Issue #1 (Volume 15 2017)
ReleasedMarch 29, 2017
36 Authors
66 Tables
30 Figures
- adoption
- analytical approach
- asymmetry evaluation
- BCG Matrix
- Boston Consulting Group
- business entities
- causes
- China-SA relations
- client satisfaction
- cluster management
- development path
- e-government
- economic growth
- emergence
- emergent change readiness
- employee
- employee change readiness
- evolution
- export and import of goods and services
- factors
- fall
- flexibility
- forecasting
- front line focus
- global competence clusters
- hair salon owners and practitioners
- hair salons
- income
- inequality
- infostructure
- institutionalization
- integration processes
- international integration
- international integration space
- international transport services market
- leave
- lifecycle
- literature review
- manageability
- management fashion
- management technique
- modulization of work processes
- neo-liberal policies
- network management
- open source software
- organization
- organizational changes
- organizational immunity
- pattern
- perceived bureaucratic structure
- persistence
- planned change readiness
- portfolio planning
- poverty
- realist theory
- relationship marketing
- retain
- rise
- risk
- salary
- social contributions
- strategic planning
- strategies
- tax burden
- the system of basis parameters
- traditional marketing
- transformational leadership
- transport services
- turnover
- uncertainty
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
Network tie structure causing OSS group innovation and growth
Stefan Kambiz Behfar , Ekaterina Turkina , Thierry Burger-Helmchen doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 7-18
Views: 1581 Downloads: 356 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯOpen source software (OSS) development as an inexpensive process to develop software threatens proprietary software business strategies. Providing business strategy to benefit from volunteer developers for the purpose of contributing to existing projects, as well as initiating new OSS projects is of utmost significance for companies in that industry. Therefore, it is important to figure out how groups of volunteer developers are formed as new developers join existing projects, and it is even more important to investigate what causes these developers to initiate new projects. The authors investigate network structure as a causal factor for both new project initiation within a group (representing group innovation) as well as new developers joining existing projects within a group (representing group growth). The authors develop four hypotheses:
1. Intra-group coupling has a positive impact on group growth,
2. Inter-group coupling has a positive impact on group innovation,
3. Inter-group structural hole has a positive impact on group innovation,
4. There is a trade-off between the effects of inter-group structural hole and inter-group coupling on group innovation.
The authors test these four hypotheses using data from OSS. Developers contributing to project tasks in groups other than their own can explore novel ideas for new project creation, because they can benefit from sharing knowledge, whereas developers contributing to project tasks inside their own group exploit ideas to improve those existing projects with better inside-group search possibility; and this demands more developers to join those group projects. -
Not dead yet: the rise, fall and persistence of the BCG Matrix
Dag Øivind Madsen doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 19-34
Views: 5085 Downloads: 2907 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe BCG Matrix was introduced almost 50 years ago, and is today considered one of the most iconic strategic planning techniques. Using management fashion theory as a theoretical lens, this paper examines the historical rise, fall and persistence of the BCG Matrix. The analysis highlights the role played by fashion-setting actors (e.g., consultants, business schools and business media) in the rise of the BCG Matrix. However, over time, portfolio planning models such as the BCG Matrix were attacked and discredited by a host of different actors, and gradually fell out of favor. Even though the BCG Matrix has fallen from grace, it is still alive and has left an imprint on management education and practice. Despite being largely discredited in academic circles, many practitioners still view it as an important corporate portfolio planning technique.
Transformational leadership and change readiness and a moderating role of perceived bureaucratic structure: an empirical investigation
Badri Abbasi doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 35-44
Views: 2377 Downloads: 982 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between transformational leadership and change readiness through perceived bureaucratic structure among government employees in Rasht. As a methodology, descriptive method was applied using questionnaire to collect data. The studied population consisted of 600 employees from three state organizations including Municipality, Gilan Tax Department and Gilan Justice Court. According to Morgan table, the sample size was estimated at 234. This study examined six hypotheses, which were tested using multiple regression method. The results showed that transformational leadership had a positive direct effect on employee change readiness and its dimensions. However, substitution of the bureaucratic structure in the model eliminated the effect. Finally, the hypothesis on the effect of transformational leadership on change readiness through perceived bureaucratic structure was rejected.
Systemic value creation in knowledge organizations: aspects of a theory
Daniel Adriaenssen , Dagny Johannessen , Helene Sætersdal , Jon-Arild Johannessen doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 45-54
Views: 2463 Downloads: 894 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe phenomenon under investigation is the transition from an industrial society to a society that is based to a larger extent on knowledge resources. The question the authors are investigating is: What are the key value creation processes in a knowledge-based organization? The objective of the article is to understand and explain the social mechanisms that influence the development of knowledge-based organizations. The method used is conceptual generalization. The findings are linked to a new emphasis on information structure (infostructure), and a new way of organizing (front line focus), the modulization of work processes, and global competence clusters.
