Global deoffshorization and its impact on the national and regional economies of eastern european countries
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #3, pp. 293-305
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
In recent years, deoffshorization is a trend and dozens of countries have already started an open fight against offshore accounts. Ukraine is moving to complete deoffshorization in accordance with the new rules for exchanging information on financial accounts and BEPS rules. The purpose of the study was to search for optimal solutions for further improvements in the field of deoffshorization of the national and regional economy of the Eastern European contries, in particular Ukraine. The following methods were used to solve the problems in the work: induction and deduction (in the study of offshore types, the definition of interconnection and interdependence between them), abstract-logical (in generalizing the theoretical foundations of economic deoffshorization ), econometric-statistical (in assessing the state and dynamics of export-import operations of Ukraine with offshore jurisdictions), statistical analysis.
On the basis of theoretical and empirical conclusions, the main consequences, which are the result of the study of global deoffshorization in conditions of financial control and its influence on the national and regional economy of Ukraine, are presented. The article provides a correlation analysis of the dependence of the export index to the UK from Ukraine with export, import and balance of offshore countries. A study was conducted on the presence or absence of a relationship between the volume of balance, exports and imports from Ukraine to the United Kingdom with the macroeconomic indicators of the national economy of Ukraine.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D51, E26, O19
- Figure 1. Dynamics of volumes of export and import in the national economy of Ukraine during 2002–2017
- Table 1. Comparative dynamics of export-import operations of Eastern European countries
- Table 2. Dynamics of Ukrainian international trade indicators with classical offshores during 2002–2017, USD thsd.
- Table 3. Dynamics of Ukrainian international trade indicators with midshores during 2002–2017, USD thsd.
- Table 4. Dynamics of Ukrainian international trade indicators with onshores during 2002–2017, USD thsd.
- Table 5. Correlation of the dependence of the export indicator to the UK from Ukraine with the export, import, and balance indicators of the investigated offshore countries
- Table 6. Coefficients of the correlation of the indicators of balance, export and import from Ukraine to the United Kingdom with the researched indicators
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