Model of assessment of financial imbalances in regions of Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 16 2019, Issue #1, pp. 365-377
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The article analyzes the model of financial imbalances in the regions, which allows assessing the effects of implementing various options of the financial regional policy aimed at reducing the depth of the crisis in regional systems, smoothing cyclical fluctuations, leveling the levels of socioeconomic development of the territories.
The financial imbalances of regions of Ukraine are estimated on the basis such as indicators of gross regional product, gross regional product per capita, index of physical volume of gross regional product in comparative prices (in the prices of the previous year), economically active population by regions, population incomes, and level of capital investments by region. In the process of assessing the financial imbalances of the regions, a constant study of the structure of the fluctuations of the values of these indicators, was conducted determining the significance of each size in the overall structure and identifying the features of the system development in different ranges.
Based on the assessment of financial imbalances in the development of regions, the causes and consequences of significant imbalances in the economic system were identified, and directions for increasing the efficiency of regional policy were proposed. In turn, the assessment of financial imbalances in the regions makes it possible to consider the influence of factors on the development of regions, because in some cases, the regional socioeconomic system perceives positively, in others – negatively. Therefore, it must have elements that contribute to the transformation of its parameters in the conditions of changing environment and, at the same time, ensuring the maintenance of regional stability.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)C13, R13, R58
- Figure 1. Model for assessing financial imbalances in the development of regions
- Figure 2. Scorecard model for assessing financial imbalances of regions
- Figure 3. Dynamics of the share of regions in the gross regional product of Ukraine in 2013–2017
- Figure 4. Dynamics of the change in the share of the economically active population by regions for 2013–2017
- Table 1. Dynamics of the gross regional product of Ukraine and regions for 2013–2017
- Table 2. Dynamics of the gross regional product in the calculation per capita for 2013–2017
- Table 3. Dynamics of the index of physical volume of gross regional product in comparative prices (in prices of the previous year) for 2013–2017
- Table 4. The dynamics of economically active population by region for 2013–2017
- Table 5. Revenues by regions of Ukraine for 2013–2017
- Table 6. Dynamics of capital investments by regions for 2010–2017
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