Issue #2 (Volume 8 2018)
ReleasedMarch 20, 2019
12 Authors
13 Tables
9 Figures
- average wage
- balanced social development
- cluster analysis
- compensation policy
- corporate social responsibility
- education
- employment
- factor
- factors of fictivization
- fictitious human capital
- functions of trust
- Gross Replacement Rate
- health care
- human development
- human security
- internal social responsibility
- k-means
- labor market
- life insurance companies
- migration processes
- minimum wage
- non-state pension funds
- personnel adaptation
- personnel assessment
- personnel development
- recruitment
- regions of Ukraine
- security
- social and labor relations
- social and labor sphere
- social capital
- social investments
- socially responsible practices
- social reporting
- social responsibility
- stakeholders
- the Accumulation fund
- the accumulative level
- the Pension Fund of Ukraine
- the pension system
- the system of compulsory state social insurance
- transport
- trend
- trust
- types of trust
- workforce capacity of the enterprises
- сorrelation and regression analysis
Analysis of the human security in Ukraine in a regional perspective
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 8, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 1-7
Views: 800 Downloads: 137 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article investigates the theoretical aspects, features and the main directions of development of human security concept. On the basis of systematization of scientific sources; and summarizing the experience of scientists, whose works are devoted to the problems of analysis and assessment the level of human security, the author improved the system of indicators that underlies the classification regions of Ukraine. According to the results of cluster analysis, the regions are grouped into six clusters. The article analyzes the dynamics of quantitative distribution regions of Ukraine according to the selected clusters. In the research process, we defined the cores with a constant composition of regions and presented the characteristics of each cluster. It is interesting to note that the appearance of the last (sixth) cluster has been observed since 2014, according to a number of objective reasons. The results of the study indicate a rather pronounced unevenness in the state of human security in the regions of Ukraine.
Trust as an institute in the mirror of new challenges, imperatives and possibilities of socio-economic development
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 8, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 8-26
Views: 1014 Downloads: 190 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯDynamic transformations of traditional horizontal and vertical links in the new, – network, – economy, increase the importance of trust as a fundamental principle of constructing effective socio-economic relations. The relevance of the study is contingent on the increase of the role, significance, functional load on social capital, which is based on the trust institute. The scientific and practical significance of the study lies in the identification of phenomena and processes that are a kind of “thrombi” on the path to the development of the institute of trust, and the substantiation of the modern scientific platform for the further development of a road map for building a trust society. The results of the study are aimed at substantiating the institute of trust in the system of factors of socio-economic development. The subject of the study is the theoretical and applied principles of the social phenomenon of trust in the conditions of the challenges and imperatives of the new economy. The methodological basis for achieving the set goal is a systematic approach in the research of trust as a system-forming dominant of social wealth. The purpose of the study is the scientific and theoretical substantiation of the construction of trust relations in the context of the possibilities of social and economic development. The carrier of relationships – a person, who is active, conscious, possesses knowledge, ethical norms, and motivational guidelines; is the bearer of socially significant moral and cultural values, is situated in the foreground of the concept of trust, which authors adhere to. On the basis of generalization of existing theoretical developments in the sphere of trust the modern scientific and practical angle of this phenomenon has been highlighted; the benefits that society receives from a high level of trust has been revealed; prerequisites of trust have been identified; the leading role of trust in formation and reproduction of social capital has been proven; the failure of the state in the development of the trust institute has been substantiated. Trust has been emphasized as a relationship of a bilateral reciprocal nature on the part of its counterparties. The authors argue that trust is a fundamental phenomenon, a process of both socio-economic relations and the functioning of public institutions and permeates the entire spectrum of horizontal and vertical connections that are formed in society.
