The effect of industrial revolutions on the transformation of social and economic systems
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #4, pp. 381-391
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Funding dataFunder name: Ministry of education and science of UkraineFunder identifier: –Award numbers: 0118U003578 & 0119U100364
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The development of human civilization is related to the constant change of economic formations, and the current social and economic situation is determined by such concepts as Society 5.0, Fourth, and Fifth Industrial Revolutions (FIR, FiIR). The paper aims to estimate the change of human role in each economic formation caused by industrial revolutions. A structured review methodology with a focus on biological, labor, and personal entity of human within the industrial revolutions is used. The description of the changes between the biological, labor, and personality entities of human in various socio-economic formations is discussed. The human as a biological entity is not changed in the first four industrial revolutions, while the FiIR tries to change the biological entity through augmenting the physical capacity. The human as a labor entity is not changed in the first three industrial formations, while the FIR tries to replace the majority of physical human jobs and opens the gate for creative economy and decisions-making. The direct labor participation is minimized within FIR since the economic systems move to the transition to the dominant role of cyber-physical systems. The personal human development is triggered within the FiIR, since informational diversity in economic systems is actualized, and conditions for creative jobs within the creative economy are formed. The biological, labor, and personality entities of human are sequentially actualized within the economic formation caused by industrial revolutions.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L60, P47
- Figure 1. The role of industrial revolutions in the implementation of the modern phase transition
- Table 1. The economic systems transformations under the influence of industrial revolutions
- Table 2. The social systems transformations under the influence of industrial revolutions
- Table 3. Forecast of the most important developments in the internet of things for 2025
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