Issue #2 (Volume 8 2017)
ReleasedJuly 13, 2017
24 Authors
44 Tables
8 Figures
- agriculture
- annual reports
- binary model
- biofuels
- cognitive accounting
- contingent valuation method
- Corporate Environmental Disclosure (CED)
- criminal sanctions
- developing countries
- direct WTP revelation
- ecological and economic interactions
- ecological and economic principles
- environmental crimes
- environmental harm and degradation
- environmental pollution
Exploring fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) small, medium and micro enterprises manufacturers’ need for innovation to achieve growth
Lawrence Mpele Lekhanya, Nze Grace Olajumoke , Dorasamy Nirmala doi:
Environmental Economics Volume 8, 2017 Issue #2 pp. 8-16
Views: 5891 Downloads: 1236 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the problems of the sustainable development, to explore the level of innovation in the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) manufacturing SMMEs sectors, which most affects on the state of the environment, to identify the causes of low innovation in the industry and to examine these factors influence on the effectiveness of SMMEs manufacturers innovation strategies, as well as to invent a new innovation strategic approach to overcome innovation problems in the economic growth of fast moving consumer goods SMMEs manufacturers. The study is aimed to determine the level of innovation and factors contributing to low innovation in fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) SMMEs manufacturers, which hinder their economic performance. Mixed approach of quantitative and qualitative questionnaire is used for primary data collection. Sample consists of 120 SMMEs. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) (23.0) was employed for data analysis. The study results are presented with figures and diagrams. This study will be a useful tool for general public and relevant stakeholders in this sector.
The nonlinear progressive water pricing policy in Tunisia: equity and efficiency
Younes Ben Zaied , Houssam Bouzgarrou , Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh , Pascal Nguyen doi: Economics Volume 8, 2017 Issue #2 pp. 17-27
Views: 908 Downloads: 243 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEconomic theory and recent empirical evidence show that nonlinear progressive water pricing policies are the most useful tool to reduce water demand in water stressed countries. The originality of our paper is to implement Pedroni (1999) panel cointegration tests, using databases on a breakdown of two consumption blocks (a lower and an upper block) from the Tunisian water regulator over 27 years. The results reveal that increasing block tariffs have been successful in managing scarce water in Tunisia. The authors observe that, in the long-run, proportion of subscribers in the upper water consumption block decreases when price increases, while in the lower block, which is composed essentially of low-income households characterized by inelastic water demand, proportion of subscribers is less elastic to price changes and still unchanged. This paper calls for the implementation of nonlinear progressive pricing to reduce demand by large consumers in order to promote efficiency in use and to promote the access of poor consumers to the resource in order to promote equity.
Accentuating criminal sanctions for environmental degradation: issues and perspectives
Kola O. Odeku , Simbarashe R. Gundani doi: Economics Volume 8, 2017 Issue #2 pp. 28-37
Views: 1293 Downloads: 667 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis article examines the need to enforce criminal sanctions for environmental crimes being perpetrated daily, particularly by those who engage in mining and extractive ventures. In South Africa, more often than not, the sanctions for environmental crimes are usually premised on civil suits or administrative actions against the perpetrators. However, these sanctions have not been effective in dissuading perpetrators from environmental harm and degradation because they have the financial means to settle any claims or fines imposed by the courts or the administrative tribunals. It is against the backdrop of this culture of deliberate impunity that this article accentuates the need to strengthen sanctions against perpetrators by imposing criminal sanctions in order to serve as deterrent. A precedent was set by the court in the case of Blue Platinum Ventures (Pty) Limited and Maponya, where the court emphatically invoked and applied criminal sanction against the defendant and was held criminally liable for degrading the environment. The case is a landmark, as it sets a new precedent, where the perpetrator was criminally sanctioned. Countries like United States of America and Australia have been successful in criminal sanctioning of environmental crimes; many mining and extractives companies’ executives and managers have been criminally sanctioned and sent to jail. This article looks at the jurisprudence from these jurisdictions and draws useful lessons that could be used to strengthen prosecution and conviction of perpetrators in South Africa.
A general model for treatment of protests and no-answer responses in contingent valuation method
Environmental Economics Volume 8, 2017 Issue #2 pp. 38-49
Views: 964 Downloads: 489 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study formulates a general model to account for the protest responses and no-answer replies. The distinct characteristics of this model are general in three ways: simultaneously accounting for protest and no-answer responses, applicable to all kinds of elicitation formats in contingent valuation, and simplicity in estimation. Creation of inverse Mills ratio is the distinctive step in this general model. The inverse Mills ratio is continuously carried in the subsequent estimation for the modification of different types of elicitation formats in this general model. The results generally indicate that these ratios are significantly different from zero. This means that accounting for these Mills ratios does have an important role in such modification when protest responses and/or no-answer responses are both taken into account. The results show that overall total willingness to pay from the general model with inclusion of protest and no-answer responses under different types of elicitation formats are higher than those estimated by traditional treatment. The degree of underestimation of traditional treatment is between 26% and 67%. That is, the general model proposed here for treating protest and/or no-answer responses in contingent valuation method can account for the full information, which might be potentially omitted or inappropriately dealt with in the estimation.
