Issue #1 (Volume 16 2020)
ReleasedMarch 30, 2020
29 Authors
31 Tables
20 Figures
- 4P marketing model
- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
- blind testing
- business intelligence
- charter air transportation
- consumer behavior
- consumers preferences
- country of origin
- culture
- dairy products
- definition
- digital marketing
- emerging markets
- empirical approach
- entrepreneurial marketing
- entrepreneurship
- entrepreneurship culture
- etymological approach
Digital marketing access as a source of competitiveness in traditional Vietnamese handicraft villages
Zuzana Vaculčikova, Zuzana Tučkova
, Xuan Thanh Nguyen doi:
Traditional handicraft villages have become an inevitable part of Vietnamese culture and play an important socio-economic role within the country’s development. However, poor governmental policy and regulatory environment in Vietnam, lack of infrastructure, limited management, marketing skills and knowledge often lead to scarce information to access the market. The aim of the research is to investigate the contemporary status of digital marketing strategies and tools used in handicraft villages in Thua Thien Hue province. It will be complemented by finding out the needs of handicraft businesses about the training course and consultancy on e-marketing. The key quantitative research method is a questionnaire survey of 100 handicraft businesses in 11 villages in Thua Thien Hue province in Vietnam. The results indicated that these businesses do not use digital marketing as the main tool to acquire customers. One of the main reasons can be a fact of not owning sufficient IT technology. However, despite this, businesses realize the need for digital marketing applications and are interested in adopting digital marketing skills and training in order to enhance tourism market access within national and international borders. That is a positive sign for future application of online marketing strategies into business management.
The effect of Lithuanian household income on the choice of non-formal education of children through sports and related costs
Lithuanian government attempts to create equal opportunities for children who are brought up in different economic, social, and cultural conditions. The income of the majority of Lithuanian citizens still falls behind the European average. This study aims to examine the effect of household income on the choice of non-formal education activity of children and the costs of participation in sports. A questionnaire survey was public used on a website. Vilnius households (Ʃ = 136) were those whose 3-7 years old children were enrolled in non-formal sports activities. The survey aimed to find out the effect of household income on the selection of children’s non-formal sports education. Results showed that the importance level of a sports club, the sport, or activity selection criteria are more expressed in families with lower income. Survey revealed the annual (nine months) ten categories of expenses incurred by parents. The average parental costs for children’s sports activities per nine months amount to EUR 550, consisting of the membership fees and other costs. Parents tend to finance children’s non-formal education through sport irrespective of household income, i.e., parental predispositions towards their children’s participation in sports are much stronger compared to incurred expenses on sports activities.
Developing a channel strategy decision support framework for a diesel engine supplier in Mozambique
The global economic competitiveness has forced many organizations to consider the emerging and developing markets for future growth opportunities. The Southern African country Mozambique was identified as such an opportunity. However, although the country has experienced more sustained historic economic growth than its neighboring countries, it is also riddled with corruption and bureaucracy. Due to the complex and challenging Mozambique business environment, this research project utilized SWOT and PESTLE analytical techniques to develop a decision support framework to support the organizational growth strategies in Mozambique. The approach allowed for both internally and externally focused data collection and evaluation. The qualitative data were collected during structured interviews with selected captains-of-industry in the Mozambican context. In the development of the decision support framework, key factors were identified, evaluated, and ranked in order of severity. Key internal factors found centered on human resources, including management style, skilled labor availability and retention, while external factors centered potential growth in the mining and gas industry, government interventions and stability, and lack of skilled labor availabity. Taking cognizance of these factors enables a systematic framework to guide the strategy development in the Mozambican marketplace. It is recommended that this framework should be a living framework, continuously evolving as new strategic information becomes available.
How can entrepreneurial marketing promote the entrepreneurship culture in an organization: case of banking sector in Jordan
Diana (Moh’d Adnan) Homsi, Tareq N. Hashem
, Sultan Mohammed Freihat
The current study focuses on the entrepreneurial marketing. The study aims to examine how entrepreneurial marketing can act in defining and nurturing the entrepreneurship culture within the banking sector in Jordan in the period of 2018–2019. The chosen dimensions of entrepreneurial marketing include customer focus, opportunity driven, innovation, risk management, and proactiveness. Utilizing the quantitative approach, 368 questionnaires were distributed among marketing managers within the commercial banks in Jordan, including marketing managers, marketing officers, and e-marketing representatives. Descriptive statistics, multiple regression, and linear regression were used in order to analyze the results by using SPSS ver. 23. The study analysis indicates a positive influence of entrepreneurial marketing on organizational culture through nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit and motives. The study has also shown that proactiveness and risk management were the most influential variables as they scored R-value of 0.697 and 0.692, respectively, referring to these variables as highly influential, and play a significant role in nurturing the entrepreneurial culture within the organization.
The peculiarities of establishing the charter air transportation: European experience in Ukraine
Tetyana Prymak, Liubov Ivchenko
, Nataliia Pohuda
, Valentyna Levchenko
, Viktor Trynchuk
This paper highlights the problems associated with the poor quality of services and the lack of effective marketing interaction between all the participants of the charter air transportation in the tourist summer season of 2018 in Ukraine. The paper aims to develop an algorithm for the actions of all participants of tourist services market in order to establish effective marketing interaction based on the analysis of the reasons influencing the destabilization of the tourist services market in the field of charter air transportation. Flight delay statistics were selected for June-July 2018 due to the fact that it was during this period that the problem manifested itself especially sharply. So, not time-series data, but cross-sectional data were selected for the analysis of the problem cause. At the same time, for confident conclusions about the increase in passenger traffic, 5-year periods were chosen, namely, the period 2014–2018 was compared with the period 2009–2013. During the research, statistical methods of one-factor linear correlation-regression analysis were used, as well as a comparative analysis of the indicators of the charter air transportation participants’ performance in Ukraine. The analysis of charter air transportation market showed that increasing the age of the aircraft in a year leads to a decrease in the proportion of timely flights by 2.5%. The marketing analysis proves that the rapid increase in the number of passengers was caused by the explosive increase in irregular flights. The results of the study also indicate that the well-organized interaction between the tour operator and the airlines significantly affects the timeliness of the flights. Based on defined problems of the charter air transportation market, a set of recommendations has been proposed for improving the marketing interaction of all market participants: tourists, tour operators, airlines and government agencies.
