Issue #2 (Volume 11 2021)
10 Authors
8 Tables
14 Figures
- corporate culture
- crowdsourcing
- diffusion of labor activity
- digitalization
- efficiency
- employment (work) on platforms
- gig contract
- indicators of social security
- individualism
Conceptual framework of implementing knowledge management system in business organizations
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 11, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 1-9
Views: 542 Downloads: 178 TO CITEKnowledge management is especially relevant for modern organizations because how a business receives, disseminates, and uses knowledge is a determining condition for its ability to successfully develop and compete in a knowledge-based economy. The purpose of the study is to develop conceptual foundations for the implementation of knowledge management system to achieve sustainable competitiveness of the organization. The following methods were used in the research process: analysis, synthesis, theoretical generalization - in the process of research of theoretical and methodological developments of domestic and foreign scientists on the definition of "knowledge management system"; comparative analysis - in the study of differences in scientific approaches to the principles of knowledge management; systems analysis - in the development of conceptual foundations for the implementation of knowledge management system. The study resulted in the development of conceptual foundations for the implementation of knowledge management system, which defies the purpose, strategic and tactical goals, general and specific principles, functions, bodies and tools of management, expected results. One of the most important elements of the conceptual framework for implementing a knowledge management system is the choice of management tools, which should be based on the priority functions of knowledge management based on assessing the current state and available opportunities for further development of the organization. A feature of the developed conceptual framework is the knowledge management tools, the list of which contains traditional and innovative methods of working with knowledge. Modern software and online platforms for knowledge management are offered, the most popular of which are, Document360, Tettra, TallyFox Tallium, ProProfs, Zendesk, Helpjuice.
Atomization of living space and diffusion of labor activity in the context of coronacrisis: manifestations, consequences and vectors of overcoming
Anatoliy Kolot, Oksana Herasymenko
, Yurii Marshavin
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 11, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 10-25
Views: 327 Downloads: 62 TO CITEThe symbiosis of new opportunities caused by the breakthrough technologies of the digital age (“big bang-1”) and new challenges and threats caused by sanitary and epidemiological requirements of the coronavirus pandemic (“big bang-2”) leads to a reduction in the living space of an economically active person. The ability to work remotely using information and communication systems (voluntary isolation), on the one hand, and quarantine restrictions (forced isolation), on the other, lead to atomization of a person. At the same time, the time boundaries between work and leisure are being erased, leisure acquires signs of precariousness, a convergence of work and leisure takes place. The relevance of this study is due to the need for a renewed awareness of what kind of format of labor activity will be there in the pandemic and post-pandemic era. Scientific and practical significance of the study is to determine restoration vectors of humancentered, socially acceptable living space of a man of labor, which will help overcome coronacrisis in the social and labor sphere. The main result of the study is the author’s mental model of metamorphoses of labor activity as a component of the new (ab)normality of pandemic and post-pandemic eras. The research subject is the theoretical and applied principles of atomization of the living space of economically active people and the diffusion of labor under the influence of new opportunities and constraints produced by the digital economy and the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. The methodological basis for achieving the set goal is a systematic approach that allows avoiding the fragmentary nature of research, one-sided judgments and conclusions in the study of the interrelated phenomena of living space atomization and labor activity diffusion. The aim of the study is to form scientific ideas about transformations taking place in the field of labor and leisure in the digital age under the influence of coronacrisis. It is proved that the coronacrisis gives rise to a new type of person – an atomized one, which is being increasingly exposed to «negative» individualism influence. The study outlines the contours of the mental model of the organization of work activity in the post-COVID period based on overcoming «negative» individualism, the emergence of a new philosophy of the time, and the formation of an updated concept of leisure culture. Also, the necessity of developing a consolidated multilevel model of social and labor relations in the new socio-economic reality and scientific and applied scenario of its implementation in the system of social and labor development of Ukrainian society is substantiated.