Social responsibility as a factor in ensuring the competitiveness of a business organization
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 8, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 27-34
Views: 1298 Downloads: 255 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article investigates manifestations, trends and dominants of the concept of social responsibility of business; its impact on balanced social development has been determined. The active role of social responsibility in ensuring the stability and competitiveness of business processes has been substantiated. The aim of the research is to determine the impact of socially responsible practices on the socio-economic development of a business organization in modern conditions. The author determined his own interpretation of corporate social responsibility after having researched its essence and its impact on social and business processes. The list of potential benefits for a business organization from realization of social investments has been specified and supplemented. The content and essence of the construct of a socially responsible organization which focuses on the development and successful functioning in a dynamic market environment have been distinguished. The sphere of interaction of the business organization with the main stakeholders has been analyzed and potential directions of establishing a constructive dialogue that will have a positive impact on the stability and success of business processes have been outlined. Sociological research on the evaluation of the perception of social responsibility by business organizations in Ukraine and awareness of its values, trends and benefits has been analyzed. Conclusions regarding directions of strengthening of forming the environment of facilitating the spreading of the concept of corporate social responsibility have been justified. Keywords: corporate social responsibility, stakeholders, balanced social development, socially responsible practices, social investments, social reporting.
Factors of human capital fictivization: current trends and influence on the processes of reproduction of human capital
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 8, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 35-41
Views: 741 Downloads: 103 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe proliferation of unproductive forms of human capital, deepening of the processes of its digitization, which is currently taking place in the sphere of education, health care and social and labor sphere, is a rather threatening trend for the national economy. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to study the influence of the main factors of the process of the formation of labor potential, the development, use and preservation of human capital in the field of education, health care and social and labor sphere, as well as substantiation of the ways of reducing the negative influence of the factors of digitization. The existing asymmetries in socio-economic development are described, the deepening of which contributes to the spread of unproductive forms of human capital are described by the author. In the educational sphere, it is primarily the reduction of the quality of educational services and corruption; low wages; low level of academic integrity, etc. In the health sector, the processes of filing are primarily due to the poor state of the material base of the national state health care institutions; low wages in state health care institutions; low availability of quality medical services for the general population; insufficient distribution of a culture of health support throughout life, etc. In the social and labor sphere of human capitalization, the following factors contribute to the following: low wages in the whole economy; low social stability, low social guarantees; orientation of entrepreneurs for «fast results», short-term planning; discrimination of certain categories of people in the labor market; low level of social responsibility of the state, etc.
Substantiating the factors of influence on the employment level in the transport industry of Ukraine
Valentyna Smachylo, Liudmila Kalinіchenko
, Elena Arshava
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 8, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 42-55
Views: 764 Downloads: 107 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe trends and problems of the national labor market are projected in various economic sectors, supplemented by specific features determined by the peculiarities of a certain sector. The formation of workforce capacity in the transport industry of Ukraine has a particular significance; this branch is the main infrastructure component of the sustainable development of the economic system of any level, ensures national economic security, and deals with the logistics complex as a whole. This is the reason why consideration of the global, national, and local tendencies of labor markets’ development and identification of the main determinants of influence on the endogenous environment is necessary for the enterprises of the transport industry, which creates the need for a research in this area. The main trends of the labor market development at all levels of the economic system – from global to industry – have been determined. The multidirectional tendency has been revealed: on the one hand, the industry shows a negative tendency to decrease in volumes in kind, and it is logical to assume that the need for personnel will also decrease, and on the other hand, there is an increasing number of job vacancies. This indicates the imbalance between national and sectoral economic systems and the management of economic processes “in manual mode”, and the need to forecast the number of employees in the industry as the basis of the workforce capacity of transport enterprises. The factors influencing the number of employed in the transport industry have been substantiated: cargo turnover, passenger turnover, and salary level, and a hypothesis for assessing their impact is suggested, which is confirmed by a correlation and regression analysis, which made it possible to generate a forecast model of the number of employed depending on the substantiated factors. The developed model may be applied to predict the number of people employed in the transport industry, taking into account the above factors.
