Anel Kireyeva
1 publications
0 books
Exploring determinants of innovation potential of enterprises in Kazakhstan
Anel Kireyeva, Akan Nurbatsin
, Aigerim Yessentay
, Nazyken Bagayeva
, Sharbanu Turdalina doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 433-443
Views: 954 Downloads: 471 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study aims to analyze the innovation potential of enterprises, explain the use of the binary regression methodology, and explore different indicators of the enterprises in the regions of Kazakhstan for building an effective management strategy. Methodological substantiation is based on the complex survey data analysis, provided by the World Bank Enterprises Survey (WBES) for Kazakhstan. WBES database has covered a sociological survey of enterprises, which was conducted using a random survey and representativeness among 1,296 enterprises, mainly in the production sector. Besides, the data were collected among companies regarding their experience in environmental perception (including innovation activity), in which they worked. The results have demonstrated that the age of the company, exporter status, type, sector, or activity – all these have a positive influence on the company’s tendency to innovations. However, as part of the study, it has found out that competitors in the marketplace and regions of activity of enterprises predominantly negatively affect the prospects of introducing innovation. It was also in evidence that the same factors (foreign ownership, advanced training, type, size, and sector of an enterprise) are essential determinants of product, technology, R&D, ICT, and innovation. Obtained results can be used by enterprises for building an effective management strategy of own business innovative development, as well as by local authorities to upgrade the competitive performance.
This study has been funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant “Priorities and mechanisms of inclusive regional development of Kazakhstan in the context of overcoming the economic recession” No. AP09259004). -
Managing research and development process in conditions of economic growth of Kazakhstan: Methods and analysis
Anel Kireyeva, Dana Kangalakova
, Anna Kredina
, Zaira Satpayeva
, Marat Urdabayev
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 185-196
Views: 874 Downloads: 254 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to assess the relationship between R&D and economic growth in terms of their ability to understand R&D management. In the paper, the algorithm of actions was used, which allows ensuring interconnection, sequence of work, validity of the choice of the methods used, and defining key factors over a long period. The following methods of the empirical study were used: analysis of the provision of level development; regional analysis of the data; correlation analysis. Based on correlation analysis the impact of economic growth on R&D was investigated, which is expressed by such variables as the number of organizations engaged in R&D, internal expenditures in R&D, expenditures for technological innovations, number of employees in R&D. The data were obtained from the World Bank, the Eurasian Economic Union, and the statistical yearbook of Kazakhstan for 2009–2019. The results obtained show that all determinants correlate not only with the GDP but with each other as well. According to the findings, viewing the GDP level, there is a positive and negative correlation link between such two factors as ‘the number of research organizations’ and ‘R&D technological innovations’. These coefficients of correlation between GDP and independent factors selected for the analysis are significant, i.e. they can significantly affect the value of the GDP. The obtained results are useful in formulating the R&D development management strategy.
This study has been funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (grant IRN AP08052800 “Intellectual potential of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan: assessment and development prospects”). -
Assessing the relationship between non-cash payments and various economic indicators
Anna Kredina, Saule Nurymova
, Azimkhan Satybaldin
, Anel Kireyeva
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 17, 2022 Issue #1 pp. 67-79
Views: 883 Downloads: 552 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study is aimed at evaluating the correlation between determinants of non-cash payments (ATMs, number of bank branches, and number of mobile phone users) and various economic indicators (broad money, inflation, consumer prices) as well as further studying which of the factors and to what extent influence each other in different periods. Non-cash payments are provided by ATMs. The sample considers panel data on nine developing countries. The data for calculation were taken from The World Bank, for Kazakhstan – from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The data collected during the study were analyzed using the SPSS software. Spearman’s correlation analysis was used. The results obtained in the empirical study briefly showed that the alternative hypothesis is confirmed for the period 2004–2009 (that the existing relationships are significant), at the same time, the null hypothesis was confirmed in terms of the level of significance for the period 2019–2020. Accordingly, this study showed that modern developments differ from those provided earlier and financial technology transformation is still in the process. The results of this study also indicated the need for further studies of non-traditional measures of financial development, which can lead to sustainable economic growth in the post-crisis period.
The study was carried out within the framework of program targeted IRN OR11465433 funding by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Development of the concept and mechanisms of balanced territorial development of the economy and society of Kazakhstan”. -
Assessing the differences in the levels and dynamics of economic development of Kazakhstani regions
Anel Kireyeva, Nailya Nurlanova
, Akan Nurbatsin
, Nurgul Saparbek
, Farida Alzhanova
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #3 pp. 577-587
Views: 344 Downloads: 125 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to analyze the level of differences based on effectiveness, statistical dependence, and mutual influence of economic indicators for ranking the regions of Kazakhstan. In the paper, a systematic algorithm of actions is used, ensuring the interconnectedness, the sequence of work, and the validity of the methods used. Several model specifications were formulated to identify interregional differences in economic development indicators: the operating data environment analysis model (DEA) and the random effects regression model (RE). The information database of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2010–2020 was used. The construction of the RE model was carried out in the SPSS program. A regression model with fixed and random effects in panel data was employed to determine the impact of the selected indicators on gross regional product produced (GRP). Based on the results, the influence of the physical volume of industrial products on GRP per capita in the regions of Kazakhstan for 11 years was revealed in both models with a high significance of coefficients. The study results can be used by public administration bodies that carry out effective strategic management by smoothing interregional differences. Moreover, they can determine the prospects for studying other parameters based on efficiency, statistical dependence, and mutual influence of economic indicators for ranking regions.
