Issue #1 (Volume 10 2020)
ReleasedSeptember 14, 2020
13 Authors
8 Tables
7 Figures
- competitiveness
- decent work
- decision-making
- dialogue with stakeholders
- economy of nontypical employment
- employment
- evaluation
- gig-economy
- labor and educational potential
Evaluation of social and economic insecurity risks for employees during structural transformations in the modern labor market
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 10, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 1-10
Views: 721 Downloads: 111 TO CITEThis article systematizes main factors of socio-economic insecurity aggravation for employees during structural transformations, which take place on the modern labor market. These factors are related to inefficient employment and low level of labor productivity, regressive mobility of the employed population, loss of educational and labor potential of the country, low competitiveness of its labor force both in domestic and foreign labor markets, increase of unemployment among able-bodied people and informal employment, especially among young people and higher-level professionals, widening the gender gap in the employment structure to the benefit of older age groups. A methodological implementation of the assessments of social and economic insecurity risks for employees has been developed and verified in the study. It is based on comparing performance levels in particular components in specific time intervals. It is substantiated that, due to changes in the structure of the labor market and in the system of social and labor relations, the main factors of increasing the vulnerability of employees are related to the deindustrialization of the national economy, which is accompanied by formation of a regressive educational and professional structure of employed, as well as by the loss of motivation for productive work and increase in the professional level, reduction of social protection of employees, the growth of informal employment among young people and highly qualified specialists. High scale of labor migration and low demand for specialists in the internal labor market, low wages lead to loss of labor and educational potential and narrow the conditions for the development and realization of the country’s human capital.
Social partnership in ensuring decent labor remuneration
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 10, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 11-20
Views: 657 Downloads: 100 TO CITEThe paper focuses on the development of social partnership in the process of ensuring decent labor remuneration for employees. It highlights the development perspectives of the social partnership institute in the context of decent work concept implementation. The aim of the study is to evaluate and develop recommendations for improving the collective and contractual regulation of remuneration policy in Ukraine in view of the decent work concept. The analysis of the stages of social partnership development in Ukraine has proved that social partnership is currently characterized by features of the forming stage. Some characteristics of the development stage are also traced, but they have not yet fully manifested themselves in Ukraine. The analysis of the conditions for social and labor relations in Ukraine, the practice of collective bargaining procedures, the structure and content of collective agreements and contracts showed a low level of social partnership development and low social responsibility of social partners. The research showed that the practice of developing a compensation package at most enterprises was carried out without the participation of social partnership or with minimal participation. Existing social partnership practices cause inadequate social protection for employees and negatively characterize labor remuneration policy in terms of decent work. A number of proposals were developed to overcome the negative trends inherent in the institute of social part-nership and collective agreements at different levels. Recommendations include granting agreements the status of normative acts, regulating the procedure for concluding agreements at different levels, determining the procedure for informing employees about the content of agreements and contracts, and disseminating an ideology of social responsibility among social partners.
Review on the monograph of the authors Yu. K. Zaitsev and O. M. Moskalenko “Philosophical and Methodological Principles of Subject Architectonics of Contemporary Political Economy”
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 10, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 21-24
Views: 517 Downloads: 126 TO CITEReview on the monograph of the authors Yu. K. Zaitsev and O. M. Moskalenko “Philosophical and Methodological Principles of Subject Architectonics of Contemporary Political Economy” (the Book I of the monograph “Contemporary Political Economy as a Theoretical Basis of Economic Development of the Society”) -
Dialogue with stakeholders as a tool to ensure the sustainability of a business organization
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 10, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 21-24
Views: 733 Downloads: 330 TO CITEThe paper examines conceptual principles and the significance of dialogue with stakeholders for the successful functioning of a business organization, its development, competitive advantage, sustainability, brand and image growth. The relevance of this concept in new business realities, the main trends of which are digitalization, openness, networking, and globality of processes, has been substantiated. The purpose of the study is to establish the impact of dialogue with stakeholders on the social and economic development of a business organization in the realities of the new economy. In the course of researching theoretical approaches regarding the nature and scope of dialogue with stakeholders, the author has formed his own point of view on the value and relevance of these processes for business organizations; personal understanding of their impact on business and society has been determined. A list of potential opportunities for a business organization was identified and supplemented, subject to establishing an effective dialogue with stakeholders based on social responsibility. The author’s vision of the content and essence of the stakeholder engagement policy has been developed, the effectiveness of which will manifest itself in increasing the company’s capitalization, improving sustainability, and increasing investment attractiveness. Possible areas of manifestation and directions of interaction with stakeholders have been analyzed and the prospects and opportunities for their development towards strengthening the business process sustainability have been outlined. The research on the importance of dialogue with stakeholders for Ukrainian companies has been analyzed. Conclusions regarding the prospects for the development of this concept in the direction of improving business processes have been substantiated.
Ways and characteristics of employee motivation in modern conditions
Badri Gechbaia, Nino Tchilaia
, Ketevan Goletiani
, Zurab Muskudiani
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 10, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 25-32
Views: 993 Downloads: 551 TO CITEAn effective human resource management system is a crucial factor for all organizations and institutions. In the light of modern development, it is obvious that improving the quality of service and gaining public trust is impossible without motivating employees, evaluating their performance, clearly defining duties and building an organizational culture. It should bo noted that Georgian companies lack well-defined human resource management policy. Moreover, in most cases it is limited to administrative procedures and is considered as an operational activity, despite the fact that everyone understands the importance of each employee in achieving organizational success. Among the various ways to achieve organizational goals, one of the most important is to increase employee motivation. Increasing employee productivity depends on proper choice of the form of motivation and its wise use. If a manager meets the expectations of all employees, in this case, employee motivation increases. which means that the level of employee satisfaction is high and the organizational goal will be fully achieved. All of the above and other important issues are researched and scientifically analyzed in this paper.
Digital transformation and new business models as determinants of formation of the economy of nontypical employment
Social and labour relations: theory and practice Volume 10, 2020 Issue #1 pp. 33-54
Views: 941 Downloads: 505 TO CITEWith the development of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the formation of a new technological basis – “Industry 4.0” - a dynamic multi-vector transformation of the leading institutes of economy and society takes place, social and labor relations in general and employment in particular acquire new format and content. The quintessence of the article is a scientific-applied substantiation of the construct of nontypical employment economy, scientific argumentation and further development of previous researches of authors regarding determinants of gig-economy formation under the influence of economic and social development “digitalization” and emergence of new business models. that radically change all components of the world of work. New facets of the complex world of work and employment have been revealed and the increase of the newest knowledge in this field has been received under systematic research of a chain of changes: introduction of “Industry 4.0” breakthrough technologies → “digitalization” as a dominant vector of technological innovations → formation of new business models → changes in social division of labor and the content of labor processes → the emergence and intensive development of employment forms immanent to the new (digital) economy. It is substantiated that the main root cause, a kind of “trig- ger” for the emergence and reproduction of the chain of researched changes is digital transformation of the economy and society. The essence of today’s phenomena, which determine the development of the “gig economy”, is revealed. The argumentation of the spread of platform business models and their impact on the world of work and employment is given. A new theoretical construction of a chain of changes, the “output” of which is new forms and, a new platform for social and labor developmen t in general, has been suggested. The research focuses on finding answers to a number of questions posed to every conscious person. Among them are the following ones: Why can’t the modern economy “get along” with traditional (standard) forms of employment? Why does atypicality become not the exception but the norm? How do specific mechanisms and tools for transforming standard forms of employment into new ones, which are immanent to modern conditions of economic and social progress, behave in practice?