Demand of HR-competency in Ukraine: changes and challenges at the labor market under pandemic COVID-19
Article InfoVolume 11 2021, Issue #1, pp. 14-30
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The experience of the last year of business operation has highlighted the need to find new ways and approaches to managing people, through the crisis caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. New socio-economic reality, digitalization and socialization are transforming the people management processes of, which, in turn, changes the modern requirements for HR competencies. The article’s purpose is to form a model of personnel manager competencies by clusters of general and professional competencies based on the implementation of best international experience in forming and developing HR competencies models and considering demand trends in the Ukrainian labor market in the segment «HR Management» in modern realities. To produce results, the following methods were used: abstract-logical to generalize the scientific literature; monographic and analogies to summarize the international experience of forming HR-competencies models; empirical for the analysis of trends in the formation of demand for HR-competencies in the Ukrainian labor market; modeling to develop a modern HR competencies model for Ukraine; generalizations to draw conclusions. The generalization of the current state of scientific research and international experience in modeling HR-competencies allowed to structure the current HR-competencies of SHRM, HRCI, CIPD and to develop proposals for their implementation in Ukrainian HR-practice. The analysis of the demand for HR-competence in Ukraine allowed to select the most popular of them by general, managerial, and special clusters; to identify the frequency of demand for HR-competences and calculate their weight level. On this basis, the structure of demand in the labor market of Ukraine in the segment of «HR-Management» was generalized. The influence of changes and challenges of the organization’s activity during the pandemic COVID-19 on the transformation of the roles of people management and the current HR competencies model in Ukraine is substantiated. Prospective directions of using the model for professional standard development, educational services improvement, and development of the national system of HR-certification for making better the quality and performance of the human resource management function in Ukraine are proposed.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M12, J24, J44
- Figure 1. Актуальні компетентності менеджера з персоналу згідно основних міжнародних моделей HR компетентностей
- Figure 2. Структура попиту на загальні HR компетентності на ринку праці України у січні-березні 2021 року
- Figure 3. Структура попиту на управлінські HR компетентності на ринку праці України у січні-березні 2021 року
- Figure 4. Структура попиту на спеціальні HR компетентності на ринку праці України у січні-березні 2021 року
- Figure 5. Модель HR-компетентностей відповідно до попиту на ринку праці України
- Table 1. Аналіз попиту на загальні компетентності менеджера з персоналу на ринку праці України в сегменті «Менеджменту персоналу» у січні – березні 2021 року
- Table 2. Аналіз попиту на управлінські компетентності менеджера з персоналу на ринку праці України в сегменті «Менеджменту персоналу» у січні – березні 2021 року
- Table 3. Аналіз попиту на спеціальні функціональні компетентності менеджера з персоналу на ринку праці України в сегменті «Менеджменту персоналу» у січні – березні 2021 року
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