Antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior of marketing and supply chain employees
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #3, pp. 255-266
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
A marketing career entails a heavy burden and requires much originality and creativity, which can result in interpersonal friction. This situation influences employees’ affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Consequently, the purpose of this study is to investigate how affective commitment, work overload, and interpersonal conflict may impact OCB when combined with social interaction. This survey involved 61 personnel from the marketing and supply chain departments of an Indonesian state-owned enterprise. The data were analyzed using a quantitative method and partial least squares (PLS) approach. This study revealed that work overload and interpersonal conflict have a negative impact on positive behavior and actions, including OCB and affective commitment. In addition, the findings accentuate the importance of employees’ affective commitment because it directly encourages employees to take on extra responsibilities. Furthermore, social interaction does not moderate the relationship between work overload and interpersonal conflict on affective commitment. This study broadened perspectives on OCB concerning work-related stressors and provided direction for the managerial team to cope with workload and conflict in the decision-making process.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J24, M54
- Figure 1. Conceptual framework
- Table 1. Respondents’ demographics
- Table 2. Analysis results
- Table 3. Loading factor
- Table 4. Path coefficients
- Table 5. Specific indirect effect
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