Svitlana Khalatur
2 publications
0 books
The role of some indicators of financial security in Ukraine in the context of transnationalization and national interests
Svitlana Khalatur, Galina Pavlova
, Kateryna Zhylenko
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 15, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 237-248
Views: 960 Downloads: 130 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article analyzes some indicators of Ukraine’s financial security in the context of transnationalization and national interests. On the basis of the obtained results, the role of financial security in the context of transnationalization and national interests has been determined, directions for strengthening the financial security of the country have been proposed.
The main objective of the study is to determine the role of Ukraine’s financial security in the context of transnationalization and national interests, based on the study and evaluation of some financial security indicators. The methodology of the research is based on the early prevention of threats to financial security of Ukraine in the context of transnationalization and national interests, based on both macroeconomic and financial data from the entire financial system. The regression models were used, because they work dynamically and change as information changes. Diagrams can be used by financial analysts to understand the investment attractiveness of the country at the current time with the current level of financial security. Standard models are designed to predict the financial stress and threats to financial security. Financial security models must be built with the support of macroeconomic knowledge, assessment of other risks and expert interpretations, used to get the highest value in the research.
The procedure of simulation of financial security indicators of the country has been given. The use of correlation and regression analysis for forecasting the financial security indicators in Ukraine has been substantiated. The links between the indicator variables have been analyzed. The general view of model relations between financial security indicators in Ukraine has been determined, their statistical analysis has been carried out and the necessity of forecasting the financial security indicators of Ukraine has been substantiated. -
Assessment of bank lending diversification in Ukraine
Svitlana Khalatur, Kateryna Zhylenko
, Yuliia Masiuk
, Liudmyla Velychko
, Mykola Kravchenko
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 13, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 141-150
Views: 1186 Downloads: 167 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯAt the present stage, commercial banks conduct their activities under constantly changing general economic, social and political conditions, which influence the reliability and efficiency of banking institutions performance. Nowadays, the problems of comprehensive assessment of the efficiency of main banking operations as well as the reliability of the Ukrainian banking system became relevant.
The purpose of the paper is to study the current state and diversification of bank lending in Ukraine, the problems that arise in the national economy due to the deteriorating performance of the banking system of Ukraine. The analysis has shown that a certain stable but not effective loan activity of Ukrainian banks for a long period of time was observed. Also, there is a demand for credit resources, which is currently not completely fulfilled.
The recommendations provided in this article contribute to the development of bank lending and the related increase in entrepreneurship and successful lucrative enterprises in Ukraine. Also, the analysis has revealed the direct correlation of the domestic credit provided by the financial sector with 14 relevant indicators and inverse dependence with 6 indicators. -
Modelling of strategic managerial decisions in the system of marketing logistics of enterprise
Oleksandr Velychko, Liudmyla Velychko
, Mykola Butko
, Svitlana Khalatur
Integrated decisions in the system of the marketing logistics are the main resource for providing the efficient management of the value chain. Moreover, there is not a sufficient number of methodological approaches, which could use in complex the principles of the integrated modelling of decisions in the operational systems “procurement marketing – supply logistics” and “sales marketing – distribution logistics”. Considering that fact, the methodology of selecting strategic alternatives based on the integrated modeling in separate marketing logistics chains and in stage-by-stage formation of the supply chain participants has been developed in the article. The research is based on the application of the AHP method and the method of planning “dual sourcing” (70/30) for grounding the selection of the supply strategy at the market of material resources; methods of optimal planning according to Bayes criterion, linear programming and logistics modelling – for grounding the selection of the managerial decisions on the strategy of distributing the ready produce. The research covers, firstly, grounding the essence of the marketing logistics through the systemic approach to identification of its main and servicing business processes; secondly, improvement in the process of planning decisions in the procurement marketing system by adding the procedure of the logistical selection of the hierarchical estimation with a different degree of advantages in alternative supply strategies; thirdly, formation of the cascade integrated approach toward selection of the alternative distribution channels for the finished produce by estimating the complex marketing effect and application of the logistical model of optimal distribution.
