Human resource development in Arab writing


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This study is a systematic review of the existing Arab literature on human resource development (HRD). A review of Arab HRD’s theoretical and empirical articles during the period 1964–2016 in peer-reviewed journals was conducted. Content analysis was utilized to examine how HRD is conceptualized, what purposes are attached to HRD and what activities HRD encompasses in Arab literature.
It was found that the basic construct of HRD is employee development, targeted toward “individuals” and encompassing training, education and learning. Arab HRD has a strong performance orientation, and tends to emphasize utilitarian outlooks, as the role of HRD is perceived to be “instrumental” and “outcome focused”. HRD in Arab literature falls under the traditional functionalist school within the managerialist perspective and is essentially based on the principles of human capital theory. The issues of social justice, power, diversity and equity are rare in Arab HRD literature. Although the Arab view of HRD has been influenced by the American school, it is still in an early stage of growth, lacks a clear disposition and is still confined within the stance of traditional training.

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    • Table 1. HRD in Arab writing