Technology assessment to transfer them from an engineering university to a business environment
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #4, pp. 504-516
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Technology transfer from universities to the business environment plays a key role in use of the open innovation concept. Meanwhile, in Ukraine which has a sufficiently high level of scientific and technological capacity, universities do not fully respond to market demands and do not receive the proper commercial results. One of the reasons for this is that current methods and models do not allow justifying the level of technology transferability. This article aims to present a methodological approach to assessing the transferability of technologies from universities to the business environment and to develop a method for determining the integral index of technology transferability. Therefore, the study considered and substantiated options for this transfer based on the sale of technology licenses by the universities; creation of spin-off companies by the university; technology transfer as startups; conclusion of a joint activity agreements; scientific and technical cooperation. A market technology launch matrix was developed to select these models. The developed methodological tools can be used to compare investment projects. The results obtained were tested based on technology of personal passive optically stimulated luminescence dosimetry of ionizing radiation.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)І23, O32, О33, M21
- Figure 1. Determining the polygon for the level of technology transferability
- Figure 2. Determining the polygon for the technology transferability level of OSL dosimetry IR
- Figure 3. Selection matrix of technology transfer models on the correlation of the technology consumer value and its technological readiness
- Table 1. Characteristics of the technology transferability evaluation model
- Table 2. Boundaries for integral indicators of the technology transferability level
- Table 3. Determination of the stage of OSL dosimetry IR technology transferability using the method of geometric construction (polygons)
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