Global deoffshorization and its impact on the national and regional economies of eastern european countries
Svitlana Khalatur, Gediminas Radzevicius
, Liudmyla Velychko
, Valeriia Fesenko
, Lesia Kriuchko
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 17, 2019 Issue #3 pp. 293-305
Views: 1242 Downloads: 293 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn recent years, deoffshorization is a trend and dozens of countries have already started an open fight against offshore accounts. Ukraine is moving to complete deoffshorization in accordance with the new rules for exchanging information on financial accounts and BEPS rules. The purpose of the study was to search for optimal solutions for further improvements in the field of deoffshorization of the national and regional economy of the Eastern European contries, in particular Ukraine. The following methods were used to solve the problems in the work: induction and deduction (in the study of offshore types, the definition of interconnection and interdependence between them), abstract-logical (in generalizing the theoretical foundations of economic deoffshorization ), econometric-statistical (in assessing the state and dynamics of export-import operations of Ukraine with offshore jurisdictions), statistical analysis.
On the basis of theoretical and empirical conclusions, the main consequences, which are the result of the study of global deoffshorization in conditions of financial control and its influence on the national and regional economy of Ukraine, are presented. The article provides a correlation analysis of the dependence of the export index to the UK from Ukraine with export, import and balance of offshore countries. A study was conducted on the presence or absence of a relationship between the volume of balance, exports and imports from Ukraine to the United Kingdom with the macroeconomic indicators of the national economy of Ukraine. -
Financial instruments and innovations in business environment: European countries and Ukraine
Svitlana Khalatur, Zenon Stachowiak
, Kateryna Zhylenko
, Oksana Honcharenko
, Oleksandr Khalatur
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 16, 2019 Issue #3 pp. 275-291
Views: 974 Downloads: 176 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯOne of the most crucial tasks for the national economies development both in European countries and Ukraine is stimulating and ensuring sustainable economic growth. For this purpose, all states develop an innovative sphere and use financial different instruments. The aim of the article is determining the impact of financial instruments and innovations on business environment development of the national economy of Ukraine in comparison with European countries in order to create successful and effective business environment in Ukraine for foreign investments. The paper examines the impact of foreign direct investments and domestic loans on the Global Innovation Index 2018 using two-factor analysis of variance. The null hypothesis of an interaction effect (factor A (foreign direct investments, net inflows) and factor B (domestic loans of financial sector) doesn`t exert an interaction effect on result Y (Global Innovation Index)) was rejected. Also the combination of foreign indicators, direct investments and domestic loans has a significant impact on the Global Innovation Index. Practical recommendations should provide a comprehensive approach to assessing the use of financial instruments in order to encourage the investments. Thus, overcoming the uneven distribution of innovations and investments should provide using the global financial resources.
A model for analyzing the financial stability of banks in the VUCA-world conditions
Svitlana Khalatur, Liudmyla Velychko
, Olena Pavlenko
, Oleksandr Karamushka
, Mariia Huba doi:
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 16, 2021 Issue #1 pp. 182-194
Views: 2557 Downloads: 604 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯVUСA is a chaotic and rapidly changing business environment that, based on the variability, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of the modern world, transforms the approach of banks to the analysis of financial stability. The aim of the paper is to improve tools for monitoring the impact of VUCA-world conditions on the financial stability of banks, namely a model for studying and analyzing the impact of the modern business space “VUCA” on the financial stability of the country's banks. To test the model, the method of constructing regression equations in multifactor regression analysis is used. For this study, data from some Eastern European countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova) were used, and time series data were used for 10 years from 2010 to 2019.
