Ways and characteristics of employee motivation in modern conditions
Article InfoVolume 10 2020, Issue #1, pp. 25-32
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
An effective human resource management system is a crucial factor for all organizations and institutions. In the light of modern development, it is obvious that improving the quality of service and gaining public trust is impossible without motivating employees, evaluating their performance, clearly defining duties and building an organizational culture. It should bo noted that Georgian companies lack well-defined human resource management policy. Moreover, in most cases it is limited to administrative procedures and is considered as an operational activity, despite the fact that everyone understands the importance of each employee in achieving organizational success. Among the various ways to achieve organizational goals, one of the most important is to increase employee motivation. Increasing employee productivity depends on proper choice of the form of motivation and its wise use. If a manager meets the expectations of all employees, in this case, employee motivation increases. which means that the level of employee satisfaction is high and the organizational goal will be fully achieved. All of the above and other important issues are researched and scientifically analyzed in this paper.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D70, E24, J50, O15
- Figure 1. Motivation level in surveyed respondents
- Figure 2. Motivation tools named by surveyed organizations
- Figure 3. Prioritization of needs by surveyed employees
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