Exploring fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) small, medium and micro enterprises manufacturers’ need for innovation to achieve growth
Article InfoVolume 8 2017, Issue #2, pp. 8-16
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the problems of the sustainable development, to explore the level of innovation in the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) manufacturing SMMEs sectors, which most affects on the state of the environment, to identify the causes of low innovation in the industry and to examine these factors influence on the effectiveness of SMMEs manufacturers innovation strategies, as well as to invent a new innovation strategic approach to overcome innovation problems in the economic growth of fast moving consumer goods SMMEs manufacturers. The study is aimed to determine the level of innovation and factors contributing to low innovation in fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) SMMEs manufacturers, which hinder their economic performance. Mixed approach of quantitative and qualitative questionnaire is used for primary data collection. Sample consists of 120 SMMEs. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) (23.0) was employed for data analysis. The study results are presented with figures and diagrams. This study will be a useful tool for general public and relevant stakeholders in this sector.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O31, L60, L26
- Table 1. South African government policies
- Table 2. Skills and training to achieve growth
- Table 3. Customers’ loyalty
- Table 4. Innovative features and benefits
- Table 5. Innovative consumer products
- Table 6. Levels of innovation in South African FMCG SMME manufacturers
- Table 7. Importance of innovation in the process of product designing and manufacturing
- Table 8. Creating a tolerant environment for innovation
- Table 9. Lack of financing and skills
- Table10. High costs or complex procedures
- Table 11. Lack of information on the part of employer
- Table 12. Lack of technological know-how
- Table 13. Finance issues
- Table 14. Government laws and regulations issues
- Table 15. Effective supply chain management
- Table 16. Lack of product brand name
- Table 17. Issues of government support
- Table 18. Issue of growth of the SMME industry
- Table 19. Issue of failure in SMME manufacturers
- Table 20. Importance of innovation
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