Having considered the definition of “VUCA-world conditions”, the model of modern business space “VUCA” was developed when analyzing the activity of banks in the studied countries. Drivers, consequences, requirements and macroeconomic indicators of the countries’ activities in the VUСA-world conditions are determined. The VUCA-world conditions also consider the study of key macroeconomic indicators that allow building long-term relationships throughout the value chain. The analysis of the studied Eastern European countries showed that with the increase of factors of GDP growth, GNI per capita growth, research and development costs, foreign direct investment, and net inflow of 1%, the effective ratio of bank capital and assets also increases. The assessment, in contrast to the existing ones, makes it possible to consider the impact of the macroeconomic environment of banks on their financial stability. -
A guarantor in the quality management system of educational programs: a case of Ukrainian universities
Oleksandr Velychko, Liudmyla Velychko
, Svitlana Khalatur
, Hynek Roubík
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #4 pp. 153-166
Views: 866 Downloads: 296 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯDevelopment of the system of ensuring quality in higher education of Ukraine grounded the creation of such management subject as a guarantor of the educational program. However, a formal understanding of the role and uncertainty of the guarantor’s status in the contemporary area of managing higher education institutions became the widespread consequence of those innovations. Considering the stated above, various models of managing the quality of educational programs with the help of the guarantor have been developed in the research, and conditions for efficient application of such models in Ukrainian universities have been grounded. The research is based on the application of the strategic analysis method GAP for identifying issues and features of organizing management in systems of internal quality assurance in universities, and methods of modeling and graphical analysis method for creating alternative management systems in educational programs with and without such professional educational-scientific structural subdivisions as departments. As a result, the developed models include the rational organization of management of educational programs under the conditions of centralized and decentralized systems of internal educational quality assurance provision. For instance, it could create favorable conditions for decreasing bureaucracy and repetition of functions in the management system of universities and lead to the realization of the individual potential of guarantors as managers-experts in educational programs.
To the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance for the possibility to take part in accreditation expertise and consulting evaluation of educational programs in universities of Ukraine. The research was carried out also within the context of the tasks of Ukrainian-American international project “Program of professional development of them managerial staff in Ukrainian universities,” which was initiated by the investment company “Rayter Inc.” (The USA). In addition, we are thankful to the Czech Development Cooperation support, which allowed this scientific cooperation to start (through projects: “Strengthening scientific capacities and cooperation of Ukrainian universities in AgriSciences” and “Interuniversity cooperation as a tool to improve the quality of selected universities in Ukraine”). -
Self-regulation system of continual improvement of quality and efficiency in higher education: A case of Ukraine
Oleksandr Velychko, Svitlana Khalatur
, Nataliia Bondarchuk
, Mariia Bahorka
Knowledge and Performance Management Volume 6, 2022 Issue #1 pp. 11-26
Views: 741 Downloads: 130 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯNowadays, the procedures for stimulating the improvement of the quality of higher education in Ukraine are mainly based on periodic expert evaluations. Besides, existing metrics of university efficiency are usually imperfect due to the frequent negative effects of Campbell’s Law and Goodhart’s Law. In addition, the war significantly limited resources for external quality assurance of educational programs. Given this, the aim of this paper was to develop a methodology for an additional self-regulation system of continual improvement of the quality and efficiency of educational activities of Ukrainian universities. The study is based on the advantages of the quantitative approach, measurement methods, and algorithmization in the management system of higher education. As a result, key indicators for the formation of national rankings have been developed by different segments. Moreover, the study elaborated algorithms and mechanisms to constantly encourage higher education institutions to improve quality and efficiency. The paper proposes preventive procedures to reduce the negative effects of unfair achievement of key performance indicators. The result of applying the methodology is additionally acquired or partially lost by the university the volume of license rights for the training of specialists in the current year. This will help curb the process of mass education with a low level of quality. In addition, the proposed system will balance the weaknesses of the accreditation expertise procedure, as well as actively stimulate the independent striving of each educational program for sustainable development and continual progress.
To the Armed Forces of Ukraine ( and the democratic world ( for the protection of the future of the Ukrainian State and its people. To the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance for the possibility to take part in accreditation expertise and consulting evaluation of educational programs in universities of Ukraine ( Also, the appearance of this alternative idea was facilitated by the declared goal of the World Bank project “Ukraine Improving Higher Education for Results” (ID P171050), namely: to improve the efficiency, conditions for quality, and transparency in Ukraine’s higher education system (
- accreditation
- administration
- alternative
- ambiguity
- approach
- assets
- bank activity
- bank system
- capital
- classification
- cognitive psychology
- complexity
- department
- development
- efficiency
- European countries
- expert
- export
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