Impact of leadership behavior on psychological capital: the mediating role of organizational support
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #2, pp. 46-56
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Even though psychological capital has been identified as an important issue in the workplace, little research has focused on it through organizational support. Drawing on leadership theory and conservation of resources theory, this article examines the mediating role of organizational support in the relationship between leadership behavior and psychological capital in insurance companies in Jordan. The questionnaires were distributed randomly. Out of 350 questionnaires, 335 questionnaires were effective for analysis, after analyzing the data using the statistical program SmartPLS version 3.2.6. Based on the theories, a significant impact of organizational support on the relationship between leadership behavior and psychological capital of employees was found. Thus, the study recommended maintaining the interest of senior management in the insurance companies operating in Jordan to identify and educate the managers of these companies in choosing the appropriate leadership behavior in accordance with the company’s data and the circumstances surrounding it at the right time and place.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M12, D23
- Figure 1. The role of organizational support in the relationship between leadership behavior and psychological capital
- Table 1. Cronbach Alpha method for study tool areas
- Table 2. Means and standard deviations of study variables
- Table 3. Normal distribution of study variables (K-S test)
- Table 4. Model fit quality indicators for data
- Table 5. Pearson correlation between leadership behavior and psychological capital
- Table 6. The multiple regression results between leadership behavior and psychological capital
- Table 7. Pearson correlation coefficient results for the relationship between leadership behavior and organizational support
- Table 8. The results of applying the multiple regression equation to study the impact of leadership behavior in organizational support
- Table 9. Pearson correlation coefficient results for the relationship between organizational support and psychological capital
- Table 10. The results of applying the multiple regression equation to study the impact of organizational support on psychological capital
- Table 11. Results of the path analysis to measure the impact of leadership behavior on psychological capital in the presence of organizational support as an intermediate variable
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