Svitlana Tsymbaliuk
1 publications
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Remuneration policy in terms of decent work at a regional level
Svitlana Tsymbaliuk, Dariusz Wyrwa
, Tetiana Shkoda
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 17, 2019 Issue #4 pp. 80-92
Views: 893 Downloads: 184 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of the paper is to develop indicators and standards for assessing the remuneration policy in terms of decent work at the regional level and to approbate the developed tools for assessing the data of remuneration policy research in Kyiv region. The analysis of the labor remuneration policy at the regional level has been based on the developed indicators using case study, statistical method, comparative analysis, analogy method and content analysis. The findings have shown negative trends, in particular the inefficiency of social standards, the low level of wages, the arrears of wages, the unsatisfactory wages structure and the low level of collective-contractual regulation of remuneration. The low level of remuneration, which does not provide an expanded reproduction of the labor force, is a significant drawback in wages in Kyiv region in comparison with wages in Kyiv city, which demotivates employees and leads to migration abroad. The necessity for remuneration policy improvement based on the decent work concept has been proved. Indicators and standards can be used by regional state administrations, state authorities, trade unions, employers’ organizations for analyzing the labor remuneration policy and identifying the directions for its improvement in order to implement the decent work concept and increase the welfare of employees. Public authorities can use the developed indicators for comparing and ranking the regions and finding out the leaders in the implementation of decent work concept.
Analysis of institutional factors that cause gender pay gaps in Ukraine
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 11, 2021 Issue #1 pp. 1-13
Views: 440 Downloads: 121 TO CITEDespite Ukraine’s commitments regarding non-discrimination and ensuring gender equality, the issue of gender pay gaps remains relevant. The aim of the study is to identify factors that cause gender pay gaps and assess their impact on wage differences at the institutional level in Ukraine. Based on the generalization of the research results, macroeconomic and microeconomic approaches to the grouping of factors that cause gender pay gaps have been identified. Based on the analysis of statistical data, it has been determined that gender occupational segregation exists in Ukraine, as most women work in low-wage economic activities; women are more likely to lead businesses with a lower level of wages. As the result of the assessment of the impact of various factors on wage differences, it has been found that gender pay gaps are the smallest in the public sector. Part-time employment in 2018 affected gender pay gaps by 3.8%. Based on the correlation factor analysis, the positive impact of increasing the minimum wage and innovative development on reducing gender pay gaps has been substantiated. The hypothesis regarding the impact of collective bargaining on gender pay gaps at the organizational level has been refuted. Promising measures have been identified that would help to create equal opportunities and reduce gender pay gaps, and thus to fulfill Ukraine’s commitments in the context of European integration.
Gendered perceptions of professional development in academia: evidence from a Ukrainian university
Svitlana Tsymbaliuk, Lina Kurchenko
, Volodymyr Tokar
, Oksana Vinska
, Tetiana Shkoda
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 394-404
Views: 935 Downloads: 171 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe aim of the article is to study the impact of gender on the professional development of university teachers and their motivation for professional advancement. The article analyzes gendered perceptions of the professional development in the Ukrainian academic sector based on the survey of teachers from Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (KNEU) (Ukraine). The respondents provided their assessment of conditions that support or destroy their academic careers. The findings showed significant divergence in gendered perceptions and attitudes toward motives, conditions and results of professional development at the university. Although all staff members were unanimously confident in their professionalism, the degree of satisfaction, perception of fairness and willingness to engage in management through initiatives was significantly lower among women. Female academics expressed a greater need for mentoring, while men showed greater interest in material incentives. Impressively, 11% of women versus 0% of men believe that their gender is an obstacle to their career. The study findings require the inclusion of gender aspects in the university’s development strategy and ensuring equal opportunities at all stages of HR management in academia.
Social partnership in ensuring decent labor remuneration
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 10, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 11-20
Views: 636 Downloads: 91 TO CITEThe paper focuses on the development of social partnership in the process of ensuring decent labor remuneration for employees. It highlights the development perspectives of the social partnership institute in the context of decent work concept implementation. The aim of the study is to evaluate and develop recommendations for improving the collective and contractual regulation of remuneration policy in Ukraine in view of the decent work concept. The analysis of the stages of social partnership development in Ukraine has proved that social partnership is currently characterized by features of the forming stage. Some characteristics of the development stage are also traced, but they have not yet fully manifested themselves in Ukraine. The analysis of the conditions for social and labor relations in Ukraine, the practice of collective bargaining procedures, the structure and content of collective agreements and contracts showed a low level of social partnership development and low social responsibility of social partners. The research showed that the practice of developing a compensation package at most enterprises was carried out without the participation of social partnership or with minimal participation. Existing social partnership practices cause inadequate social protection for employees and negatively characterize labor remuneration policy in terms of decent work. A number of proposals were developed to overcome the negative trends inherent in the institute of social part-nership and collective agreements at different levels. Recommendations include granting agreements the status of normative acts, regulating the procedure for concluding agreements at different levels, determining the procedure for informing employees about the content of agreements and contracts, and disseminating an ideology of social responsibility among social partners.
Remuneration in science: an analysis from the perspective of the decent work concept
Svitlana Tsymbaliuk, Alla Vasylyk
, Hanna Smaliichuk
, Khrystyna Stoliaruk
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 14, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 28-41
Views: 94 Downloads: 24 TO CITEDecent wages in science are necessary because the work of scientists is valuable for ensuring a country's viability and economic growth. This study aims to develop the theoretical and methodological foundations for examining wage policy within the framework of the decent work concept at the sectoral level. Additionally, the study seeks to analyze wage policies within the scientific field to identify areas for enhancement. The authors developed methodological principles for assessing wages in terms of the decent work concept. The assessment of wages confirmed the hypothesis about insufficient wage policy in science, which does not attract new employees to work in scientific institutions, engages scientists in research, and motivates results. The results showed that the science sector belongs to the sectors of the economy with decent wage indicators below the average. An analysis of wage policy in science revealed some positive characteristics and negative trends. Priority objectives were set to raise the prestige and attractiveness of scientific work. These objectives include raising salaries and increasing the minimal guarantees, implementing innovative wage tariffing and bonus schemes, introducing competitive social packages, reducing the gender pay gap, and developing social partnership and wage bargaining regulations. The practical significance of the study is evident in the potential application of the methodology by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Leaders of scientific institutions and social partners can use this methodology to derive practical benefits.
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