Marketing aspect of the innovation communications development

  • Received July 10, 2018;
    Accepted August 17, 2018;
    Published August 20, 2018
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 14 2018, Issue #2, pp. 41-49
  • Cited by
    16 articles

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The article analyzes innovation communications (InCo) as a factor for the innovation networks development. It is shown that the necessity to use InCo practice is due to the complexity of processes in high-tech sectors and the relevance of the development of appropriate organizational and economic tools for marketing relations. The main goals of the innovation networks development are determined. In the context of the study of factors for the innovation networks development, the role of relationship marketing, which involves the constructing long-term mutually beneficial relations with key partners of the economic entity, should be noted. It is determined that relationship marketing acts as a tool for practical implementation of the concept of joint creation of value in modern institutional forms of interaction in the innovation system (innovation networks, in particular virtual, international clusters, alliances, etc.). It was emphasized that in order to achieve the network aspect of innovation development of the economy, it is necessary to use models of open innovation, that is, combining efforts of economic entities in the scientific and technical field and exchange of operating results. The main communication problems, which cause the blocking of innovation development are determined. The analysis made it possible to distinguish between the groups of methods and mechanisms that are most often considered in the InCo practice. InCo practices are considered in terms of the possibility of organizing and self-regulating systems.

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    • Fig. 1. Analysis of technology in the international marketing context
    • Table 1. Communication in the field of innovation