How does green HRM influence environmental and social sustainability in hotels?
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #1, pp. 253-263
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Green human resource management (GHRM) is bringing positive transformations in business and society, as well as challenges for hotels. Drawing from social cognitive theory (SCT), this study examined green HRM with environmental and social performance. Significantly, this paper also used organizational green culture as a mediation variable. This empirical study employed a quantitative research method. Data were collected from 155 employees working in Pakistan’s hotels. The results demonstrate that green HRM (t-statistic value = 9.676, p-value = 0.000) is positively related to organizational green culture. In addition, organizational green culture (t-statistic value = 11.254, p-value = 0.000, t-statistic value = 16.882, p-value = 0.000) has a significant effect on environmental and social performance. Moreover, organizational green culture fully mediated the relationship between green HRM and environmental performance (t-statistic value = 5.444, p-value = 0.000). Finally, organizational green culture fully mediated the relationship between green HRM and social performance (t-statistic value = 7.218, p-value = 0.000).
This work is partially funded under FaME TBU No. IGA/FaME/2023/012 “Closed and open innovations: role of human resource, servant leadership, digitalisation, and uncertainty.” Authors would like to thank Prof. Rasa Smaliukienė for partially funding this research. This work also acknowledged Grant No.FSR-FORD 5-6/2022-23/FaME/006 “Linking stakeholder pressure, green HRM application and competitive advantage in the hotel industry.”
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M12, M14, Q01, R11
- Figure 1. Final model
- Table 1. Demographic characteristics
- Table 2. Measurement model
- Table 3. Heterotrait-monotrait ratio (HTMT)
- Table 4. Hypotheses testing (direct and indirect effect)
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