Victoriia Dergachova
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Econometric analysis of the structure and sustainability of Ukraine socio-economic system in the context of the economic systems theory
Victoriia Dergachova, Maryna Kravchenko
, Alexander Zgurovsky doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #4 pp. 86-99
Views: 900 Downloads: 181 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article is devoted to the development of a conceptually new systemic structural approach to the study of sustainability of economic systems. The problem of ensuring sustainability of economic entities remains unsolved, largely due to the lack of the necessary methodology. In the article, the approach is shaped by new economic systems theory, which implies the division of all economic systems into types depending on their spatiotemporal localization. Applied research of socio-economic system of Ukraine in its context is implemented by econometric modeling using data mining techniques and by calculating the economic sustainability index using the author’s techniques. The indicators, announced by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, as well as the ranking and indexing results, presented by leading international organizations, are used as the parameters. Alternative hypothesis about preconditioning of economic sustainability of the macro-level system by the structural balance of its four subsystems with different spatial and temporal localization is confirmed. The results of modeling have shown a number of interesting, previously not formalized, patterns of the country’s development and have allowed to better understand the forming mechanism of its sustainability in different periods during 2000–2015. Both the methodology itself and the empirical results obtained on its basis open up a wide variety of perspectives of micro and macroeconomic analysis.
Systemic-structural analysis of the machine-building enterprises economic sustainability formation mechanism
Victoriia Dergachova, Maryna Kravchenko
, Kateryna Kuznietsova
, Anna Dergachova
, Valeriia Melnykova
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 17, 2019 Issue #3 pp. 395-409
Views: 830 Downloads: 129 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯMachine-building complex is a system-forming element of Ukrainian economy. Functioning of other industries in many respects depends on the results of its activity. Harsh conditions of globalized economic environment and geopolitical changes taking place in the country have negatively affected the state of machine-building enterprises and determined the need for increasing the level of their economic sustainability. As a result of using the systemic-structural approach, which is being developed in the context of the provisions of systemic economic theory, systemic-structural analysis of economic sustainability of several machine-building enterprises was performed. The study was conducted based on a sample of 16 machine-building enterprises and covered the 2015−2016 period. Economic sustainability was analyzed by way of defining in the structure of enterprises, econometric modeling and assessing the state of four subsystems with different space and time localization and further defining the level of mutual balance. The set of individual parameters for modeling every subsystem was determined mainly by way of regrouping of baseline statistical indicators, as well as expert assessments. Using such an approach enabled to determine structural peculiarities of machine-building enterprises development during the analyzed period and their effect on formation of volatility and stability properties, which ensure their sustainability in space and time. During the analyzed period, the determined disproportions of the subsystems in the structure of enterprises had systemic nature. The identification of economic manifestations of the determined disproportions enabled to formally define non-trivial dependencies between the economic phenomena, which took place in machine building, and to define the nature of their influence on the mechanism of economic sustainability formation. The risks affecting every subsystem under study had volatile nature, that’s why the issue of systemic risk management remains relevant.
Tools for formation and development of the environmentally friendly food products market: regional aspect in Ukraine
Victoriia Dergachova, Serhii Smerichevskyi
, Tetiana Kniazieva
, Svitlana Smerichevska
Environmental Economics Volume 11, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 96-109
Views: 743 Downloads: 192 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯUtilization of modern technologies in food production causes several negative consequences having a long-term impact on public health due to the consumption of food containing components of inorganic origin. This circumstance requires the formation and development of the market of organic food in Ukraine. The paper aims to substantiate the possibility of using economic and organizational tools to rationalize environmentally friendly food consumption and eliminate their negative consequences for the region’s population. The study’s basis is the classical provisions of modern economic theory, environmental economics, and the concept of socio-ethical marketing. Based on the analysis of official statistics, the parameters and opportunities for the growth of the organic food products market in Ukraine by region are determined. The conformity of the product offer of ecologically clean products to different consumer segments in the region is revealed according to the criteria that characterize the groups of goods according to the degree of their ecological purity compared to the price parameter, frequency of purchase, and place of purchase. The priorities for the gradual expansion of the organic food market in the region have been determined with an emphasis on its expansion by attracting new consumer segments. The need for additional organizational measures in the region, aimed at both non-commercial and commercial promotion of healthy lifestyles and proper nutrition, is argued, which increases consumers’ involvement in these processes and increases awareness and interest in regular consumption of organic food.
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