Testing the fruitfulness of the institutional environment for the development of innovative-entrepreneurial universities in Ukraine

  • Received October 10, 2019;
    Accepted November 25, 2019;
    Published December 20, 2019
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 17 2019, Issue #4, pp. 274-288
  • Cited by
    14 articles
  • Funding data
    Funder name: Ternopil National Economic University
    Funder identifier:
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Strengthening the integration of higher education, research, and innovation is a crucial requirement of time. The entrepreneurial university today is considered and analyzed as a promising model for their combination. The educational and scientific systems of many countries are faced with the task of converging all vertices of the “knowledge triangle.” The problem of Ukrainian educational and scientific system is a necessity to implement the concept of formation of the innovation and entrepreneurial model of a modern university, which will enable the effective implementation of administrative reforms in this field. The article aims to analyze the impact of innovative environmental factors on the development of entrepreneurial universities in Ukraine, based on correlation and panel regression analysis. The method of quantitative analysis (panel regression) is used to formulate the key results of the article. The results show that the growth of government expenditures by 1% leads to an increase in the Global Innovation Index by 0.375 in 4 years. Also, every additional 1% of people working with new technologies increases the level of Global Innovation Index by 0.75 annually. Despite European trends, Ukrainian educational environment does not contribute to the development of innovation and entrepreneurial universities (the education expenditures are ineffective). The research provides a vector for understanding the implementation of the most effective strategies of promising innovation and investment development of education and science in Ukrainian universities, considering their existing potential and contemporary world trends of development.

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    • Figure 1. Education and universities development
    • Figure 2. Government expenditure on education, 2000–2015
    • Figure 3. Histogram of the distribution of the share of education costs to the general budget of the countries
    • Figure 4. Dependence between the number of HEIs and the GII in Ukraine
    • Figure 5. Dependence between the number of students and the GII in Ukraine
    • Table 1. Global Innovation Index
    • Table 2. Model results – 1
    • Table 3. Human Resources in Science and Technology (HRST), % of active population
    • Table 4. Model results – 2