Iryna Skliar
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2 books
Possibilities of implementing HEI’s third mission in Ukraine before a full-scale war and correction of these processes in wartime
Olena Orzhel, Olena Melnyk
, Yuriy Danko
, Iryna Skliar
, Olena Lytovchenko
Knowledge and Performance Management Volume 8, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 32-48
Views: 382 Downloads: 73 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEvery year, the problem of the third mission of a university is popularized in scientific discourse. The social responsibility of higher education institutions in the conditions of the war between russia and Ukraine and the post-war period is to overcome the multidirectional tasks of higher education, concentrate and strengthen efforts to implement social projects, expand directions for the development of interaction between universities and territorial communities, improve the quality of research to restore the state economy and its development. Therefore, there is a need to rethink the ways of direct and indirect influence on society, the country in particular. The purpose of this paper is to determine the level of awareness and readiness for interaction between the university and the community. The study was conducted from January to June 2020 with the participation of 1,050 respondents from 25 regions of Ukraine. According to the conducted survey, the majority of respondents believe that universities should contribute to the development of the community and note the mutual benefit of university-community interaction for universities and local communities. However, the survey results also showed a low participation experience combined with the willingness to participate in activities offered by higher education institutions. Due to the full-scale war, which fundamentally changed the conditions and affected the efficiency of both universities and most communities, the choice of a community involvement model within the third mission of a university, taking into account the pre-war readiness of universities for a productive community and modern military challenges, remains relevant.
This contribution is prepared in the framework of the realization the Erasmus+ KA 2 CBHE project “Universities-Communities: Strengthening Cooperation” (Grant Agreement 101083077) and with the support and funding under Researchers at Risk Fellowships Programme led by the British Academy in partnership with the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society and Council for At-Risks Academics (CARA). The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. -
Relationship between banking sector development and inclusive growth
Iryna Skliar, Hanna Saltykova
, Svitlana Pokhylko
, Nataliia Antoniuk
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 15, 2020 Issue #3 pp. 70-80
Views: 960 Downloads: 175 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯAccording to an inclusive growth framework, the top objectives of the economic policy shift from increasing incomes themselves to well-being. While banking sector development has conventionally been considered a growth factor, there is no clear understanding of its impact on inclusive growth. This article explores how the banking sector’s qualitative development, measured in dimensions of the services availability, lending supply, stability, and reliability of banking activity, relates to inclusive growth. To define the relations between banking system development and inclusive growth, the panel regression was employed for a sample of 46 economies selected based on the prescribed principles of sources reputability, methodology consistency, limits in data blanks, and differentiated into groups according to the World Bank’s classification.
The regressions’ assessment and involved tests show evidence of the quality of constructed models and present the following results. The banking availability, approximated with the number of automated teller machines, fosters inclusive growth regarding all groups of countries. In contrast, the increase in the number of commercial banking branches has inverse relations between high-income and upper-middle-income countries, and direct for lower-middle-income countries. The bank credit expansion negatively influences the inclusive growth for high income and lower-middle-income countries. The banking sector stability approximated with bank capital to assets ratio matters in terms of inclusive growth for high-income countries only, while this indicator for upper middle and lower middle economies is statistically insignificant. -
Assessment of the reforms and programs results of Ukraine’s economy sustainable development by means of neural networks
Iryna Skliar, Nataliya Pedchenko
, Victoria Strilec
, Victoria Novikova
, Yevhenii Kozmenko
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #3 pp. 81-92
Views: 940 Downloads: 260 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIt is necessary to choose proper methodology and indicators for assessing sustainable economic development as the information becomes a tool for decision-making support of sustainable development policies and implementation of programs. In Ukraine, evaluating the results of implementation of different programs for development is essential as an analytical basis for making a strategy for the next period and a prerequisite for further progress.
Certain shortcomings of linear models for evaluating the results appeared during the design and implementation of the strategy to manage sustainable economic development. The potential for establishing erroneous targets increases in the formation of strategic objectives for the next forecast period. There is a special need to choose adequate indicators to comprehensively approximate the factors of economic development and evaluation methods that allow more sensitively measuring the results of management decisions in the implementation of the strategy.
The article evaluates the results of the Sustainable Development Strategy “Ukraine – 2020”, employing the potential of the neural network method for a flexible combination of a large number of factors in constructing nonlinear models of impact on the resulting indicator. As a result of applying the neural network model with one hidden layer for evaluation, based on 16 indicators identifying economic, social, and institutional aspects of sustainable development of Ukraine, it was found that institutional transformations contribute most to achieving sustainable development. Reforms in terms of deregulation and support of entrepreneurship, property rights protection, and competitive environment have the most significant positive impact. On the other hand, low efficiency of capital market reforms, implementation of the energy efficiency program, and reform in the field of public procurement determine the need to revise the program of their fulfilment. -
Double degree programs and education for sustainable development implementation: Experience of Ukrainian and UK universities cooperation in wartime
Iryna Skliar, Mykola Kostel’
, Olena Melnyk
, Kseniia Bliumska-Danko
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 23, 2025 Issue #2 (spec. issue) pp. 86-99
Views: 107 Downloads: 21 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe internationalization of higher education has become a key trend and response to the growth of globalization and online learning. After the start of the Russian war in Ukraine, Ukrainian higher education underwent significant destruction. Ukrainian HEIs have been significantly losing their capacity for development. Loss of human capital, including educational losses, becomes more relevant from the perspective of further sector development.
This paper explores the intersection of DDP implementation and the implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), focusing on faculty members’ experiences within the Twinning Initiative framework. By investigating faculty members’ perceptions of quality assurance gaps and examining the impact of DDPs on the integration of SDGs, the study provides insights into how these programs contribute to advancing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in higher education. This study employed semi-structured interviews. Interviewees were selected from the academic staff of five of the six Ukrainian universities involved in DDPs. Nine interviews were conducted in the period from April 2024 to June 2024. All interviewees represent the double-degree staff from different roles.
Despite some differences between the procedures, the principles of internal quality assurance in Ukrainian universities correspond to those of their British partners. The findings show that implementing DDP promotes “learning by doing” for teaching staff, encouraging curriculum innovation and professional development. This study highlights the potential of DDP to stimulate the implementation of ESD principles in higher education and suggests directions for future research, particularly in war-affected regions.Acknowledgment
This contribution is prepared with the support and funding under Researchers at Risk Fellowships Programme led by the British Academy in partnership with the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society and Council for At-Risks Academics (CARA), and in the framework of the realization the Erasmus+ KA 2 CBHE project “Universities-Communities: Strengthening Cooperation” (Grant Agreement 101083077), and Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “EU Studies of Social Innovations in Education” (ESSIE) – 101085552 – ERASMUS-JMO-2022-COE.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents that reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
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