the above, the proposals are made to strengthen communication policy: activating posting frequency, generating more interesting content, and focusing on engaging with the followers. It turned out that such changes affect the key quality efficiency of social media marketing in two cinema chains. Such events rebuild the online community of moviegoers, which fosters loyalty and increases in visitors in the post-pandemic period. In this context, the implementation of online cinema in cooperation with distributors will contribute to formatting an online platform aimed at attracting a larger number of consumers, regardless of external circumstances. -
Identifying customer priority for new products in target marketing: Using RFM model and TextRank
Innovative Marketing Volume 17, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 125-136
Views: 1165 Downloads: 312 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯTarget marketing is a key strategy used to increase the revenue. Among many methods that identify prospective customers, the recency, frequency, monetary value (RFM) model is considered the most accurate. However, no RFM study has focused on prospects for new product launches. This study addresses this gap by using website access data to identify prospects for new products, thereby extending RFM models to include website-specific weights. An RF model, built using frequency and recency information from website access data of customers, and an RwF model, built by adding website weights to frequency of access, were developed. A TextRank algorithm was used to analyze weights for each website based on the access frequency, thus defining the weights in the RwF model. South Korean mobile users’ website access data between May 1 and July 31, 2020 were used to validate the models. Through a significant lift curve, the results indicate that the models are highly effective in prioritizing customers for target marketing of new products. In particular, the RwF model, reflecting website-specific weights, showed a customer response rate of more than 30% among the top 10% customers. The findings extend the RFM literature beyond purchase history and enable practitioners to find target customers without a purchase history.
Factors influencing the formation of consumer engagement and consumer satisfaction with e-learning activities
Singgih Santoso doi: Marketing Volume 17, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 137-148
Views: 1048 Downloads: 267 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe COVID-19 pandemic that plagued the world has resulted in many e-learning software that drove virtual learning activities to jump sharply and began to replace face-to-face meetings. This paper aims to find out the influence of digital readiness, technical and information quality, instructor quality, e-learning adoption and attitude on consumer engagement, and consumer satisfaction with e-learning performance. The study was conducted in the form of a quantitative survey at Duta Wacana Christian University in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, over the period from June 2020 to September 2020. The study sample using the purposive random sampling technique consisted of 175 students as respondents. Various statistical methods, including descriptive and structural equation modeling, were used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses of the model. Key findings were that there is a statistically direct impact of digital readiness, technical and information quality, e-learning adoption and attitude, and instructor quality on consumer engagement, and thus consumer engagement influences consumer satisfaction positively and significantly. With these results, tutorial activities need to be implemented for the use of popular e-learning software and related technological literacy, because the need for e-learning software will be even more massive in the future.
Measuring the commercial potential of new product ideas using fuzzy set theory
Maksym W. Sitnicki, Valeriy Balan
, Inna Tymchenko
, Viktoriia Sviatnenko
, Anastasiia Sychova
Innovative Marketing Volume 17, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 149-163
Views: 975 Downloads: 296 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe stage of selecting creative ideas that have the prospect of further commercial use and can be used to create new products, services, or startups is one of the most complex and important stages of the innovation process. It is essential to take into account expert opinions and evaluations, often vague and ambiguous. The study aims to develop a methodological approach to measure the commercial potential of new product ideas based on fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic. To this end, three calculation schemes are developed: the first two are based on fuzzy multicriteria analysis using Fuzzy SAW and Fuzzy TOPSIS methods, respectively; the third is based on building a logical-linguistic model with fuzzy expert knowledge bases and applying fuzzy inference using the Mamdani algorithm. Fuzzy numbers in triangular form with triangular membership functions are used to present linguistic estimates of experts and fuzzy data; the CoA (Center of Area) method is used to dephase the obtained values. For practical application of the proposed algorithm, the model is used as an Excel framework containing a general set of input expert information in the form of linguistic estimates and fuzzy data, a set of calculations using three schemes, and a set of defuzzification of the obtained results. The framework allows for simulation modeling depending on the modification of the list of defined evaluation criteria and their partial criteria, and adjustments to expert opinions. The developed methodological approach is suggested for the initial stages of the innovation process to facilitate the assessment of creative ideas and improve their implementation.
