Yevhenii Kozmenko
2 publications
0 books
The potential of conflicts of interest arising in the activities of credit rating agencies in Ukraine
Mykhailo Rebryk , Yuliia Rebryk , Sergii Sokol , Yevhenii Kozmenkodoi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #2 (cont. 1) pp. 222-233
Views: 1076 Downloads: 267 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis paper presents a comprehensive system of 38 indicators, which allows identification of possible endogenous sources and evaluation of the potential of conflicts of interest arising both at the corporate (in models of ownership, business and financial activities, corporate governance and organizational structures) and operational (analyst) levels of credit rating agencies (CRAs). Testing of proposed system of indicators was carried out based on the content analysis of the public information on the activities of five authorized credit rating agencies of Ukraine.
It is determined that at the beginning of 2017 the most sensitive to the risk of conflicts of interest were “Standard Rating” (74% of threat signals of the total number of indicators), “Expert Rating” (57%) and “Rurik” (37%). The highest potential of conflicts’ of interest escalation was identified in the models of financial activities (80% of threat signals of the total number of indicators of that group) and models of ownership of Ukrainian CRAs (63%).
The estimations of the risk level are proposed to be regarded mainly as signals of the potentially high sensitivity of the particular CRA to the risk of conflicts’ of interest escalation.
Such signals, in particular, can be used by the regulators for carrying out remote monitoring activities of CRAs, for adopting supervisory and regulatory decisions. In turn, managers and owners of rating agencies can conduct a more detailed analysis of the detected potential sources of conflict of interest with the aim of identification, localization, and elimination of shortcomings in the system of conflict of interest management. -
The effect of it-transformation of the country's financial potential during the post-conflict reconstruction
Nataliya Vyhovska, Andrii Polchanov
, Serhii Frolov , Yevhenii Kozmenko
Public and Municipal Finance Volume 7, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 15-25
Views: 1419 Downloads: 179 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯOver the last five years, Ukraine suffers from armed conflicts that cause substantial losses in the state budget. In this context, shaping the prospects and developing measures for the post-conflict reconstruction of the state and its economy is an important problem. The very possibility and the effectiveness of such measures will depend on the country's financial potential as well as on the financial strength of its entities. This potential is dynamic and influenced by information technology, without which any institution cannot go.
Given the particular significance of the financial potential IT-transformation, the role of digital forms of money, crowdfunding and initial coin offering (ICO) was identified. It is substantiated that while overcoming the consequences of military conflicts, their implementation facilitates the attraction and acceleration of the financial resources movement. By generalizing the developments and practical experience of Ukrainian fintech-companies, the principles of such developments application for assessing the external financial environment of economic entities and conducting financial analysis have been shaped. -
Balancing state budget expenditures: A case of Ukraine using the simplex method
Inna Shkolnyk, Yuriy Ladyka
, Volodymyr Orlov
, Khaled Aldiwani , Yevhenii Kozmenko
Public and Municipal Finance Volume 10, 2021 Issue #1 pp. 34-46
Views: 705 Downloads: 134 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe consolidated state budget expenditures reflect the condition of performance by a country of its basic functions and allow defining priority directions for the implementation of state policy. Their optimal ratio allows satisfying the interests of citizens, business and society as a whole, and can provide a significant impetus for economic growth. The analysis of state budget expenditures using the example of Ukraine showed that their structure is unbalanced. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to find the necessary balance. The optimization of Ukraine’s state budget expenditures was carried out using the simplex method based on their structure from 2007 to 2019. Since the priorities of Ukraine’s strategic economic and political development are the implementation of the EU standards and norms, the structure of the EU’s state budget expenditures is chosen as a guideline for determining the optimal structure of expenditures. As a result, it is determined that in order to harmonize the structure of the Ukrainian budget expenditures with the approaches implemented in the European Union, minimal changes in public order spending are required. In addition, significant areas of funding include healthcare, economic activity, social protection and security. At the same time, intergovernmental transfers need to be significantly reduced, the amount of which should be revised after the completion of the financial decentralization reform.
The impact of financial digitalization on ensuring the economic security of a country at war: New measurement vectors
Inna Shkolnyk, Serhiy Frolov
, Volodymyr Orlov
, Viktoriia Datsenko
, Yevhenii Kozmenko
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 19, 2022 Issue #3 pp. 119-138
Views: 783 Downloads: 236 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe military actions in Ukraine have actualized the transformation and revision of existing approaches to assessing the country’s economic security. Financial security, which is considered in this paper through its standard components such as financial sector security, stock market security, debt and budget security, has a significant effect on the formation of economic security. At the same time, digitalization in the financial sector was identified as a new component that provides access to financial resources even in the context of the deployment of hostilities in Ukraine. Therefore, this study assessed the effect of the state of financial security, taking into account the importance of financial digitalization for the economic security of Ukraine.
Based on quarterly data for the period 2015–2021, 42 indicators were analyzed, which were grouped according to the relevant components of financial security, and their integral indicators were determined using the Harrington method. A factor analysis of the formation of economic security was carried out using the principal components analysis, and an integral indicator of a country’s economic security was calculated based on the Kinney multiplicative convolution. The integral indicator of economic security for 2025–2021 doubled and amounted to 0.63 units, which was due to the increased influence of financial digitalization processes, all other components either slowly decreased or were stable. Thus, the reserve of economic security that was formed during this period, including due to the intensive digitalization of the financial sector, allowed Ukraine to survive the first weeks of the war and ensure the functioning of the financial system.Acknowledgment
Comments from the Editor and anonymous referees have been gratefully acknowledged. Inna Shkolnyk and Yevhenii Kozmenko gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (0122U000774 “Digitalization and transparency of public, corporate and personal finance: the impact on innovation development and national security”). -
Assessment of the reforms and programs results of Ukraine’s economy sustainable development by means of neural networks
Iryna Skliar, Nataliya Pedchenko
, Victoria Strilec
, Victoria Novikova
, Yevhenii Kozmenko
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #3 pp. 81-92
Views: 940 Downloads: 260 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIt is necessary to choose proper methodology and indicators for assessing sustainable economic development as the information becomes a tool for decision-making support of sustainable development policies and implementation of programs. In Ukraine, evaluating the results of implementation of different programs for development is essential as an analytical basis for making a strategy for the next period and a prerequisite for further progress.
Certain shortcomings of linear models for evaluating the results appeared during the design and implementation of the strategy to manage sustainable economic development. The potential for establishing erroneous targets increases in the formation of strategic objectives for the next forecast period. There is a special need to choose adequate indicators to comprehensively approximate the factors of economic development and evaluation methods that allow more sensitively measuring the results of management decisions in the implementation of the strategy.
The article evaluates the results of the Sustainable Development Strategy “Ukraine – 2020”, employing the potential of the neural network method for a flexible combination of a large number of factors in constructing nonlinear models of impact on the resulting indicator. As a result of applying the neural network model with one hidden layer for evaluation, based on 16 indicators identifying economic, social, and institutional aspects of sustainable development of Ukraine, it was found that institutional transformations contribute most to achieving sustainable development. Reforms in terms of deregulation and support of entrepreneurship, property rights protection, and competitive environment have the most significant positive impact. On the other hand, low efficiency of capital market reforms, implementation of the energy efficiency program, and reform in the field of public procurement determine the need to revise the program of their fulfilment.
- CRA independence
- credit rating agencies
- crowdfunding
- digital forms of money
- economic and mathematical modeling
- evaluation
- financial potential
- financial sector
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