The potential of conflicts of interest arising in the activities of credit rating agencies in Ukraine
Received April 3, 2017;Accepted May 26, 2017;Published July 18, 2017
Author(s)Mykhailo Rebryk , Yuliia Rebryk , Sergii Sokol ,Link to ORCID Index:
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #2 (cont. 1), pp. 222-233
Cited by1 articlesJournal title: Cogent Business & ManagementArticle title: Elements of Credit Rating: A Hybrid Review and Future Research AgendaDOI: 10.1080/23311975.2021.1878977Volume: 8 / Issue: 1 / First page: / Year: 2021Contributors: Prashant Ubarhande, Arti Chandani, David McMillan
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This paper presents a comprehensive system of 38 indicators, which allows identification of possible endogenous sources and evaluation of the potential of conflicts of interest arising both at the corporate (in models of ownership, business and financial activities, corporate governance and organizational structures) and operational (analyst) levels of credit rating agencies (CRAs). Testing of proposed system of indicators was carried out based on the content analysis of the public information on the activities of five authorized credit rating agencies of Ukraine.
It is determined that at the beginning of 2017 the most sensitive to the risk of conflicts of interest were “Standard Rating” (74% of threat signals of the total number of indicators), “Expert Rating” (57%) and “Rurik” (37%). The highest potential of conflicts’ of interest escalation was identified in the models of financial activities (80% of threat signals of the total number of indicators of that group) and models of ownership of Ukrainian CRAs (63%).
The estimations of the risk level are proposed to be regarded mainly as signals of the potentially high sensitivity of the particular CRA to the risk of conflicts’ of interest escalation.
Such signals, in particular, can be used by the regulators for carrying out remote monitoring activities of CRAs, for adopting supervisory and regulatory decisions. In turn, managers and owners of rating agencies can conduct a more detailed analysis of the detected potential sources of conflict of interest with the aim of identification, localization, and elimination of shortcomings in the system of conflict of interest management.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G24, G32, G38, M14
- Figure 1. The total number of detected signals about the threat of conflicts’ of interest escalation in the activities of Ukrainian CRAs (at the beginning of 2017)
- Table 1. The warning signals concerning the potential of conflicts of interest in models of ownership of CRAs in Ukraine
- Table 2. The warning signals concerning the potential of conflicts of interest in models of business activities of CRAs in Ukraine
- Table 3. The warning signals concerning the potential of conflicts of interest in models of financial activities of CRAs in Ukraine
- Table 4. The warning signals concerning the potential of conflicts of interest in models of corporate governance and organizational structures of CRAs in Ukraine
- Table 5. The warning signals concerning the potential of conflicts of interest in models ensuring the independence of employees of CRAs in Ukraine
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Environmental responsibility mechanism development in the public sector of the economy
Inna Makarenko, Diana Bychenko
, Serhiy Makarenko
, Gunay Qasimova doi:
Environmental Economics Volume 9, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 28-41 Views: 1710 Downloads: 187 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEnvironmental responsibility mechanism in the public sector of the economy has an important sense in UN Sustainability Development Goals achievement, as well as in ensuring the competitiveness of the state-owned companies and the state as a whole. Sustainability concept, concept of “smart cities and smart communities” and the implementation of public administration reform, the necessity to increase the transparency of state-owned companies and the responsibility of municipalities to communities determine the reasonability and urgency in environmental responsibility mechanism development. Systematization and comparative analysis of world and national experience of environmental responsibility mechanism development in the public sector of the economy were made. The author’s approach to the structuring of the mechanism of environmental responsibility in the public sector was developed. Public policy peculiarities implementation in the field of environmental responsibility were investigated considering the levels of regulation of such liability: in state-owned companies as models for other sectors of the economy; in public authorities and municipalities.
Factors affecting accrual accounting reform and transparency of performance in the public sector in Vietnam
Phuong-Nguyen Thi Thanh, Hai Phan Thanh
, Tung-Nguyen Thanh , Tien-Vo Thi Thuy doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #2 pp. 180-193 Views: 1700 Downloads: 558 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study was conducted to determine the factors and their influence on accrual accounting reform in the public sector in Vietnam. Combining qualitative and quantitative research methods based on empirical surveys of 268 accountants, controllers, and auditors working in state agencies such as the Department of Finance, state treasuries and agencies receiving revenues from the state budget in 2019. This study shows that six factors influence the reform of the accounting system in the public sector in Vietnam to accrual-based: accounting staff – especially their expertise, competence, and work experience; training and support of the consulting experts; costs of the accounting reform; level of information technology application; funding and assistance from international organizations; legal environment.
At the same time, the accrual-based accounting reform will have a positive impact on improving the transparency and efficiency of public sector operations in Vietnam. Among the factors affecting accounting reform, the legal environment factor is the most influential determinant, followed by the contingent of accountants. The study’s limitation is that the new experimental investigation is only conducted with a small sample size and in a short period. However, the research results are also a useful reference for those who are interested in the context that Vietnam is preparing to have strong reforms in accounting in the public sector in the coming time. -
Public companies’ transparency in Ukraine: key regulatory requirements
Public and Municipal Finance Volume 6, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 8-14 Views: 1423 Downloads: 211 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯPublic companies as strategically important and economically powerful Ukrainian companies should be classified as public interest entities in the context of European integration. Based on the research methodology of the Index of public companies’ transparency of the Center for CSR Development and research of largest public and private companies’ transparency in Ukraine, conducted by TI, the authors concluded about critically low level of transparency of public companies in the disclosure of audited financial reporting, as well as non-financial reporting.
This research may contribute to the existing literature in regard to identifying key areas of improving transparency of public companies in Ukraine on the basis of amendments to the existing order of reporting and additional disclosure of non-financial information and carrying out the statutory audit, taking into account European experience.
Among the issues that require further study, the authors should name the relationship between the level of transparency of public companies, their financial efficiency and investment attractiveness. Among the promising areas of research, the extension of the study on transparency of public interest entities after the publication by the European companies of the first statements prepared in accordance with Directive 2014/95/EU is worth noting.
Limitations of the research carried out concerned the size of the sample Ukrainian public companies analyzed.