This study has been funded by the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (grant “Priorities and mechanisms of inclusive regional development of Kazakhstan in the context of overcoming the economic recession” AP09259004). -
Assessment of the participation of women volunteers in the palliative care system in Kazakhstan
Anel Kireyeva, Gaukhar Kenzhegulova
, Zaira Satpayeva
, Zhansaya Imangali
, Ainur Amirova
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #4 pp. 483-495
Views: 493 Downloads: 96 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯWomen’s participation and the nature of assistance in the provision of social policies, especially in healthcare related to socially significant diseases, is becoming more prominent. The aim of this study is to develop proposals for streamlining the palliative care system in Kazakhstan based on the analysis of the influence of women volunteers on the process of public administration. The paper interviewed two groups of respondents: volunteers and workers (medical institutions and charity organizations employees). Atlas.ti software was used to analyze and construct specific feedback on the data received. The coding results revealed that women volunteers act as an intermediary between the state administration and the palliative care system. In addition, it was determined that the prominent participants in developing the palliative care system are hospitals and charitable foundations. In general, the contribution of women volunteers to financial assistance, organization of training and master classes for doctors in the field of oncology, and provision of additional beds for patients and consultations was revealed. Further, the state’s main shortcomings in organizing palliative care were identified: poor regional budgeting system, weak legislative system, and inadequate financing of hospitals. The findings imply that women volunteers should be given a higher status and included in the public administration structure, especially for different representations of the needs of minorities.
This study is funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant “Priorities and mechanisms against rural women of Kazakhstan unequal access to the resources” No. AP14869297). -
Analysis of the development level of higher educational institutions in the regions of Kazakhstan
Nazym Saparova, Anel Kireyeva
, Perizat Orynbet
, Gulzhan Alimbekova
, Ainur Amirova
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 21, 2023 Issue #2 pp. 244-256
Views: 561 Downloads: 197 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯHigher education institutions are the core of the nation’s vocational education. This study aims to analyze the features of higher education institutions and their functioning in all Kazakhstan regions, allowing equal access to high-quality and necessary education. The data were collected from official statistical data by the Statistical Bureau of Kazakhstan and other official statistics for 2002–2021. The collected data were processed, and multivariate regression equations for each Kazakhstan region were constructed using the EViwes10 Atlas.ti software to illustrate the algorithm and hierarchy of the educational system of Kazakhstan. The regression results showed that in some regions, the relationships are differentiated, and the correlation values indicate a significant relationship between the indicators. In particular, Akmola, Karaganda, Kostanay, North Kazakhstan, Astana city, and Almaty city demonstrated strong relationships between the indicators. 11 out of 17 created models were excluded from the evaluation process due to the absence or low connection with the dependent factor, the lack of statistical significance of the coefficients, and the low level of reliability of the models obtained. In turn, within particular regions, the degree of such a relationship was weak. Moreover, there are grounds to assert the need to stimulate public policy and implement systemic measures to create favorable conditions to strengthen educational potential.
This study is funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant “Strategy for the development of regional potential of Kazakhstan: Assessment of socio-cultural and economic potentials, development of a roadmap, models and scenarios of development” No. BR18574240). -
The impact of investment and social factors on pension savings in Kazakhstan
Assel Bekbossinova, Anel Kireyeva
, Gaukhar Kenzhegulova
, Makpal Bekturganova
, Zhansaya Imangali
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 20, 2023 Issue #3 pp. 102-115
Views: 417 Downloads: 134 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the current social conditions, pension systems have become the most important topic on the agenda for many countries. Therefore, governments have started paying attention and should reform their pension systems to guarantee an adequate contribution to pensions. Thus, this study analyzes the impact of investments and social factors on pension savings using Kazakhstan as an example. The paper is based on secondary data from the annual reports of the Unified Accumulative Pension Fund and annual statistical reports of the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 2014 to 2022. SPSS software was used to analyze the collected data, specifically through correlation and regression analysis, to determine the impact and relationships between selected indicators (i.e., inflation rate, number of contributors, pension contribution, investment income and average wage). To check the reliability of the models, Fisher’s F-test and Student’s t-test were conducted. Therefore, a VIF diagnosis was conducted. The correlation analysis results showed that in the group of investment factors, pension savings are more dependent on pension contributions (,900**), and in social factors, on average wages (1,000**). Based on the results obtained, all factors have a positive impact on pension savings, except inflation. Inflation growth by 1% on average reduces the amount of pension savings by 23% over the nine-year period between 2014 to 2022, which is reflected in the results of Model 2. The study’s results can be applied to managing pension funds and reforms related to the pension system.
