Entrepreneurial intention and innovation among students: A bibliometric analysis 2014–2024
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #4, pp. 635-648
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The objective of this study is to analyze the existing literature and highlight significant trends in the area of entrepreneurial intention and innovation among students. The data employed in this analysis were sourced from the Scopus database, covering 361 publications in English over the last ten years (from 2014 to 2024, as of the survey conducted on September 10, 2024). The method employed is bibliometric analysis with the support of the VOSViewer software. The findings show that the topic of entrepreneurial intention and innovation among students is a rather interesting subject, which has been widely published in reputable journals, particularly in the fields of education, training, and entrepreneurship. This topic has been extensively researched in Asian countries, with China standing out as the top contributor in terms of the number of publications. Through bibliometric analysis, this study has also identified four main research themes related to the topic of entrepreneurial intention and innovation among students. They are: (1) the effect of individual student characteristics on entrepreneurial intention; (2) the role of education and innovation in shaping students’ entrepreneurial intentions; (3) utilizing the theory of planned behavior to explore factors influencing social entrepreneurial intentions among students in higher education; (4) the influence of entrepreneurship education on the development of students’ entrepreneurial mindset and actions. Furthermore, this study has outlined nine promising future research directions that aim to enhance both the quantity and quality of studies on students’ entrepreneurial intentions and innovation.
This study is a product of the doctoral dissertation project carried out under decision No. 5125/QD-ĐHDT dated November 30, 2021, from Duy Tan University, Vietnam.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L26, M13, A22, I20
- Figure 1. Research procedure
- Figure 2. Number of documents and citations
- Figure 3. Statistics on the countries that have published the most on the topic
- Figure 4. Network visualization map of the co-authorship by countries
- Figure 5. Statistics by the type of published documents
- Figure 6. Analysis by the field of publication
- Figure 7. Network of co-citation by authors
- Figure 8. Network of co-occurrence by keywords
- Figure 9. Overlay visualization map
- Table 1. Some statistical indicators on the number of documents and citations
- Table 2. Top 10 journals
- Table 3. Ten studies with the highest citations
- Table 4. Statistics on keywords and frequency of appearance
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