The improvement of management of social and labor relations as one of the directions of economic development
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 8, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 56-68
Views: 797 Downloads: 121 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article deals with the main problems in management of social and labor relations, which are vital for economic development. The relevance of the research in accordance with the attempts of Ukraine to get closer to European standards of quality of life while minimize existing demographic problems, increasing inequality, impoverishment of the population, deterioration in the quality of labor resources is proved. The purpose of the research is to identify the main problems of social and labor relations related to employment of the population and to justify ways to improve their management and determine practical recommendations for the implementation of effective economic and social policies in this direction. In order to provide solutions to scientific problems general scientific methods are used in the research. They allow determining the state of employment of the population, its dynamics, compliance with the minimum wage in Ukraine, as one of the main standards, guaranteed by the state, similar to the standards adopted in the European Union; also perform comparisons of the average wage in Ukraine with other countries. Taking into account significant migration trends, the causes, characteristics and consequences of internal and external migrations for the socio-economic development of the country are analyzed. As a result, it is proved that for the regulation of the labor market a general improvement in the economic situation and capital investment activity is needed, which will allow increasing in the number of jobs and labor requirements. Thus, the main task of effective regulation of the social and labor sphere should be the creation of satisfactory economic conditions for the sustainable and expanded reproduction of the total labor force in accordance with the needs of the country and its regions. According to the results of the research, the measures to improve the system of state and regional regulation of social and labor relations, which would correspond to existing market relations, sustainable economic development of the country and take into account the economic interests of all participants in social and labor relations in society, are proposed.
Socially responsible interaction of a business-organization with an internal stakeholder
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 8, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 69-74
Views: 753 Downloads: 99 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of the article is to clarify the essence of social responsibility in the field of engagement, interviewing and recruiting. The object is defined by the internal social responsibility of the employer, which covers the processes of hiring and adaptation, motivation, development and evaluation of their own personnel, which is the main stakeholder of the organization. Modern methods of research, in particular: scientific abstraction (in the study of the essence of categories of corporate social responsibility, a system approach (to justify the principles that influence corporate social responsibility), etc., are used to achieve the stated goal and to solve the above tasks. The provisions and conclusions of the work are a system of measures aimed at ensuring productive employment, a fair compensation policy, creating conditions for the full development of human potential, taking into account the own interests of the main business goals and development strategies of the enterprise. Principles of employer's social responsibility in compensation policy are revealed. They are: decent wages, social support of employees; catering and payment for employees’ medical services; improvement of employees’ health; employees’ leisure time; employees’ health care; assistance in critical situations; financial support; additional medical and social security; positive psychological climate in the team. Components of organization social responsibility in the sphere of professional training are investigated. They are: training and development; forming of employees’ individual development plans; selection of employees forms and methods of training; definition of training efficiency indicators; employees’ professional mobility; planning and career management; formation of personnel reserve etc. It is established that personnel development includes: training programs, professional development, trainings, internship, corporate universities, grants, research and practical development, innovative employment through the “knowledge economy”, favorable conditions for growth of personnel creative potential.
Current state of pension reform in Ukraine
Olha Dymnich doi: and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 8, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 75-85
Views: 968 Downloads: 140 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe current phase of Ukraine’s development characterizes by a complex of external and internal challenges, which provoked a deep economic crisis in the country, led to a serious deterioration of the living standards, exacerbated social tension. The way to overcome the economic crisis lies in the implementation of complex long-term economic reforms that require the support of the entire society based on national cohesion, unity and trust to the government. In this context, reliable social protection of the population is becoming one of the main factors of national security in Ukraine. This requires the government to rethink the fundamentals, ideology, strategy and tactics of financial policy in the field of social risk management as well as cardinal practical steps to increase the role and significance of the basic institution of social protection of the able-bodied population in market economy countries - the social insurance system. The balance of the state social insurance system depends on the financial equilibrium of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, which concentrates about 90% of its financial resources. The path to such an equilibrium lies in the transition to a three-pillar pension system. However, this is possible only if our country achieves economic stability. Premature forced state compulsory accumulative insurance (second pillar of the pension system) under the crisis conditions will create a threat of social tension aggravation. Thus, under current economic conditions, the introduction of the second pillar of the pension system, although it is an objective necessity, requires clear economic preconditions, the main are: restoration of GDP growth based on overcoming the crisis in the real sector of the economy; the hryvnia exchange rate stabilization; growth of the average monthly wage in the country etc. Actuality, practical significance as well as insufficient elaboration of this problem caused the choice of the topic of the article, determined its purpose, task, logic and content.