This research was funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant “Exploring the impact of economic, social, and environmental factors on the relationship between urbanization and greenhouse gas emissions” No. AP19576071). -
The role of digital technologies in higher education institutions: The case of Kazakhstan
Dana Nurtayeva, Anna Kredina
, Anel Kireyeva
, Azimkhan Satybaldin
, Nazym Ainakul doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 22, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 562-577
Views: 629 Downloads: 351 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe ways of education development are changing, which is largely determined by the introduction of digital technologies and the desire to improve the efficiency of management of educational processes at universities. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the challenges and opportunities in universities related to the use of digital technologies (social media tools, digital online platforms, digital learning platforms) in higher education institutions in Kazakhstan. A sample included respondents (N = 69) from 16 educational institutions in Kazakhstan that combined teaching (conducting training courses or working with students) and administrative management (management or planning of the educational process). The data were obtained using an offline questionnaire and processed using SWOT methodology. Representatives from 16 public and private universities responded to the questionnaire: the rector (2%) and two vice-rectors (3%), deans of faculties (23%), directors, and heads of various departments of universities (71%) were interviewed (managers are engaged in teaching). As a result, six thematic outcomes demonstrated the opportunities for technology application in education: enhancing management quality, motivation, access to electronic resources and materials, transparency and objectivity in grading, the possibility of implementing distance learning, and simplification of routine tasks. It is also noteworthy to mention five thematic outcomes as challenges, which encompassed issues with security, technical errors, reduced communication, dependency, and complexities in grading.
The study was carried out within the framework of grant funding by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Modernization of the system of distribution relations and reduction of income inequality of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan” BR21882165. -
Relationship between banking infrastructure, innovation and economic growth in Kazakhstan
Kuralay Nurgaliyeva, Olga Koshkina
, Nazym Zaitenova
, Anel Kireyeva
, Anna Kredina
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 19, 2024 Issue #2 pp. 40-52
Views: 460 Downloads: 138 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯToday, the development of financial technologies and their application in the banking sector have changed the processes of economic growth in general and commercial banks in particular, giving them an innovative orientation. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the banking infrastructure, innovation, and economic growth in Kazakhstan based on panel data. The study relies on information extracted from annual publications issued by the National Bank of Kazakhstan, the World Bank Database, and the Bureau of the National Statistics of Kazakhstan from 2004 to 2022, and also uses a regression model. Within this framework, variables used in the study, the number of ATMs, the number of bank branches, and the share of innovative products, are explanatory variables, and the gross domestic product per capita is the dependent variable. The study showed that both business innovations and the prevalence of ATMs have a significant and noticeable impact on the economic landscape of Kazakhstan, as evidenced by the impressive value of the R-square of 0.890. Moreover, the regression model demonstrates reliable stability and reliability, which is confirmed by the p-value of 0.001. In light of these findings, it is important to contribute valuable insights and evidence-based recommendations to enhance Kazakhstan’s economic growth strategy by leveraging the synergistic potential of its banking infrastructure and innovation ecosystem.
The study was funded by the Committee Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Investigating the impact of macroeconomic, political, and digital processes on financial sustainability of Kazakhstan” No. AP19674948. -
Assessing gender differences in managerial roles, wages, education, and soft skills in Kazakhstan
Yerkezhan Kenzheali, Gaukhar Kenzhegulova
, Anel Kireyeva
, Nazym Ainakul doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 22, 2024 Issue #3 pp. 341-357
Views: 255 Downloads: 60 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯGender disparities affect employment, education, social interactions, and managerial roles. Therefore, this study aimed to conduct a complex analysis of differences based on representation in managerial positions, wage levels, educational opportunities, and soft skills. The analysis combines both qualitative and quantitative data. Quantitative data were collected from 2009 to 2022 from the Bureau of National Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Bank, and the World Bank. Qualitative data were obtained through surveys of 652 respondents filtered based on their correct understanding of the soft skills concept. Further, the Index for Stereotypes in Women’s Employment (ISWE) was developed by identifying key indicators and gathering relevant data, followed by assigning weight coefficients based on their significance and ultimately combining these weighted impacts to compute the total index. The most significant impact on gender disparities was shown by the assessment of soft skills, contributing 13.1115, highlighting the need for their recognition in the labor market. Educational opportunities had a significant impact, contributing 2.1945, emphasizing equal opportunities for women and men. Differences in wages contributed to 1.394, indicating the pay gap. The low representation of women in managerial positions in state financial institutions (including second-tier banks) contributed 0.685, while barriers for women in managerial positions in state holdings across various sectors contributed 1.485. The findings offer actionable insights for policymakers and stakeholders committed to promoting gender equity.
This study has been funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Grant No. BR18574240.
- ATMs
- bank
- bank branches
- banking infrastructure
- bank services
- determinants
- differences
- digital technology
- economic growth
- education
- educational institutions
- education analysis
- efficiency
- employment problems
- enterprises
- financial development
- financial technologies
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