Decision-making process of tomatoes purchase by generation Z: case study in the Slovak Republic
Article InfoVolume 16 2020, Issue #1, pp. 66-78
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The paper aims to investigate and assess the decision-making process of young Slovak consumers – generation Z – in the purchase of tomatoes.
The respondents participatet in a questionnaire survey and blind testing of four tomato samples (two samples were Slovak and another two were foreign tomatoes). For a deeper analysis of the collected data, five scientific hypotheses were formulated. The accuracy of provided hypotheses was verified using the following mathematical-statistical methods: Chi-Square test of independence, Mann-Whitney U-test, and as Chi test for equality of proportions between two samples. The research results show that generation Z buys tomatoes once a week or several times a month. Moreover, it was found out that most young consumers are mostly influenced by freshness, taste, quality of tomatoes, and general appearance, the least by packaging, brand/specific tomato grower, information on the packaging and references. According to all observed attributes within the blind testing of tomato by the respondents, the best-evaluated sample was the Slovak sample of tomatoes – the sample B. Subsequently, all respondents were provided with information about the tested tomatoes, and it can be stated that they would also actually buy Slovak sample B in the store. Finally, one can state that the higher price of this sample has no significant impact on the respondents of generation Z.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, Q13
- Figure 1. Frequency of tomato purchased by respondents
- Figure 2. Frequency of tomato purchase according to gender by generation Z
- Figure 3. Types of most purchased tomato by generation Z
- Figure 4. Place of residence and place of tomato purchase
- Figure 5. Factors influencing generation Z decision-making process when buying tomatoes
- Figure 6. Preferences of tomatoes according to the country of origin by generation Z
- Figure 7. Mann-Whitney U test results according to each factor
- Table 1. Structure of the sample survey and blind test sample
- Table 2. Results of blind test of tomatoes by respondents
- Table 3. Change of preferences before and after finding out the price
- Table 4. Summary of tested hypotheses
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