Internal migration during the war in Ukraine: Recent challenges and problems
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #1, pp. 312-325
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Insecurity, chaotic extensive internal movement, and external migration, growing social vulnerability, and decreasing economic stability of internally displaced persons, characterize the migration crisis caused by the large-scale Russian war against Ukraine. The aim of this paper is to reveal the needs (tangible and intangible), challenges, and opportunities for the social integration of internally displaced persons in the host communities (on the example of the Pidberiztsivska territorial community of Lviv oblast). The paper presents the sociological survey through in-depth interviews based on questionnaires. The sample is based on five strata (four starostyn areas and the administrative center) and amounts to 4% of the statistical population (50 displaced persons). The paper specifies that the host society’s lack of affordable housing (68.6% of respondents) and limited employment opportunities (39.9% of respondents) are the main challenges for internally displaced persons. The survey reveals a low level of integration of internally displaced persons and a lack of desire to assimilate into the host society caused by positive aspirations to emigrate abroad (13.5% of respondents) and intentions to return to their previous (permanent) place of residence (54% of respondents). Mapping the problems and needs of internally displaced persons can constitute the information-analytical basis for ensuring the communities’ economic progress in times of war in terms of accumulation and efficient use of the capacity of internally displaced persons.
The study is conducted within the framework of the grant “Instruments for the support of integration of IDPs into life in the Pidberiztsivska territorial community: A pilot project in Lviv oblast” funded by the International Renaissance Foundation (Grant registration number 54766, 2022–2023).
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)І31, H56, R23
- Figure 1. Average monthly income of an IDP family before and after a forced migration, % of respondents
- Figure 2. Share of social assistance in the total income of the IDPs, % of respondents
- Figure 3. Current occupation status of IDPs and in the local labor market, % of respondents
- Figure 4. Relevant tangible problems of IDPs in the Pidberiztsivska community, % of respondents
- Figure 5. Differentiation of the impact of forced migration on the human capacity of IDPs
- Figure 6. Support of IDPs in Pidberiztsivska community, % of respondents
- Figure 7. Conflicts of IDPs with the local population, local government, and other IDPs in the Pidberiztsivska community, % of respondents
- Figure 8. IDPs’ plans for further stay in the Pidberiztsivska community, % of respondents
- Figure 9. Migration intentions to leave Ukraine among IDPs in the Pidberiztsivska community, % of respondents
- Figure 10. IDPs’ plans for the near future while staying in the Pidberiztsivska community, % of respondents
- Table 1. The distribution the target groups of IDPs: the sociological survey
- Table 2. Estimates of physical and emotional-psychological condition, sense of dignity and respect in the society of IDPs in Pidberiztsivska community, % of respondents
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