Understanding transactional analysis of managers: an empirical study in India
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #1, pp. 141-153
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Management is the process of accomplishing the activities efficiently and effectively with the help of human capital. The manpower in any sector is made to sail through a saga of productivity and profitability under the efficient captainship of the managers. This research paper gives insight into the implications of transactional analysis and ego states of the managers rendering the services in the companies of the IT sector in the Coastal Karnataka. To accomplish the objectives of the study, Transactional Style Inventory-Manager (TSI-M) is administered to the respondents, and scoring is done considering the Operating Effectiveness Quotient (OEQ). The research paper highlights that the demographic variables have a major influence on the interpersonal skills of the managers. It is found out that various ego states are predominant among managers, and the lowest state is the creative child ego state. The research concludes that by conducting transactional analysis-based leadership training, the productivity of employees can be enhanced in the future.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J24, J53
- Figure 1. Theoretical framework structure
- Figure 2. Level of ego states
- Figure 3. Structural equation model of interpersonal styles impact on ego states
- Figure 4. Structure equation model of ego states impacts on demographic variable
- Table 1. Interpersonal style
- Table 2. Level of ego states based on gender
- Table 3. Level of ego states based on marital status
- Table 4. Level of ego states based on age group
- Table 5. Level of ego states based on experience
- Table 6. Overall level of ego states
- Table A1. Operating Effectiveness Quotient (OEQ)
- Table A2. OEQ norms
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