Prospects for the innovative development of information technology in Ukraine during economic crisis
Article InfoVolume 13 2017, Issue #1, pp. 55-60
- Cited by
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Information technology is characterized by an increasing pace of development, a high level of innovation and an increasing share in the GDP of most countries. Similar tendencies are inherent in Ukraine. But it should be noted that the economic crisis in the country began in 2014 and the historical conditions of development cause a number of problems that slow down development and create barriers for the integration of the Ukrainian IT market with the world market. The article analyzes the current situation of information technology in Ukraine as the leading innovative industry and identifies the main system problems, as well as industry trends, and suggests solutions to enhance the international competitiveness of the country. Forecasts were created using extrapolation polynomial trendline construction models and by the construction of an artificial neural network. Based on actual and predicted values of the IT market volumes, the authors estimated the level of its future development using taxonomic analysis. The results enable interested parties to determine the risks and increase the effectiveness of management decisions in IT field.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G17, M15, O11
- Fig. 1. Dynamics of total GDP and the share of ICT in it for 2010-2015 (State Statistics Committee)
- Fig. 2. The structure of assimilated capital investments by economic activity types in 2015 (State Statistics Committee)
- Fig. 3. The index of investment attractiveness of Ukraine in 2010-2015 (European Business Association)
- Fig. 4. Predictive value of IT market volume according to polynomial trend line in 2016-2018
- Fig. 5. Predictive value of IT market volume according to logarithmic trend line in 2016-2018
- Fig. 6. Predictive value of IT market volume in 2016-2018
- Fig. 7. Dynamics of taxonomic indicator in 2010-2018
- Table 1. Ratio of exports and the total volume of produced goods and services in information technology industry in 2010-2015 (State Statistics Committee)
- Table 2. System problems in the development of IT sector in Ukraine and and their possible solutions
- Table 3. Artificial neural network model of the IT market in Ukraine
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