Enhancing administrative service delivery practices of local government: Experiences from Nepal
Article InfoVolume 13 2024, Issue #1, pp. 150-161
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study aims to examine the administrative service delivery practices within the local government of Nepal and explore the intricate perceptions of the interplay between governance, service delivery, and citizens. The objectives include understanding the contextual elements that shape states, addressing concerns of developing nations, emphasizing service delivery, prioritizing citizen viewpoints, and tackling governance issues. Utilizing a mixed-methods approach grounded on post-positivism, the study employs purposeful sampling to select rural municipalities in Nepal. Data collection involves a quantitative institutional survey to assess the current state of public administrative services, with survey respondents comprising service providers and citizens. The respondents reported higher levels of satisfaction with the efficiency, timeliness, and resource availability of administrative services. However, the study also revealed gaps and disparities in the knowledge and perceptions of administrative practices and governance among different respondent groups and ecological regions. Emphasizing the significant advantages of collaboration, decentralization, people-centric development, and meaningful engagement, the study highlights the need for further research and policy interventions to enhance public service delivery and governance of local government in Nepal.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O17, H72, H75
- Table 1. Sampling and population of the study
- Table 2. Sample size determination
- Table 3. Distribution of respondents by socio-economic characteristics
- Table 4. Proportion of responses on administrative system evaluation
- Table 5. Efficiency of administrative service delivery by place of residence
- Table 6. Indicators of good governance by place of residence
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