Organizational development in banks management systems
Article InfoVolume 13 2018, Issue #3, pp. 1-11
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Organizational development in banks management systems (ODBMS) is a complex phenomenon of a sustainable and multifunctional nature. The goal of ODBMS is to generate creative ideas and implement changes in order to provide an appropriate level of rational interaction between the ODBMS subjects. It leads to an achievement of the expected economic and managerial results.
Organizational changes that are accompanied by organizational development in the BMS can be controlled and spontaneous, positive and negative. The idea of the article is to reveal the methodical aspects of the managed organizational development of the BMS, with expected positive effects. It would be shown that the offered ideas can be used for achieving organizational goals, avoiding the organizational entropy, increasing the creative activity of bank employees, in particular, in developing new banking products, expanding the opportunities of Internet banking, etc.
Achieving certain positive effects from the implementation of organizational changes in the BMS requires a high level of managers awareness about the state of implementation of the goals of the bank’s organizational development, the methods of their implementation, factors that affect the achievement of these goals. In this context, fundamental information about the structure and links in the BMS is important as well as operational information that characterizes the level of completeness and implementation quality of the specific banking officers’ duties.
In the article the features of ODBMS are solved, based on the application of the provisions of morphological analysis and set theory. The proposed provisions are considered through the prism of two criteria – the level of managerial awareness and predictability of the results of the organizational changes implementation.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G21, M1
- Figure 1. The fragment of the morphological graph of the organizational development in the BMS at the top level
- Figure 2. The fragment of the morphological graph of ODBMS at the middle and lower management levels
- Table 1. Metric spaces of the morphological graphs of ODBMS at the middle and lower management levels
- Table 2. Types of the organizational structures in the BMS for January 1, 2018
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