The prospects of Bahrain’s entrepreneurial ecosystem: an exploratory approach
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #4, pp. 402-413
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Having a positive environment and enforcement in a social-political economy is necessary to poster an effective entrepreneurial climate. The passion for self-startups and risk-taking attitude are entrepreneurs’ traits with effective motivations, innovation, creativity, persistence, and flexibility. This helps the entrepreneur succeed and excel in their business. The success of a new project adventure is a crucial matter in business and investment. The literature review revision allows detecting the most attractive factors, the main reasons for startup failure, and the challenges facing entrepreneurs and new projects. This review paper enlightens Bahrain’s entrepreneurship ecosystem’s attractiveness and argues how the economy in the Kingdom of Bahrain encourages startup companies to establish and develop their business. The analysis results illustrate that the Government of Bahrain’s support system with effective public institutions and encouraging society are significant factors contributing to the success of the startup project. Nourishment extended by the government institutions and other supportive organizations like Tamkeen, Injaz, and EDB simplifies the formation of startup projects and support their sustainable growth. Analyzing the most common reasons for startup failure, the paper presents the proposed solutions to avoid these traps. It suggests the appropriate bodies in the entrepreneurship ecosystem, supporting and helping entrepreneurs overcome these difficulties.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L26, M13, O30, Q57
- Figure 1. Estimated total cost of business set-up in GCC
- Figure 2. Estimated annual operating cost
- Figure 3. Total annual manpower cost in USD for logistic company
- Table 1. Infrastructure, utilities, and other facilities for startups in Bahrain
- Table 2. Peer-to-peer lenders in different regions
- Table 3. Incentives of free trade zones and investment parks
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