Adaptation of business hotels to the needs of disabled tourists in Poland
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #4, pp. 392-403
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This paper presents an overview of the issues related to the readiness of Polish hotel establishments to develop the business tourism services for disabled tourists. The purpose of this study is to identify new innovative amenities for business tourism, with particular emphasis on disabled tourists.
The paper has been divided into two parts: theoretical approach to disabled hotel guests in business hotel and the needs of disabled in the Polish business hotels. The authors conducted a study on Polish business hotels. Studies have confirmed that business hotels, like traditional hotels, are not accessible to people with disabilities.
The study established a research hypothesis, which was proved in findings, i.e. the hotels are not prepared for older people and people with disabilities. Besides, the research results substantiated the necessity of the business hotels adaption to the needs of disable people. Also, the paper presents the suggestions on what the disabled guests expect from the Polish business hotels. In respect of doing this, further investments and financial support are necessary to allow creating friendly conditions for the disabled people.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)Z30, Z31, Z32
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