The impact of attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and organizational commitment on whistleblowing intention: A moderating role of local culture
Received April 16, 2024;Accepted June 29, 2024;Published July 12, 2024
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Article InfoVolume 13 2024, Issue #1, pp. 162-173
Cited by1 articlesJournal title: Accounting and Financial ControlArticle title: Forensic audit of public debt in the financial control system of UkraineDOI: 10.21511/afc.06(1).2025.01Volume: 6 / Issue: 1 / First page: 1 / Year: 2025Contributors: Hanna Filatova, Nataliia Ovcharova, Olena Kravchenko
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
During forensic audits, the use of auditors has increased significantly. This happened thanks to fraud detection mechanisms that help prevent and quickly detect fraud. Whistleblowing systems set up by local authorities play an important role in detecting fraudulent activities and protecting the rights of whistleblowers, promoting transparency and accountability in public organizations. This study aims to analyze and explain the impact of attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and organizational commitment on whistleblowing intention moderated by local culture. This analysis was conducted on local government internal auditors in 24 districts/cities in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Research data were collected through questionnaires with a total research sample of 246 respondents and analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis and moderated regression analysis using the SPSS version 23 application. The research findings show that attitudes, perceived behavioral control, and organizational commitment have a significant effect on whistleblowing intention, while subjective norms do not have a significant effect on whistleblowing intention. Furthermore, regional culture moderates the influence of subjective norms and perceived behavioral control on whistleblowing intention but is unable to moderate the influence of attitudes and organizational commitment on whistleblowing intention.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)H83, M41, Z10
- Table 1. Multiple linear regression
- Table 2. Moderation regression analysis
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Nurdiana Ningsih, Arifuddin
Data curation
Nurdiana Ningsih, Arifuddin
Nurdiana Ningsih, Arifuddin
Project administration
Nurdiana Ningsih, Asri Usman
Nurdiana Ningsih, Arifuddin
Nurdiana Ningsih, Asri Usman
Writing – original draft
Nurdiana Ningsih, Arifuddin, Asri Usman
Writing – review & editing
Nurdiana Ningsih, Arifuddin, Asri Usman
Formal Analysis
Asri Usman
Funding acquisition
Asri Usman
Asri Usman
Asri Usman
Impact of culture, brand image and price on buying decisions: Evidence from East Java, Indonesia
Sudaryanto Sudaryanto, Imam Suroso
, Anifatul Hanim
, Jaloni Pansiri , Taskiya Latifatil Umama doi:
Innovative Marketing Volume 17, 2021 Issue #1 pp. 130-142 Views: 2834 Downloads: 847 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe marketing strategy phenomenon improves significantly, narrowing from a general to a specific cultural ethnicity base and from variable to dimension analysis. This study examines the impact of culture, brand image and price on buying decisions. The study population comprised retail consumers in the sampled area of Situbondo, East Java, Indonesia. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to derive a sample of 112 respondents as a primary data source – descriptive statistics allows for the demographic characteristics of retail consumers in East Java, Indonesia. Surprisingly, the data showed that gender involvement in buyer decision-making was dominant. Most retail customers were identified as private-sector employees and indicated for higher income earners. Responses were then analyzed using multiple linear regressions to answer the research hypotheses. The results showed that Hofstede’s culture dimension and the brand image and price significantly affected consumer buying decisions at retail stores in East Java, Indonesia. Regarding the strength of Islamic culture in East Java, price was the primary consideration in buying decisions. Further research, preferably using ethnographic approaches with an emphasis on qualitative research, is needed to investigate the implications of these relationships.
We would like to thank the Research Centre (LP2M) of University of Jember, East Java, Indonesia, for their support and funding. We also want to thank Rusdiyanto, a Ph.D. student from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia, for his helpful discussions and contributions. -
Adoption of Mobile Banking and Perceived Risk in GCC
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 13, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 72-79 Views: 2530 Downloads: 596 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study deals with the adoption of mobile banking services by respondents in UAE and the perception of risk factors by them. A model was developed on the Customer Adoption Process of mobile banking. The model is validated based on the data collected using the questionnaire from a sample of 90 respondents in UAE. Factor analysis is used to evaluate and analyze the responses. Belief in technology and the value it creates are the major driving force for respondents to adopt mobile banking. Respondents perceive that mobile banking helps in proper financial planning due to continuous monitoring the transactions and time saving. Lack of privacy in the mobile banking transactions and not all banks offering mobile banking services in UAE are the major challenges perceived by the respondents for non-adoption of mobile banking. Respondents identify time risk, financial risk and performance risk as the most predominant risk factors compared to other risks in the adoption process.
Determinants of tax compliance: theory of planned behavior and stakeholder theory perspective
Andi Nurwanah, Sutrisno T. , Rosidi Rosidi , Roekhudin Roekhudin doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 395-407 Views: 2271 Downloads: 2093 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of this research is to analyze and elaborate determinants of tax compliance in the perspective of the theory of planned behavior and stakeholder theory. This research is conducted on a population consisting of corporate taxpayers registered at the Directorate General of Taxes in the region of South Sulawesi. This research uses proportional random sampling to determine the samples. There are 560 respondents out of 1,000 exemplars of distributed questionnaires who are willing to participate. The analysis is conducted by using Partial Least Square (PLS). The result reveals that the behavior of the taxpayers has a positive and significant effect on the intention to tax compliance. The establishment of tax professional behavior to comply can encourage positive behavior of taxpayers, thus, the welfare of the society can be achieved. Subjective norm has a positive and significant effect on the intention to tax compliance. This research focuses on corporate taxpayers; hence, the researchers add social awareness based on stakeholder theory. This research depicts corporate taxpayers as entity that mingles with the society. Therefore, social awareness and cultural adaptation with the social environment through tax payment is a must.