The system of the key indicators of formation of attractive investment climate of Ukraine and peculiarities of their management
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #1, pp. 154-170
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Ukraine, as a young country, is creating the investment market, which is the most important component of the national economy under the challenges and threats of the XXI century, instability and hybrid war. The study aims to analyze the investment climate and investment attractiveness of Ukraine and to identify key indicators through the political, legal, economic, social, and other conditions under which its investment market will become attractive. The dynamics investigation of foreign direct investments (FDI) inflows into Ukraine during 2002–2018, their structural analysis enabled to identify the periods of the most significant fluctuations and to state the reasons for such changes, to differentiate priority sectors of the Ukrainian economy being of financial interest to foreign investors, which is as a whole the basis of the attractive investment climate formation and management in the country.
The methods of financial management system, including the method of SWOT analysis, were applied to determine investment weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities, considering the peculiarities of their management.
As a consequence of the analysis on the reasons for the reduction of foreign investments in the country economy, it is proved that the proposed mechanism for improving the investment climate in the country will allow increasing FDI inflows and financing the general capital investments.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)E22, F21, G31
- Figure 1. The foreign direct investment structure in Ukraine’s economy by countries of the world as of January 1, 2019, %
- Figure 2. The foreign direct investment structure in Ukraine’s economy by type of economic activity as of January 1, 2019, %
- Figure 3. Structure of capital investments in Ukraine by the financing sources in 2018, %
- Figure 4. The relationship between the strengths and opportunities to improve the country’s investment climate
- Figure 5. The relationship between the opportunities and weaknesses that affect the country’s investment climate
- Figure 6. The relationship between the threats and weaknesses that affect the country’s investment climate
- Figure 7. System of indicators of the country’s investment climate formation and management
- Table 1. Foreign direct investment in Ukraine*
- Table 2. The foreign direct investment structure in the Ukrainian economy by countries
- Table 3. SWOT analysis results of factors and conditions of the investment attractiveness formation in Ukraine
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