Khaled Aldiwani
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0 books
State’s debt sustainability management: case of Ukraine
Fedir Zhuravka, Hanna Filatova
, Oleksandr Podmarov , Khaled Aldiwani , Fathi Shukairi
Public and Municipal Finance Volume 7, 2018 issue #4 pp. 1-7
Views: 1587 Downloads: 145 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯNowadays one of the relevant problems of economic development of Ukraine is the excessive increasing of the public debt that has a number of negative consequences for the financial system of the country. The article is devoted to the research of state’s debt sustainability concept. Special attention is paid to the development of an effective system of debt sustainability management. The aim of the article is to study the theoretical bases of the state’s debt sustainability, investigate scientific and methodological approaches to its management, analyze the public debt and debt sustainability of Ukraine. In order to achieve that goal, the following scientific methods were used: analysis and generalization, decomposition analysis, comparison and compilation. The authors analyzed the structure of the debt sustainability management system: objects, subjects, key principles, objectives, methods, instruments, etc. The list of key indicators of debt sustainability was substantiated and the authors compared their normative values in Ukraine and in world practice. Besides, the state and structure of public debt and the ratio of government debt to GDP were scrutinized. The obtained results proved the debt crisis deepening in Ukraine.
The methodological approaches development to assess the creation and use of the financial capacity of the state
Nataliya Vyhovska, Andrii Polchanov
, Khaled Aldiwani , Fathi Shukairi
Public and Municipal Finance Volume 8, 2019 Issue #1 pp. 28-43
Views: 1170 Downloads: 124 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article focuses on the development of scientific and methodological approach to determining the level of creation and use of financial capacity to identify current trends of its transformation and perspective directions for development. The research urgency is due to the need to ensure high level of national security, ineffective use of the existing financial capacity of the state, disputability of scientific approaches to identifying its components and the need to choose the vector for the state’s further development. This requires additional research methodological aspects aimed at obtaining objective and well-founded assessment of the financial capacity level.
The methodological approach proposed involves comparing the actual rated values of creation and use of the authorities’ financial resources (the ratio of the deficit/surplus of the state budget to GDP, the level of GDP redistribution through the consolidated budget, the ratio of the government and government-guaranteed debt to GDP and gross international reserves of Ukraine in the months of imports), financial resources of business entities (the level of listing companies capitalization, the ratio of non-performing loans to total gross loans, credit interest rate, companies’ ROA) and the financial resources of households (the share of cash income in total household resources, the ratio of the average amount of old-age pension to the average monthly nominal wage, the share of spending on food and non-alcoholic beverages in total household spending) with their recommended limits and the establishing a scoring making it possible to form an integral indicator that reflects the level of creation and use of the state’s financial capacity. The methodological approach has been tested using Ukraine as an example. This has made it possible to identify the negative tendencies of the creation and use of Ukraine’s financial capacity (the state budget imbalance, significant debt burden on the budget, high interest rates, significant share of household expenditure on consumption). Based on the results, perspectives for development of the state’s financial capacity are proposed. -
Balancing state budget expenditures: A case of Ukraine using the simplex method
Inna Shkolnyk, Yuriy Ladyka
, Volodymyr Orlov
, Khaled Aldiwani , Yevhenii Kozmenko
Public and Municipal Finance Volume 10, 2021 Issue #1 pp. 34-46
Views: 705 Downloads: 134 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe consolidated state budget expenditures reflect the condition of performance by a country of its basic functions and allow defining priority directions for the implementation of state policy. Their optimal ratio allows satisfying the interests of citizens, business and society as a whole, and can provide a significant impetus for economic growth. The analysis of state budget expenditures using the example of Ukraine showed that their structure is unbalanced. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to find the necessary balance. The optimization of Ukraine’s state budget expenditures was carried out using the simplex method based on their structure from 2007 to 2019. Since the priorities of Ukraine’s strategic economic and political development are the implementation of the EU standards and norms, the structure of the EU’s state budget expenditures is chosen as a guideline for determining the optimal structure of expenditures. As a result, it is determined that in order to harmonize the structure of the Ukrainian budget expenditures with the approaches implemented in the European Union, minimal changes in public order spending are required. In addition, significant areas of funding include healthcare, economic activity, social protection and security. At the same time, intergovernmental transfers need to be significantly reduced, the amount of which should be revised after the completion of the financial decentralization reform.
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