Environmental and economic foundations of system optimization of operational, technological and construction parameters of rice irrigation systems
Article InfoVolume 8 2017, Issue #2, pp. 76-82
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The paper substantiates the necessity to carry out system optimization of operational, technological and construction parameters of water regulation in the operation of rice irrigation systems, lays out methodological approaches and results. This research formulates approaches to the selection of project criteria and conditions of economic and environmental optimization during the construction of complex optimization models in the projects of their reconstruction and operation taking into account climatic management strategies of such objects. The proposed set of measures as a result of system optimization is focused on improving the natural and amelioration state of rice irrigation systems, improving their technological and technical parameters, introducing of water and resource saving regimes of rice irrigation and related rice crop rotations.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)Q15
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- Table 2. Assessment of ecological reliability of project solutions depending on the speed of vertical filtration on rice fields
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