Methodology of national investment and innovation security analytics
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #1, pp. 380-394
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The main problem of the research is development of a conceptual framework for investment and innovation security, as well as the methodological approach to its assessment, which will allow monitoring and identifying the threats and achieving the desired security state of the national economy. It has been proved that investment and innovation security is a multi-level phenomenon, consisting of the following levels: global, national, corporate and household ones. Investment and innovation security is determined by three components, such as state security at the external and internal markets, security of enterprises (corporations) and individual households, which requires their balancing. The methodical approach to the integrated assessment of the investment and innovation security level is developed, which involves the development of integral index as the geometric mean of 3 sub-indices, which include single indices under the national, corporate and household level. The results of this methodological approach approbation allowed us to form preconditions for finding ways of growth, forecasting trends and building scenarios for strengthening the investment and economic security of Ukraine.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)F52, O31, R42
- Figure 1. Leveled structure of investment and innovation security of the national economy
- Figure 2. Investment and innovation security factors
- Figure 3. Logical scheme of the methodical approach to the integral assessment of the investment and innovation security
- Table 1. Approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of “economic security”
- Table 2. System of investment and innovation security indices
- Table 3. Dynamics of single indices of the investment and innovation security components in Ukraine (2008–2017)
- Table 4. Matrix of the paired correlation coefficients of single indices of the investment and innovation security sub-indices
- Table 5. Coefficients of the weighted investment and innovation security sub-indices
- Table 6. Standardized single indices of the investment and innovation security sub-indices in Ukraine (2008–2017)
- Table 7. Equation of sub-indices of the investment and innovation security
- Table 8. Assessment levels of investment and innovation security
- Table 9. Calculation of the integral index of the investment and innovation security of Ukraine (2008–2017)
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