Green modernization of Ukraine’s economy: analysis of barriers and drivers based on interviewing of the companies
Vyacheslav Potapenko , Yevgen Khlobystov, Robert Kornatowski doi:
Environmental Economics Volume 8, 2017 Issue #2 pp. 50-56
Views: 998 Downloads: 399 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis article examines the need to design of the questionnaire for interviewing companies for analysis of barriers and prospects for development of green modernization of the economy of Ukraine. An objective of the study is to analyze existing strategies for the greening economy, the small and medium-sized enterprises’ awareness and special knowledge on environment. The authors observe that, despite the differences between the economic systems, Ukraine and Armenia, the countries of Eastern partnership, have common features of the post-Soviet management system and normative legislative base. The Government can help small and medium-sized enterprises to change their business practices and adapt to modern requirements, by “greening” the current strategy in the industry and innovation, promoting the concept of eco-efficient businesses and products and supporting the environmental innovation. The results reveal that in order to design a questionnaire for interviewing companies about barriers and drivers of green modernization of the economy, it is necessary to do a prior study on the basis of available data, results of research of international organizations and Ukrainian experts in order to compose a working hypothesis that will be a basis for design of the questionnaire.
Stimulation of effective ecological and economic interactions in the process of business environment creation
Alexander Ishchenko doi: Economics Volume 8, 2017 Issue #2 pp. 57-66
Views: 853 Downloads: 198 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article substantiates the necessity of introducing a new national framework document that would outline strategic directions for long-term development of Ukraine and facilitate the integration of sustainable development into the national plans, strategies and programs. It provides recommendations concerning the projection of business environment taking into account environmental and economic constraints and green technologies in Ukraine, as well as the use of economic and mathematical modeling. It offers the introduction of ecological and economic projects to enhance control and responsibility for the implementation of the planned measures on all levels, constant examination of the current legislation regarding its compliance with the principles of sustainable development; active use of public examination and independent audit; ensuring continuous dialogue between representatives of business and society.
Mapping environmental pollution disclosures in Tunisia
Nassreddine Garoui , Raida Chakroun , Ezzeddine Ben Mohamed doi: Economics Volume 8, 2017 Issue #2 pp. 67-75
Views: 955 Downloads: 576 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe aim of this paper is to examine the mental models of actors in Tunisian firms with respect to the environmental pollution. The authors use a cognitive map to observe these mental diagrams and to visualize ways to conceptualize the environmental pollution and to understand this concept through the presentation and analysis of the cognitive maps of Tunisian firm’s actors. Each actor’s systematic exploration grid shows a balance of concepts that expresses their cognitive orientation. Thus, the authors visualize the concepts (variables) that structure the cognitive universe of the actors, which is projected in terms of influences and dependencies. This research provides some lines of thought about environmental and pollution reporting that should be explored further. The research can only help to launch a debate on corporate accountability and transparency.
Environmental and economic foundations of system optimization of operational, technological and construction parameters of rice irrigation systems
Vasyl Turchenyuk , Nadiia Frolenkova , Anatolii Rokochynskyi doi: Economics Volume 8, 2017 Issue #2 pp. 76-82
Views: 897 Downloads: 183 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe paper substantiates the necessity to carry out system optimization of operational, technological and construction parameters of water regulation in the operation of rice irrigation systems, lays out methodological approaches and results. This research formulates approaches to the selection of project criteria and conditions of economic and environmental optimization during the construction of complex optimization models in the projects of their reconstruction and operation taking into account climatic management strategies of such objects. The proposed set of measures as a result of system optimization is focused on improving the natural and amelioration state of rice irrigation systems, improving their technological and technical parameters, introducing of water and resource saving regimes of rice irrigation and related rice crop rotations.
Sustainable development: biofuels in agriculture
Environmental Economics Volume 8, 2017 Issue #2 pp. 83-91
Views: 1017 Downloads: 372 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯBiofuels are socially and politically accepted as a form of sustainable energy in numerous countries. However, cases of environmental degradation and land grabs have highlighted the negative effects to their adoption. Smallholder farmers are vital in the development of a biofuel industry. The study sought to assess the implications in the adoption of biofuel crops by smallholder farmers. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to 129 smallholder farmers who were sampled from the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa. A binary probit model was used to investigate the determinants of smallholder farmers adopting biofuel crops. The empirical results showed that the variables, such as membership in association, occupation and incentives were statistically significant in influencing farmers’ decision to adopt biofuel crops. Furthermore, it was discovered that the studied areas have a potential to grow biofuel crops.
Reducing environmental hazard caused by disposed mobile phones in developing countries
Alfred Coleman doi: Economics Volume 8, 2017 Issue #2 pp. 92-99
Views: 939 Downloads: 1004 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe utilization of unused and retired mobile phones in South Africa and other African countries poses a significant environmental hazard. Disposing of retired mobile phones in a safe manner has become an issue of concern in South Africa because of health and environmental hazards associated with it. This study investigates the methods of disposing and recycling of old, unused and retired mobile phones and their associated environmental effect on humans and plants in Africa. A case study approach was used in this paper. Participants were selected from three cities in South Africa, targeting three government institutions and three mobile phone service providers. Semi-structured, open-ended interview questions were used to get evidence from the participants regarding how old, unused and retired mobile phones are disposed and possible effect of these on the environment. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and coded. Findings revealed that most common method of disposing of old, retired mobile phones was donating them as gifts, selling to second-hand shops or storing in homes as spare phones. Based on findings, a proposed framework was developed to guide the collection process, reducing, reusing and recycling of old and retired mobile phones in Africa. The framework will not only assist manufacturers and retailers in selecting a better option of disposing old mobile phones, but also will to improve the hazardous environmental conditions, which affect humans and plants.