Impact on poverty and income inequality in Malaysia’s economic growth
Rabiul Islam, Ahmad Bashawir Abdul Ghani , Irwanshah Zainal Abidin , Jeya Malar Rayaiappan doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 55-62
Views: 12223 Downloads: 5837 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯPoverty and income inequality are extreme issues that still exist in Malaysia. Any rise in poverty and income inequality definitely affect economic growth. There are many great efforts taken by the government of Malaysia to eradicate poverty and to reduce the gap of income inequality which occurs since 1970’s. The incidence of poverty and income inequality is higher in rural areas compared to urban areas. This paper is mainly to study the level of poverty and income inequality in Malaysia together with government intervention to develop Malaysia’s economic growth. The research is focused among the working people at Ipoh, Perak. In this paper, questionnaire forms are being distributed to get information regarding the issue of poverty and income inequality. It also looks into the strategies taken by the government of Malaysia to eradicate poverty and income inequality. Few recommendations are given in terms of education policy, financial aid and assistance from government and non-government organization (NGO) to upgrade the standard and quality of living among the poor and lower-income group of people.
Factors affecting employee turnover and sound retention strategies in business organization: a conceptual view
Chowdhury Abdullah Al Mamun , Md. Nazmul Hasan doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 63-71
Views: 16363 Downloads: 7027 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯ“Employee turnover” as an expression is broadly used in business organization. Despite the fact that several studies have been performed on this topic, little research has been conducted on examining the causes and leading factors of turnover as well, as advising some feasible approaches, which can be applied by bosses to ensure that employees will continue in their respective organizations to enhance organizational effectiveness and productivity. The main purpose of this study is to determine the reasons and key factors in the perspectives of the relevant literature and identify to the intention of employee turnover. This conceptual paper also suggests various possible strategies on how to minimize the turnover and retain employees in the organizations. Hence, the paper has proposed a conceptual framework that shows the major variables in explaining the phenomenon of employee turnover and addressing sound retention strategies to handle these issues.
Influence of the minimum salary level increase on the business entities activity in the context of the transition to the sustainable development
Leonid Melnyk, Leonid M. Taraniuk
, Olga Kozmenko , Lina Sineviciene
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 72-79
Views: 1741 Downloads: 950 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the context of transition to the sustainable development actually justified and economically balanced managerial decisions are worth to be introduced into activity of the business entities. First of all, it is connected with the formation of the social standards by the Ukrainian government. Establishment of the minimum salary for the employees of the national economic complex of the country is one of the main components of these standards. This indicator influences both the increase of the population’s social welfare provision level and on the economy of the economic entities, including business representatives. Research was conducted in Ukraine. The main trends of the social welfare provision of the business sector entities, including the experience of Hungary and Russia, were analyzed in this article. The main rules of the effective social welfare provision, accounting the necessities of the business environment, were formed. Economical analysis of the retrospective and predictive information about the payroll payment and payment of social contributions was made. The influence of the increase of the minimum salary on the activity of business entities, taking into account raised minimum salary, was analyzed. The regressive model of the payroll budget dependence, accounting minimum salary and social contributions’ level increase, was designed. Obtained calculation results showed high level of tax burden on the business sector entities, so, organization-economic measures of tax burden decrease on the business entities were offered. They took into account minimum salary growth for their employees in the context of the transition to the sustainable development. Recommendations concerning the further scientific researches on the topic of the article were offered.
The place and perspectives of Ukraine in international integration space
Vitalina Babenko, Maryna Pasmor
, Juliia Pankova , Mykhailo Sidorov doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 80-92
Views: 1571 Downloads: 254 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe resulting indexes for integration processes state development analysis were formed. The integral indexes illustrating integration state were calculated on the basis of member countries of BRICS and Ukraine. It provided the possibility to evaluate socioeconomic state of the countries from the point of view of international integration and create integration processes development scenarios. The strategic directions of integration processes development for Ukraine and member countries of BRICS were formed.
Economic conditions of the functioning and existence of asymmetry in the development of transport services markets of Ukraine
Svitlana Ilchenko doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 93-98
Views: 1126 Downloads: 288 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe achievement of the desired level of efficiency in the functioning of the markets of goods and services is possible under the conditions of equilibrium of these processes on the global scale. The paper is focused on the worldwide tendencies in the development of the markets of goods and services, on their disproportional development. The relationship of the received results with the nature of functioning of economic systems and its interaction with the sphere of transport is determined. The article considers the importance of tendencies in the development of the world economic system for Ukraine, the degree of inclusion of transport into the global processes. It identifies the need to consider the asymmetry in the development levels of the markets of goods and transport services on the international and the national scale, assessing the level of deviation from the state of symmetry. It substantiates the necessity in eliminating disproportions depending on the level and type of asymmetries and taking into account the global tendencies.
