Vitaliy Omelyanenko
3 publications
0 books
Marketing aspect of the innovation communications development
The article analyzes innovation communications (InCo) as a factor for the innovation networks development. It is shown that the necessity to use InCo practice is due to the complexity of processes in high-tech sectors and the relevance of the development of appropriate organizational and economic tools for marketing relations. The main goals of the innovation networks development are determined. In the context of the study of factors for the innovation networks development, the role of relationship marketing, which involves the constructing long-term mutually beneficial relations with key partners of the economic entity, should be noted. It is determined that relationship marketing acts as a tool for practical implementation of the concept of joint creation of value in modern institutional forms of interaction in the innovation system (innovation networks, in particular virtual, international clusters, alliances, etc.). It was emphasized that in order to achieve the network aspect of innovation development of the economy, it is necessary to use models of open innovation, that is, combining efforts of economic entities in the scientific and technical field and exchange of operating results. The main communication problems, which cause the blocking of innovation development are determined. The analysis made it possible to distinguish between the groups of methods and mechanisms that are most often considered in the InCo practice. InCo practices are considered in terms of the possibility of organizing and self-regulating systems.
Information and communication technologies support for the participation of universities in innovation networks (comparative study)
Olha Prokopenko, Rurik Holmberg , Vitaliy Omelyanenko
To ensure and strengthen the development of high-tech R&D and its industrial applications in the long-term perspective, information and communication technologies (ICT) cooperation tools with national and international institutions, network associations and firms are of great importance. To solve this problem, a joint systematic and coordinated work to develop institutions that can provide crucial support to innovation process is crucial. For these purposes, higher educational institutions (HEI) innovation activities information and communication support and technological development analysis are critically important. The purpose of this study is to analyze the existing ICT toolkit, which is used to manage R&D and various industrial applications, and to develop a conceptual framework for the implementation of these tools for the participation of universities in innovation networks. To answer this question, authors begin by taking a closer look at the new role of universities in the development of knowledge generation in a global environment, as well as problems and tendencies under conditions of postindustrial society. The new role of universities in knowledge generation in the global environment development, and problems and tendencies under the conditions of postindustrial society were outlined. Modern ICT components, which are necessary for universities to participate in the innovation networks, were analyzed. Some cases of foreign experience in the scientific and innovation networks of current prototypes of Industry 4.0 development were discussed, and the possibilities of its adaptation to national innovation system formation conditions in Ukraine were identified. By theoretical and empirical examining, the authors propose more complete understanding of modern ICT components, which are necessary for universities to participate in innovation networks. Cases of foreign experience in the scientific and innovation networks of current prototypes of Industry 4.0 development were investigated. Moreover, the evidence from this study suggests a variety of factors related to the possibilities to adapt ICT tools to national innovation system formation in Ukraine.
Methodology of national investment and innovation security analytics
Olha Prokopenko, Maksym Slatvinskyi
, Nataliia Biloshkurska
, Mykola Biloshkurskyi
, Vitaliy Omelyanenko
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 17, 2019 Issue #1 pp. 380-394
Views: 1389 Downloads: 113 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe main problem of the research is development of a conceptual framework for investment and innovation security, as well as the methodological approach to its assessment, which will allow monitoring and identifying the threats and achieving the desired security state of the national economy. It has been proved that investment and innovation security is a multi-level phenomenon, consisting of the following levels: global, national, corporate and household ones. Investment and innovation security is determined by three components, such as state security at the external and internal markets, security of enterprises (corporations) and individual households, which requires their balancing. The methodical approach to the integrated assessment of the investment and innovation security level is developed, which involves the development of integral index as the geometric mean of 3 sub-indices, which include single indices under the national, corporate and household level. The results of this methodological approach approbation allowed us to form preconditions for finding ways of growth, forecasting trends and building scenarios for strengthening the investment and economic security of Ukraine.
Readiness of the education manager to provide the organizational development of institutions (based on the sociological research)
Inna Semenets-Orlova, Alla Klochko
, Svitlana Nestulya
, Oleksandr Mykhailych
, Vitaliy Omelyanenko
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 17, 2019 Issue #3 pp. 132-142
Views: 963 Downloads: 226 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article contains the analysis of scientific approaches to understanding of organizational development in the field of educational institutions management as a complex of successive educational changes. Scientific researches on the change of education managers’ behavior in the course of changes are presented.
Types of education managers attitude to changes and their quantitative expression were determined and revealed based on the data of an empirical research. Almost half of the surveyed education managers are represented by such types as “traditionalist” and “realist”, which indicates the insufficient orientation of education managers in introducing innovative changes in educational institutions. This indicates a low level of education managers’ readiness to provide the organizational development of educational institutions.
The results obtained can be used by the government in developing and implementing the programs for the professional development of education managers. The authors offer the most practical tools for implementing the concept of organizational development. It is proposed to distinguish between special requirements for both professional and personal qualities of education managers. -
Technology transfer management culture (education-based approach)
Vitaliy Omelyanenko, Inna Semenets-Orlova
, Olena Khomeriki
, Lyudmyla Lyasota
, Yuliia Medviedieva
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 454-463
Views: 1525 Downloads: 327 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯResearch deals with the analysis of theoretical aspects of increasing the competence of scientists and experts, whose task is to work with technology as a good promotion of technology on the market with a view to its commercialization or search for technological solutions according to the tasks of the organization and to examine the startup methodology as a tool of improving the technology transfer skills efficiency. The new specifics of technology transfer management within the Education 3.0 paradigm are considered. In the paper, the authors analyze the technology transfer as important source of innovation creation and an integral part of business development. Target result of technologies introduction, implemented within limited period with limited resources as an innovative purpose of technology transfer, which is aimed at the best possible development of organization, is identified. The paper also suggests consider¬ing processes of technology development and technology transfer based on startup methodology.
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