Affordable housing for internally displaced persons: The priorities for investment and development in Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 18 2021, Issue #1, pp. 101-113
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The institution of home ownership provides for the functioning of affordable housing for low-income people and new groups in need of social protection, including the reintegration of migrants to new places of residence.
The aim of the study is to substantiate the priorities of investments into affordable housing for internally displaced persons promoting their adaptation and social reintegration in the context of administrative-territorial decentralization.
The study is based on use of empirical, economic and statistical methods, which in the process of correlation, regression and canonical analysis showed that many indicators that characterize the housing market are closely correlated with the scale and development level of administrative units in Ukraine. To characterize the state and investment attractiveness of the residential real estate market, a set of indicators was used in the modeling: population, the number of employed, household income, regional domestic product, volume of commissioned housing, construction investments, regional human development index, total housing stock, housing prices in the regions of Ukraine and Kyiv. The most significant parameter that affects the volume of housing construction is the amount of investments into per capita housing construction.
The article also discusses the housing market situation, which differs in regions or some cities due to the significant differentiation of their development, which affects the ability to obtain affordable housing. The implementation of regional development programs should determine investment priorities of social protection, particularly the possibility of buy-out schemes through the mechanism of leasing of social housing by internally displaced persons.
This research was funded by a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Reforming the lifelong learning system in Ukraine for the prevention of the labor emigration: a coopetition model of institutional partnership” (No. 0120U102001).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)R21, G17, G23
- Figure 1. The dependence of the new housing supply on the volume of investment and income per capita (the size of bubbles reflects the amount of income)
- Figure 2. Three-dimensional graph built on the results of the regression model shown in Table 2
- Figure 3. Scatter diagram of canonical correlations for the first canonical root
- Table 1. Matrix of paired correlation coefficients between indicators that comprehensively characterize the residential real estate market of Ukraine in 2015
- Table 2. The results of multiple linear regression analysis 1
- Table 3. The results of multiple linear regression analysis 2
- Table 4. Canonical weights and loads of variables of the first canonical root
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