This scientific paper is published with the support of the International Visegrad Fund. -
Marketing potential of the Sino-Russian bilateral agricultural export market
Innovative Marketing Volume 17, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 164-176
Views: 939 Downloads: 435 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯChina and Russia are important agricultural countries in the world. Expanding exports and increasing sales of agricultural products play an important role in the economic development of both countries. To understand the current situation of agricultural exports of the two countries and formulate strategies to expand the marketing of agricultural products, this paper uses the UN Comtrade Database 2009-2018 on Chinese and Russian bilateral agricultural export sales and other trade data to calculate the (expansion margin) and (price margin) of agricultural exports, (quantity margin), to analyze the types, prices, and quantities of exported agricultural products. The results show that China exports to Russia mainly labor-intensive types of agricultural products such as processed agricultural and horticultural products, accounting for 87.46% of total agricultural exports on average. The increase in exports is mainly due to the continuous increase in the prices of exported agricultural products. Russia exports to China mainly land-intensive types of agricultural products such as animal products, grains, oilseeds and fat products, which accounted for an average of 79.07% of total agricultural exports. The increase in exports was mainly due to the continuous increase in types and quantities of agricultural products to develop the export potential of agricultural products and expand sales. In addition, China should expand the types and quantities of agricultural products exported, and Russia should increase the added value of agricultural products and raise the export prices of agricultural products.
Starbucks coffee corporation’s marketing response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Conner V. Lombardi, Neejad T. Chidiac
, Benjamin C. Record
Innovative Marketing Volume 17, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 177-188
Views: 17307 Downloads: 15631 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has a significant influence on businesses and marketing strategies across the globe, including Starbucks Coffee. The COVID-19 pandemic has been completely novel in its unprecedented impact on the modern globalized economy. This in-depth analysis of this coffeehouse provides recommendations that were carefully considered within the context of the current public health crisis. The objective of this study was to systematically analyze the strategic marketing approach of Starbucks Coffee to generate recommendations that can not only be applied to Starbucks but marketing endeavors more broadly. A comprehensive review approach was adopted beginning with a thorough situational analysis. Problems and opportunities related to the marketing of Starbucks Coffee were investigated and recommendations were generated. All stages of the study were robustly supported with relevant citations. Starbucks has matrixed a complex corporate structure that supports not only its survival but its continued development even in an increasingly dense and competitive marketplace. While Starbucks must continue to intermittently reevaluate its key problems and key opportunities, especially in the approaching few financial years, the company is operating with impressive effectiveness through the adversities of 2020 thus far. After a careful analysis, Starbucks Coffee should increase the distribution of products that are more likely to succeed during the COVID-19 pandemic, expand pick-up and delivery services, implement additional store locations in underdeveloped geographic market segments, and utilize its vast array of promotional mediums to optimize brand positioning as they approach a reopening world.
Neurotechnologies in the advertising industry: Legal and ethical aspects
Oleksii M. Skriabin, Dmytro B. Sanakoiev
, Natalia D. Sanakoieva
, Vita V. Berezenko
, Yuliia V. Liubchenko
Innovative Marketing Volume 17, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 189-201
Views: 1319 Downloads: 779 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯAs a result of technological and information development, there is a rapid spread of neurotechnology in the advertising industry, which sparks debate among law and marketing scholars regarding ethics, reasonability and legality of their use. The paper aims to identify possible ways to increase the effectiveness of regulatory and ethical aspects of using neurotechnology in Ukraine’s advertising industry. Based on a systematic analysis of theoretical experience and regulatory legal acts, the main threats to the development of neuromarketing are identified. The lack of a neurotechnology law, the distinguishing between “neuro data” and “personal data”, cyber-hacking risks, the lack of an interaction model between the state and advertisers are deemed to be regulatory shortcomings. Possible ways to optimize the legal regulation of the neurotechnology use are the development of a neurotechnology law, the legislative enshrinement of the neuro data concept, the introduction of restrictions on neuro data use depending on the industry and purpose, increased cybersecurity level. Threats to the ethical use of neurotechnology include low public awareness of neurotechnology and personal rights of citizens, lack of training activities for marketers and advertisers in the field of neuroscience. It is possible to overcome ethical threats through educational and informational work for marketers, advertisers and citizens. A comprehensive solution to the ethical and legal shortcomings of neurotechnology use will increase the neurotechnology development level, the proficiency level of marketers and advertisers, as well as improve the legal system in Ukraine.