Crowdsourcing labor regulation
Oksana Poplavska, Andriy Fedorchenko
, Halyna Kuzmenko
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 11, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 26-36
Views: 272 Downloads: 92 TO CITEThe relevance of the study is due to the spread of atypical forms of staff involvement in the work and the need to rethink the content of social and labor relations, implemented in cyberspace, the need to develop adequate to modern realities regulations of labor organization. The purpose of the study is to develop best practices in the organization of labor activities of employees engaged in crowdsourcing and to develop recommendations for regulating such work in accordance with Ukrainian legislation. The methodological basis of the study is formed by theories of self-organization of socio-economic systems, modern concepts of management and project management, the concept of decent work, the theory of social responsibility. Analysis of the achievements of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of labor organization, development of social and labor relations showed that despite the positive aspects of crowdsourcing remains many unresolved issues, including high risks of fraud, low liability, lack of social protection and more. The results of the study are aimed at overcoming these barriers by implementing the author’s regulations on the organization of work under crowdsourcing, which, in contrast to the existing ones, distinguishes three main employment clusters on the platforms; Crowdsourcing is analyzed in two planes (the grouping was based on the criterion of transaction costs (contract theory), namely as a specific form of organization and conduct of business and as a form of social contract between the state and community, business and society. immanent to the needs of today and take into account the variability of the ecosystem of the modern labor market, filled with qualitatively new content that meets the criterion of adaptability and takes into account modern best practices in organizing the work of crowdworkers.
Social safety as a criterion for the effectiveness of social policy: theoretical aspect, methodological principles of evaluation and reality in Ukraine
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 11, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 37-48
Views: 243 Downloads: 84 TO CITEThe unresolved and aggravated social problems and risks in Ukraine necessitate the search for approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the social policy. Based on the generalization and critical analysis of existing scientific developments, it has been proved that one of the criteria for the effectiveness of social policy can be the level of social safety. In this regard, the purpose of this paper is to develop a methodological framework for assessing the effectiveness of national social policy based on the level of social safety. On the basis of the conducted research, it has been established that today there is no single methodology for assessing the level of social security in science. They can be divided into methods of survey, observation, and comparison of indicators, as well as integrated evaluation. In Ukraine, the Ministry of Economy calculates the level of social safety based on the integrated assessment method. The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of all indicators of social safety under current methods and suggests ways to modify them to increase the objectivity of the results. Based on the calculations, it is proved that the effectiveness of national social policy in terms of the level of social safety, which is calculated according to the author’s approach, is much lower.
Problems, obstacles and opportunities for the formation of a system of social and legal protection of platform workers in Ukraine: expert assessments
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 11, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 49-64
Views: 176 Downloads: 50 TO CITEDigitalization of the economy, the formation of a new technological base of “Industry 4.0” lead to fundamental changes in the social and labor sphere. Labor relations and employment sphere gain qualitatively new format and content. There is an emergence and rapid spread of a new, platform-network system of social and labor relations (SLR), which is reproduced and operates on a fundamentally different basis than the traditional SLR system. Regulated, long-term, collective labor relations are being replaced by fundamentally new ones - one-time, individualized, short-term (“economy of tasks”). Traditional systems of collective bargaining and state regulation do not work in the conditions of formation of “platformized” social and labor relations, the possibility of social and legal protection of employees on digital work platforms is questioned, norms of labor law, demand of responsibility of the parties, mechanisms of the decision of labor disputes in the newest network-digital system of SLR are not defined. In this situation, the problems of social and legal protection of employees in the digital segment need to be addressed as soon as possible, given the fact that the number of platform employees in Ukraine is growing. The author’s research is based on the generalization of the results of the expert survey on the problems of formation of a new quality of working life in the conditions of digital transformations (September 2021). It is aimed at revealing the main problems, risks, obstacles in ensuring social and legal protection of platform workers, as well as to substantiate measures to overcome them through a comprehensive regulatory framework for the platform segment of employment in Ukraine. The expert survey revealed the main features of an effective system of legal and social protection of platform workers and the conditions of its comprehensive provision; opportunities for the formation of mechanisms for representing the collective interests of those employed on the platforms; identified key actors capable to protect their rights and interests; conditions for the exit of platform employment from the “shadow”; substantated the need to implement a national platform for social dialogue on a network-digital basis.