Fostering innovative behavior in the aviation industry: The role of perceived supervisor support and work group diversity
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #1, pp. 163-176
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The research primarily seeks to understand how supervisor support can directly and indirectly enhance the service innovative behavior (SIB) of flight attendants via work engagement. Moreover, although there has been some research on the effect of group diversity on organizational performance, the results have not been consistent. Thus, this study addresses this gap by investigating how work group diversity can make variance in the relationship between work engagement and innovative behavior of flight attendants. The sample size of 242 flight attendants working at the central airport in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, has been taken for the study. To test hypotheses, structural equation modeling and bootstrapping were employed. This study provided an evidence for the positive nexus between perceived supervisor support and SIB. Additionally, the results shed light on a mediation mechanism of work engagement for the association between flight attendants’ perception of their supervisor and innovative behavior. Furthermore, tenure diversity and job position diversity in a work group were proved to play a moderating role in the relationship between work engagement and service innovative behavior. Specifically, flight attendants are more willing to exhibit innovative behaviors when working in a homogeneous group in terms of tenure and job position rather than in a heterogeneous group. The empirical results contributed to the diversity management literature and broadened the understanding of how to activate the service innovative behavior of employees. From a managerial perspective, managers should pay attention to the characteristics of employees when organizing teamwork.
The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees of the journal for their extremely useful suggestions for improving the quality of this paper.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D23, L93, M10
- Figure 1. Moderating effect of tenure diversity
- Figure 2. Moderating effect of job position diversity
- Table 1. Sample characteristics
- Table 2. Correlation matrix and variance extracted
- Table 3. Structural equation modeling results
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