How can entrepreneurial marketing promote the entrepreneurship culture in an organization: case of banking sector in Jordan
Article InfoVolume 16 2020, Issue #1, pp. 29-42
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The current study focuses on the entrepreneurial marketing. The study aims to examine how entrepreneurial marketing can act in defining and nurturing the entrepreneurship culture within the banking sector in Jordan in the period of 2018–2019. The chosen dimensions of entrepreneurial marketing include customer focus, opportunity driven, innovation, risk management, and proactiveness. Utilizing the quantitative approach, 368 questionnaires were distributed among marketing managers within the commercial banks in Jordan, including marketing managers, marketing officers, and e-marketing representatives. Descriptive statistics, multiple regression, and linear regression were used in order to analyze the results by using SPSS ver. 23. The study analysis indicates a positive influence of entrepreneurial marketing on organizational culture through nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit and motives. The study has also shown that proactiveness and risk management were the most influential variables as they scored R-value of 0.697 and 0.692, respectively, referring to these variables as highly influential, and play a significant role in nurturing the entrepreneurial culture within the organization.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, M39
- Table 1. Sample characteristics according to demographics
- Table 2. Questionnaire analysis
- Table 3. Model summary, ANOVA, and coefficients of main hypothesis
- Table 4. Model summary, ANOVA and coefficients of 1 sub-hypothesis 1
- Table 5. Model summary, ANOVA and coefficients of 2nd hypothesis
- Table 6. Model summary, ANOVA and coefficients 3rd sub-hypothesis
- Table 7. Model summary, ANOVA, coefficients of 4th sub-hypothesis
- Table 8. Model summary, ANOVA and coefficients of 5th sub-hypothesis
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