Bibliometric analysis over research on “client satisfaction”
Veronika Rudchenko , Juan-Carlos Martin , María-Victoria Sánchez-Rebull doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 99-106
Views: 1091 Downloads: 348 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe objective of this study is to analyze publication’s evolution on the topic of client satisfaction using the Scopus database in the English language for the period 1954-2016. The methodology used in this paper is a literature review conducted on 2753 scientific articles and 156 journals. After establishing 100 top publications topics on client satisfaction, the contributors find that authors used almost the same methods of research and data collection. The main results demonstrate the increase of interest over the theme in different social and economic sciences, as well as in different countries. Important scientific journals also increase the number of publications on client satisfaction. Besides the high interest over this theme in the academia, the international literature reviews are still scarce. The approach, based on the construction of a database using a systematic selection process that was applied to the English language publications on social and economic science areas, is a valid tool that can be applied for literature reviews in all areas within social and economic sciences. To the contributors knowledge, the bibliometric analysis is applied for the first time on client satisfaction, so this is also a novel aspect of the paper to highlight.
Risk and uncertainty in concept of corporate lifecycle
Evgeny A. Kuzmin doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 107-114
Views: 1347 Downloads: 333 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯRegularly changed destructive periods in organizational development mean that the lifecycle exists. A nature of its formation hides a number of important conceptual regularities. One aspect of these trends is relationship between distribution of uncertainty and risks in lifecycle models, underlying motives of their formation and determining participation in development of organizational immunity. A closer definition of these issues is an objective of this research. The paper reviews the history of the lifecycle concept, gives its analysis and possible applications in management studies. In the analytical review of literature, there is an attempt of theoretical systematization for some provisions from the concept on consistency and continuity of stages turnover, on conditions of their identification and a nonlinear path. For discussions of the scientific community, the author presents hypotheses of the available effect of compression (density) in development stages, as well as heterogenic risk concentration. There is an assumption that economic systems have different orders for both the general and short lifecycles. Based on generalized theoretical and methodological provisions of stages in the lifecycle phases, the author attempts to combine functional and evolutionary models. The author also details distinctive features in the process of control over uncertainty and risks in the sequence of development stages.
The effect of UTAUT2 moderator factors on citizens’ intention to adopt e-government: the case of two SADC countries
Willard Munyoka , Manoj Maharaj doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 115-123
Views: 1392 Downloads: 723 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯE-government is widely believed to play a significant role in improving the public service delivery system in developing countries. Yet, its adoption and utilization amongst citizens remain a subject of concern amongst government policy makers. This study aims to investigate moderating factors that influence citizens’ decisions to adopt and utilize e-government services in the SADC region. The study adopts the extended UTAUT2 model as a theoretical underpinning, backed by recent literature on e-government adoption to advance and test an e-government adoption model. Empirical quantitative data for validating the proposed model was collected from 247 participants using self-administered questionnaires.
In analyzing the empirical data, five moderating demographic factors affecting citizens’ behavioral intention to adopt e-government services were tested and confirmed. The study found that only four moderating factors (age, level of education, the location of residence, and vernacular language) positively influenced citizens’ intention to adopt e-government. The study concludes by drawing attention to insights on moderating factors affecting e-government adoption, thereby casting more light to success factors and gray areas for failed adoption.
Neo-liberalization: the impact of Chinese exports on South Africa’s sociopolitical economy
Samuel Augustine Umezurike , Chux Gervase Iwu, Lawrence Ogechukwu Obokoh
, Chinelo Augustine Umezurike doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 124-131
Views: 1812 Downloads: 355 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯOn gaining independence, one of the first steps it took was to open its doors to various socio-economic dynamics. It is fair to say, therefore, that South Africa’s neo-liberal approach was necessitated by the nation’s desire to diversify its economy in multiple sectors and, therefore, permit foreign direct investment into the country. To most researchers, this has resulted in near deindustrialization leading to gross job losses and reduced standards of living. Essentially, this paper, relying on realist theory, delves into one of the issues, i.e., the demise of the manufacturing sector in South Africa to deliver the poignant explanation pertaining to South Africa’s sociopolitical economy. The authors find that the presence of China’s finished products in South Africa’s market has emboldened and continues to debilitate its manufacturing industry. A major concern is that South Africa’s attempts to soften this effect on its manufacturing sector through its protectionist policy – precisely the application of the quota system on imported goods – will not go too far considering the limitations placed on South Africa by virtue of its membership in organizations such as WTO and BRICS.
The relevance of relationship marketing model for hair salon’s competitiveness: a theoretical perspective
Edmund O. Amoakoh , Matsidiso N. Naong doi: and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 132-139
Views: 1442 Downloads: 1535 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯRelationship marketing (RM) concept seems to be best understood and embraced more by big business, while amongst myriad of small businesses it seems less prominent. This paper explores the need for RM as a determinant to hair salon’s competitiveness and growth. Hair industry in SA is declared a multi-billion dollar industry, their stagnation prompted this study. This paper contends that relationship building with customers has a profound effect on the inclination of a customer to return to the business. With the key variables of the relationship marketing model as the main determinants are namely service quality, customer satisfaction and customer retention. Increased practice of RM within this industry will enable owners to embrace entrepreneurial activities imperative for competitiveness, value creation and sustainability.