Relationship of generations X, Y, Z with new communication technologies
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #2 (cont. 3), pp. 557-563
- Cited by
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At present times, the impact of new technologies on job creation is going to be a serious problem in personnel management. In the human resources contents, this issue still remains in minor attention. As a result of new communication technologies development in the near future, we will be facing too many changes in working patterns and demands on staff regarding job requirements. Simultaneously with the above stated changes on labor market, a new generation of workers is emerging that grew up with the development of communication technologies, they profess different lifestyle from the one the generations have had before. Many of these generations become employers and bring new approaches to employment of people being different from traditional working patterns. Despite the facts being alleged in this study, it is difficult to estimate to what extent those changes will affect Slovak labor market. Gradual development of technologies is an ongoing process in Slovakia as well and in four years robotics is to be a key technology in most manufacturing plants mainly in automotive industry. Currently, three generations are present on labor market that may have a different approach to changes being implemented nowadays. In this study, the authors analyze the survey results on the use of communication technologies by Generations X, Y, Z, and their abilities to be prepared for changes on labor market. Survey provides interesting information about the access of different generations to communication technologies and their relationship with technical innovations.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J24, J11, J53
- Figure 1. The network map of the articles
- Table 1. The obtained data
- Table 2. ANOVA test results
- Table 3. The obtained data
- Table 4. ANOVA test results
- Table 5. The obtained data
- Table 6. ANOVA test results
- Table 7. The obtained data
- Table 8. ANOVA test results
- Table 9. The obtained data
- Table 10. ANOVA test results
- Table 11. The obtained data
- Table 12. ANOVA test results
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