Factors of human capital fictivization: current trends and influence on the processes of reproduction of human capital
Article InfoVolume 8 2018, Issue #2, pp. 35-41
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The proliferation of unproductive forms of human capital, deepening of the processes of its digitization, which is currently taking place in the sphere of education, health care and social and labor sphere, is a rather threatening trend for the national economy. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to study the influence of the main factors of the process of the formation of labor potential, the development, use and preservation of human capital in the field of education, health care and social and labor sphere, as well as substantiation of the ways of reducing the negative influence of the factors of digitization. The existing asymmetries in socio-economic development are described, the deepening of which contributes to the spread of unproductive forms of human capital are described by the author. In the educational sphere, it is primarily the reduction of the quality of educational services and corruption; low wages; low level of academic integrity, etc. In the health sector, the processes of filing are primarily due to the poor state of the material base of the national state health care institutions; low wages in state health care institutions; low availability of quality medical services for the general population; insufficient distribution of a culture of health support throughout life, etc. In the social and labor sphere of human capitalization, the following factors contribute to the following: low wages in the whole economy; low social stability, low social guarantees; orientation of entrepreneurs for «fast results», short-term planning; discrimination of certain categories of people in the labor market; low level of social responsibility of the state, etc.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J24, J28, C15, D81
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