Nataliya Vnukova
1 publications
0 books
Money laundering risk management tools based on determining the level of co-ordination of financial companies and credit unions
Nataliya Vnukova, Daria Hontar
, Mykhaylo Vorotyntsev doi:
The article proposes a tool for managing money laundering risk based on the definition of the level of coherence of financial companies and credit unions, the application of which will contribute to introduction of a risk-based approach to anti-money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. It was revealed that among the investigated during 2010-2017 financial corporations and credit unions there are financial conglomerates. This confirms the existence of close ties between them. Associated financial companies and credit unions may form or join networks that can be used for possible money laundering. It was established that the share of connected credit unions and financial companies corresponds to the principle of Pareto – 20:80. The proposed methodological support allowed selecting a large number of independent credit unions and financial companies. This will help to prevent the impact of the risk of connected individuals on the high ability of the borrower to fulfill their loan obligations and not to be involved in processes for money laundering using networks. Meanwhile, dedicated joint financial institutions belong to a high-risk group for controlling their financial operations to prevent the legalization of proceeds from crime.
Development of risk-oriented approach to assessing the client during financial monitoring on the real estate market
The system of financial monitoring establishes specifically designated entities on the real estate market. The assessment of a client’s risk of money laundering when entering into agreements in this market is a complex task and requires the development of new tools for implementing the risk-oriented approach, which is a priority in accordance with international standards in the financial monitoring system. The purpose of the study is to develop a risk-oriented approach to assessing the client and to develop practical recommendations for determining its level of risk in financial monitoring in the real estate market. To achieve a specific goal, a system of general scientific and special research methods, expert rankings and optimization modeling are used. On the basis of Methodical materials on financial monitoring issues for business entities, which provide services in the course of real estate purchase and sale operations, the points of client’s correspondence to high risk, which corresponds to the concept of developing a risk-oriented approach based on the main criteria of client risk assessment: geographic location of the state, client type and business relations. Taking into account the complexity of such assessment and the necessity of operative decision-making, a risk assessment rating (cost) scale has been developed for an integrated automated determination of a client’s risk level and an assessment of high-risk clients in the Decision Making Helper decision-making support system software on specific examples of legislation violations concerning the financial monitoring on the real estate market. The feasibility of implementing a new risk-oriented approach to assessing high-risk clients has been proved by automating the process of determining its level to reduce the time to decide on prevention and counteraction to the legalization of incomes and money laundering.
Determining the level of bank connectivity for combating money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
Nataliya Vnukova, Sergii Kavun
, Oleh Kolodiziev
, Svіtlana Achkasova
, Daria Hontar
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 14, 2019 Issue #4 pp. 42-54
Views: 1028 Downloads: 139 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study aims at developing an approach to determining the bank connectivity level. This will contribute to implementing a risk-oriented approach to counteracting money laundering, terrorist financing and the proliferation of mass destruction weapons. The article proposes to assess the degree of bank connectivity and determine the impact of these circumstances on money laundering risk using banks from foreign banking groups, whose capital share in the Ukrainian banking system amounts to more than 40 percent. Using the resulting correlation dependencies, two-dimensional binary matrices were constructed, which became the basis for creating graphs of links between banks. The institutions under study are found to be predominantly connected in terms of their sets (varieties), since the average proportion of banks with close direct links is over half, and the non-connectivity coefficient for them is about 40%. Each surveyed bank, on average, has direct links with eight other banks and inverse links with four other banks. Considering banks as tops of the graph, one can assume that there is a hidden relationship between some banks. This approach allows calculating all existing relationships between banks to assess risk. Transforming the graph from non-oriented to oriented made it possible to identify and clearly demonstrate possible directions of links between the investigated financial institutions, which should be further verified to determine the risk of money laundering, terrorist financing, etc.
Identifying changes in insurance companies’ competitiveness on the travel services market
Nataliya Vnukova, Nataliya Opeshko
, Elza Mamedova
Insurance Markets and Companies Volume 11, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 53-60
Views: 539 Downloads: 118 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of the study is to develop methodological approach for identifying changes in the level of insurance companies’ competitiveness on the travel services market. Based on development of multifactor regression equation, integrated indicators of insurance companies’ competitiveness in 2016–2019 were calculated. The application of three-sigma rule allowed to divide insurance companies by competitiveness levels and to identify that during 2016–2019 most of insurers had sufficient and critical levels of competitiveness and the group of insurance companies with a high level of competitive position is small. The Markov chain theory was used as a research method to determine the probability of insurance companies moving to higher or lower competitiveness levels. The results of Markov’s method showed that the majority of insurance companies are most likely to remain in their initial groups and only insurers with low and sufficient competitiveness have high probability to change their positions. Companies with high competitiveness have very strong positions on the market and there is very low probability that other insurers will capture leaders’ market share in the coming years. So, the use of the developed approach allows predicting a decrease of insurance ability to compete on the travel services market and deciding on the necessity to change the competitive strategy.
Trends in the developing Ukrainian non-bank financial service markets assessed using a mixture separation method
Non-bank financial institutions play an important role in the non-bank financial service markets expressed in expanding the access to financial services for individuals and legal entities. The non-bank financial service markets demonstrate their performance peculiarities in the pre-crisis and post-crisis periods that bring up to date the need to form a scientific presentation of their development trends. Therefore, it is necessary to provide scientific background and identify the regress and progress processes in the non-bank financial service markets. The research aim is to develop an analytical approach to determining the peculiarities of the development processes in the non-bank financial service markets. The research assesses the key indicators of the non-bank financial service markets in terms of quantity by dividing a set of values into groups by cluster analysis and multidimensional object clustering by a system of indicators, as well as identifying the progress and regress patterns in the non-bank financial service markets. Achieving the research results requires taking into account the above-mentioned objectives fulfilled in seven stages. The research results reflect the influence on the financial service markets exerted by the governmental regulation policy and the consumer protection level in these markets.
- bank
- client risk level
- connectivity
- counteracting money laundering
- credit unions
- Decision Making Helper
- FATF international standards
- financial companies
- financial services
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