Assessment of the participation of women volunteers in the palliative care system in Kazakhstan


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Women’s participation and the nature of assistance in the provision of social policies, especially in healthcare related to socially significant diseases, is becoming more prominent. The aim of this study is to develop proposals for streamlining the palliative care system in Kazakhstan based on the analysis of the influence of women volunteers on the process of public administration. The paper interviewed two groups of respondents: volunteers and workers (medical institutions and charity organizations employees). Atlas.ti software was used to analyze and construct specific feedback on the data received. The coding results revealed that women volunteers act as an intermediary between the state administration and the palliative care system. In addition, it was determined that the prominent participants in developing the palliative care system are hospitals and charitable foundations. In general, the contribution of women volunteers to financial assistance, organization of training and master classes for doctors in the field of oncology, and provision of additional beds for patients and consultations was revealed. Further, the state’s main shortcomings in organizing palliative care were identified: poor regional budgeting system, weak legislative system, and inadequate financing of hospitals. The findings imply that women volunteers should be given a higher status and included in the public administration structure, especially for different representations of the needs of minorities.

This study is funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of science and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant “Priorities and mechanisms against rural women of Kazakhstan unequal access to the resources” No. AP14869297).

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    • Figure 1. Participants of palliative care system
    • Figure 2. Contribution of charity foundations and hospitals to the palliative care system
    • Figure 3. Public policy issues and recommendations
    • Table 1. Description of research question groups
    • Conceptualization
      Anel Kireyeva, Gaukhar Kenzhegulova, Zaira Satpayeva
    • Formal Analysis
      Anel Kireyeva, Gaukhar Kenzhegulova, Zaira Satpayeva
    • Funding acquisition
      Anel Kireyeva
    • Project administration
      Anel Kireyeva
    • Supervision
      Anel Kireyeva
    • Writing – review & editing
      Anel Kireyeva, Zaira Satpayeva
    • Data curation
      Gaukhar Kenzhegulova, Ainur Amirova
    • Investigation
      Gaukhar Kenzhegulova, Zhansaya Imangali
    • Methodology
      Gaukhar Kenzhegulova, Zaira Satpayeva
    • Resources
      Gaukhar Kenzhegulova, Zhansaya Imangali, Ainur Amirova
    • Software
      Gaukhar Kenzhegulova, Zaira Satpayeva, Zhansaya Imangali, Ainur Amirova
    • Validation
      Gaukhar Kenzhegulova
    • Writing – original draft
      Gaukhar Kenzhegulova
    • Visualization
      Zaira Satpayeva, Zhansaya Imangali, Ainur Amirova