Knowledge and technology transfer networking platforms in modern research universities
Iryna Novikova, Alla Stepanova
, Oksana Zhylinska
, Oleksandr Bediukh
Innovative development of Ukraine is possible due to the introduction of an effective mechanism for the promotion of commercially attractive scientific ideas and developments, which are produced at universities, into the domestic and international markets. It is extremely difficult for research universities to negotiate the transfer of their developments due to the lack of an extensive technology transfer infrastructure where an information system would be in place to exchange technological requests and proposals. The authors demonstrate a modern toolkit for the transfer of knowledge and technology, which is actively used by the international academic community and contributes to the consideration of modern specifics in the organization of innovative marketing in research universities. In the article, the authors analyze the role of social and communication tools, namely media and online social platforms, such as Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or YouTube, or other communication search platforms, including Enterprise Europe Network in the technological transfer of world research universities and Ukrainian university practice. The dominance of positive features in the use of media tools for technology transfer proves its viability for the Ukrainian market. Using the tools of media sector it was proposed to develop a modern strategy for commercializing the results of innovative activities of research universities. The article offers considering the process of bringing to commercially attractive results of experimental research at universities based on the methodology of network marketing and education.
Decision-making process of tomatoes purchase by generation Z: case study in the Slovak Republic
Michaela Šugrova, Marek Plachy
, Ľudmila Nagyova
, Jozef Šumichrast
The paper aims to investigate and assess the decision-making process of young Slovak consumers – generation Z – in the purchase of tomatoes.
The respondents participatet in a questionnaire survey and blind testing of four tomato samples (two samples were Slovak and another two were foreign tomatoes). For a deeper analysis of the collected data, five scientific hypotheses were formulated. The accuracy of provided hypotheses was verified using the following mathematical-statistical methods: Chi-Square test of independence, Mann-Whitney U-test, and as Chi test for equality of proportions between two samples. The research results show that generation Z buys tomatoes once a week or several times a month. Moreover, it was found out that most young consumers are mostly influenced by freshness, taste, quality of tomatoes, and general appearance, the least by packaging, brand/specific tomato grower, information on the packaging and references. According to all observed attributes within the blind testing of tomato by the respondents, the best-evaluated sample was the Slovak sample of tomatoes – the sample B. Subsequently, all respondents were provided with information about the tested tomatoes, and it can be stated that they would also actually buy Slovak sample B in the store. Finally, one can state that the higher price of this sample has no significant impact on the respondents of generation Z. -
Application of the marketing mix to the world export of animal products
Agricultural trade is complicated owing to perishable goods and high requirements for safety and quality, especially by animal products. Intensifying their exports is a major priority in the context of augmenting competitive negotiations and providing global food security to cover a shortage of an animal protein intake. To address such challenges, this study aimed at improving marketing performance necessary for developing the world exports of animal products. The methodological research framework was the Marketing Mix model, which included Product, Price, Place, and Promotion, and was amplified by Innovation. The model components were presented by the average export prices and indicators for Infrastructure, ICT adoption, and Innovation capability evaluated for each exporting country. For testing hypotheses about homo- and heterogeneity of top exporters, this research utilized the single factor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) technique. The offered approach was applied to the most valuable export segments of poultry, livestock, and dairy world markets. They engaged from 75 to 140 countries and had total export values between USD 3.2 billion and USD 33.2 billion. The study outcomes captured similarities and differences of Price, Place, Promotion, and Innovation components among the First 10, Second 10, and Third 10 ranked exporters. Given the found indicators of the top world exporters, the study clarifies prospects and attainable goals on developing exports of animal products at a country level.
Theoretical approaches to the definition of Internet marketing: Ukrainian dimension
Olena Vynogradova, Nina Drokina
, Natalia Yevtushenko
, Veronika Darchuk
, Mykhailo Irtlach doi:
Innovative Marketing Volume 16, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 89-103
Views: 1956 Downloads: 2291 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯDespite the rapid growth rate, the scientific base and theoretical development of Internet marketing in Ukraine requires scientific justification and additional research. This paper highlights the problems associated with the unclear position among scientists and experts in defining the concept of “Internet marketing” because the concept is quite new and practically unexplored, consists of two words, each of which has its meaningful content.
The paper aims, based on the analysis of conceptual theoretical approaches of scientists and marketers, to formulate the conceptual definition of “Internet marketing,” considering modern features of Internet marketing activity.
The research considers the basic theoretical and practical definitions of “Internet marketing” in accordance with the conceptual and categorical approaches. According to the supporters of the descriptive approach, the definition of Internet marketing characterizes, as part of e-commerce, the set of Internet marketing tools, while ignoring the relationship with traditional marketing. Supporters of the conservative approach consider Internet marketing as an integral part of traditional marketing and do not pay due attention to the technical capabilities and limitations of the Internet.
To form a comprehensive definition of Internet marketing, which would take into account all aspects of Internet marketing, this paper considers the Internet marketing features, according to the “6I” Internet marketing model of McDonald and Wilson, supplemented by characteristics of the modern conditions of the Ukrainian Internet market, like reactivity, dynamic pricing, innovation, complexity of implementation, and others.